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Iran Develops Ballistic Missiles to Hit Moving Naval Targets

Yep. The sensor and integrated kill chains are the secretive and difficult parts. Not just detecting targets but feeding targeting information to guidance and getting through the many layers and forms of ESM.

Protecting how the kill chain works is of highest importance and of course improving its resilience against US attacks or disruptions to those kill chains using electronic, cyber, or kinetic means.
Detecting the ships would be an issue. China has a similar strategy and there was a seperate thread about it. One option was they would use a satellite constellation network to detect the ships. However satellites would work only for the first strike. Aegis abm can also target leo satellites. Better option would be to use stealth drones like Rq 170 class patrolling suspected areas with a radar-ir sensor to detect and track the ships. Another option is using underwater gliders which are slow but are hard to be detected and have pretty long ranges like several 1000s kms. They can act as sensors to detect and track ships continiously to guide the missile attack.

Escalation options can vary depending on the attack and threat level. It is possible to disable the carrier by damaging the runway with a cluster munition warhead instead of taking out huge chunk of it with the personnel inside which would be a higher escalatory response. Ashbm generally has active radar seeker. It can also be used in anti radar mode(coupled with radar mode as it is eady to use decoys) to target aegis seekers again with cluster ammunition to disable its sensors. The response can change with the planned escalation level you dont need to go all in with full destructive option but if it is required it can be the option as well.
Seems like the underlying issue is the kill chain will be degraded quickly and the chain is very sensitive. Once you lose your means to track shipping, your missiles also lose significant value.

I think this is where Iran would have to rely on let's say, "potential friends" that are not involved in the conflict to provided guidance and targeting coordinates. I'm sure in some post-Ukraine war reality, Russia would be very much inclined to direct its space assets in service.
Seems like the underlying issue is the kill chain will be degraded quickly and the chain is very sensitive. Once you lose your means to track shipping, your missiles also lose significant value.

I think this is where Iran would have to rely on let's say, "potential friends" that are not involved in the conflict to provided guidance and targeting coordinates. I'm sure in some post-Ukraine war reality, Russia would be very much inclined to direct its space assets in service.
EW is the new threat in the field.I wonder if US have EW assets powerful enough to jamm satellite communication?If they have,This will seriously enhance the survivability of their Naval Fleet.
Without NUKES, Missiles are useless.

Without NUKES, Pistols are useless.
Without NUKES, Rifles are useless.
Without NUKES, Artillery are useless.
Without NUKES, Tanks are useless.
Without NUKES, Drones are useless.
Without NUKES, Jet fighters are useless.
Detecting the ships would be an issue. China has a similar strategy and there was a seperate thread about it. One option was they would use a satellite constellation network to detect the ships. However satellites would work only for the first strike. Aegis abm can also target leo satellites. Better option would be to use stealth drones like Rq 170 class patrolling suspected areas with a radar-ir sensor to detect and track the ships. Another option is using underwater gliders which are slow but are hard to be detected and have pretty long ranges like several 1000s kms. They can act as sensors to detect and track ships continiously to guide the missile attack.
Your idea to use underwater gliders for detection and tracking sounds like something straight out of the IRGC handbook. The IRGC-N unveiled an autonomous underwater torpedo last year:
A autonomous, long-range, underwater surveillance glider doesn't seem too far-fetched and should be feasible. Such underwater gliders could work in parallel with LO flying-wing UAVs (e.g. Shahed-181) to ensure a continuous long-range tracking capability of surface ships even after OTH radars and surveillance satellites have been taken out by the enemy.

