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Iran digging graves for US troops


Apr 4, 2009
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Iran has dug mass graves in which to bury U.S. troops in case of any American attack on the country, a former commander of the elite Revolutionary Guard said.

The digging of the graves appears to be a show of bravado after the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. Mike Mullen, said last week that the U.S. military has a contingency plan to attack Iran, although he thinks a military strike is probably a bad idea.

The U.S. and some of its allies accuse Iran of using its civilian nuclear program as a cover to build nuclear weapons. Iran has denied the charges, saying its nuclear program is geared merely toward generating electricity, not bomb.

Gen. Hossein Kan'ani Moghadam, who was the Guard's deputy commander during the 1980s, said graves have been dug in Iran's southwestern Khuzestan province, where Iran buried Iraqi soldiers killed during the ruinous 1980-88 war between the Islamic republic and Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein's regime.

"The mass graves that used to be for burying Saddam's soldiers have now been prepared again for U.S. soldiers, and this is the reason for digging this big number of graves," Moghadam told The Associated Press Television News late Monday. He did not say how many were prepared.

Footage obtained by APTN showed a large number of empty, freshly dug graves in a desert region of Khuzestan. The digging of the graves was first reported earlier this week by Iran's semiofficial news agency Fars.

Moghadam repeated warnings that Iran will retaliate against U.S. bases in the Gulf if there is an attack on Iran. The U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet headquarters is based just across the Gulf from Iran in Bahrain.

If U.S. forces attack, "Iran will have no choice but to strike the American bases in the region," he said. "The heavy costs of such a war will not be just on the Islamic Republic of Iran. America and other countries should accept that this would be the start of an extensive war in the region."

The war of words has intensified between Iran and the United States after the U.N. Security Council imposed a fourth round of tougher sanctions in June in response to Iran's refusal to halt uranium enrichment, a technology that can be used to produce nuclear fuel or material for an atomic bomb.

The U.S. and Israel have said military force could be used if diplomacy fails to stop what they suspect is an Iranian nuclear weapons program. posted in 7days News UAE

Source: Pakistan Ideology

Yeah yeah yeah, death to great satan. Heil hitler. Yawn...no wonder people treat Iran this way. Digging mass graves before the war has started...and inviting war upon yourself when you aren't even 5% ready...pure genius.
Really. Hilarious. .iran is full of propoganda
No iranians are sher kay bachay. I real nation not afraid of anything.

---------- Post added at 05:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:24 PM ----------

Zindabad Iran
Can you belive those retards are going to have nuclear weapons.

Who gave you the mandate to call them retards? I have been digging your posts lately and you should start to change your attitude. Use civilized language please.
Such chest thumping stunts and over confidence just doesn't only goes against moral values but also against Islam. Even if one is a super power his behavior should be polite!!

Its nothing but a cheap stunt showing over confidence and shows more of a faith in someone's own self rather than Allah, its nothing else but Takabur(which is itself haram)

Do we have any example of our Prophet (S.A.W) doing such stunts!! or making statements like Ahmedi Najad does!!! No.

On the other hand America, despite being the SuperPower, they never came up with statements like:

Im gonna blow You up,
Im gonna take you off the map.
Im gonna take the shyt out of you.

Keeping aside the reasons and US's intentions, their behavior is at least mature. Which makes it easier for them to convince their people that they are right and they fight wars for reasons.

When such dialogues becomes headlines of the news, they bring an impression to the world that NauzBillah Islam is a religion which only produces war thirsty fanatics!
Who gave you the mandate to call them retards? I have been digging your posts lately and you should start to change your attitude. Use civilized language please.

Perhaps I should have said mentally challenged, how would you like it if Indian was digging mass graves for Pakistanis.
Perhaps I should have said mentally challenged, how would you like it if Indian was digging mass graves for Pakistanis.

It would be appropriate because Gen Kayani would have given a completely inappropriate statement. Didn't you read the news or you are ignorant? It was American general who was talking about the war plan and in retaliation Iran decided to dig mass graves. Every action has a reaction! Had it been an Iranian Gov giving statements about war, your point would have been considered appropriate.
Well, I must Say if Us Attacked Iran its Going to be Start of world war III. And who Knows , they Might be digging mass graves for Pasdaran-i-inqlab. Whom actual strength is more then 10 million.
Can you belive those retards are going to have nuclear weapons.

Can you belove America has already got those and still allowed to exist? Even after it did Japan, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan? Who has Iranians attached in the last 200 years? Got some history?

After reading post like yours, I wish stupidity should be a punishable crime.
Perhaps I should have said mentally challenged, how would you like it if Indian was digging mass graves for Pakistanis.

If that happens, we will be as if nothing happened. We are not making plans to Attack India. Now do you see some difference between India digging Pakistani's graves and Iranian digging graves for Americans ?
first this is a repost.

Secondly this exercise was Iranian tit for tat physchological media war against america. Nothing to take it seriously.
If the retards like yakkies can have it who can even use it whats wrong with Iranians they are quite decent people
Well Indian digging graves or Pakistani digging graves for Indian would be a great moral boosting strategy on any side.
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