Iran Develops Ballistic Missiles to Hit Moving Naval Targets​

Iran Develops Ballistic Missiles to Hit Moving Naval Targets

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s highest-ranking military commander said the country has manufactured an advanced ballistic missile that can hit moving targets in the sea.​

In comments on Monday, Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri said Iran has gained the technical know-how to produce ballistic missiles capable of hitting moving naval units.
The missile has been tested successfully and is being mass produced, he added, noting that Iran is now among the only three countries in the world that have the know-how to manufacture these missiles.
The top general also said that the new missile will ensure remarkable security at the seas around Iran within a radius of over 1,000 kilometers.
The ballistic missile that streaks in outer space with a speed of Mach 8 and has a range of 1,500 kilometers can hit moving targets with pinpoint accuracy, the commander explained, saying hostile aircraft carriers and warships will not be safe anymore at a distance of 1,500 kilometers from the Iranian coasts.
In November 2022, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Aerospace Force manufactured a new hypersonic ballistic missile that can penetrate sophisticated air defense systems. The ballistic missile has a high velocity and can maneuver below and above the Earth’s atmosphere.
Iran has in recent years made great headways in manufacturing a broad range of military equipment, including air defense systems that use cutting edge technologies.

US has developed that can hit moving generals.
Without NUKES, Pistols are useless.
Without NUKES, Rifles are useless.
Without NUKES, Artillery are useless.
Without NUKES, Tanks are useless.
Without NUKES, Drones are useless.
Without NUKES, Jet fighters are useless.

Big example is Japan was not ready to end the war,
Yes, Drop Bombs, War Ended.

Will you fight with Pistols, Rifles if Rvial country is nuking you?
If you have nukes, Highly chances War will not start.

Russia is attacking on Ukraine, but not France, or UK
If they were not NATO member, Russia will not attack.

US attacked N. Korea in Past, when they get NUKES, US does not dare to attack on N. Korea.
Another good thing about underwater gliders is it is able to detect submarines as well as ships. They can use active sonar or a swarm of them can use passive sonar to detect ships - submarines alike.

Similar to long range anti ship ballistic missile an anti-submarine long range weapon can be a cruise missile carrying a mini-torpedo or two under it. The cruise missile does not need a warhead or sophisticated sensors on its nose. This can open weight to carry a mini-torpedo or two under its body or its nose section can be a torpedo that separates and dives under water when it gets close to the target. It just needs to release the torpedo around several kms near the detected submarine.

Without NUKES, Pistols are useless.
Without NUKES, Rifles are useless.
Without NUKES, Artillery are useless.
Without NUKES, Tanks are useless.
Without NUKES, Drones are useless.
Without NUKES, Jet fighters are useless.

There is minimum mutually assured destructive concept of Iran against israel. Once incoming icbms are detected you can be sure that israel would be a radioactive inhabitable wasteland. There are many radioactive materials that can be used inside missiles and many of them are commerical used in X-rays-health cancer treatment etc. and it is not that difficult. Depleted(or not depleted at all) uranium rods(or mini bullets or better mini uranium/Cobalt 60 etc. praticles as radioactive dust for area dispersion option. Cobalt 60 can be artificially produced as well) can also be used in cruise missiles or ballistic missiles with the claim of it is for bunker busting option but warhead can be anything like for example Cobalt 60 dust. It is not the same as destruction via nuclear and it would be stupid to use this as a first strike option but for deterrance an inhabitable israel is unaccaptable for Usa so they simply cannot use nukes as a first strike option for this inhabitable israel area denial option not to happen. It is minimum deterrance but still a deterrance. Also a nuclear attack radioactive fallout would trigger Pakistan-Indian nuclear exchange or similar type of issues. They will try first to defang Pakistan from its nukes to not to risk these kinds of issues later on.
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Pls shed more light. AShBM is something new, especially the ability to target a moving target

To complete my previous post, I should add that prior to general Baqeri's announcement this week, in 2021 Iran having tested a ballistic missile with a range of 1800 km against a simulated naval target.


What's more, Iranian military officials told media some time back that there are plans for arming navy ships with ballistic missiles if my memory serves. Currently there's speculation as to whether the reported 2000 kilometer ranged missiles on the Shahid Mahdavi, the IRGC's newly unveiled heavy multi-purpose warship, are cruise or ballistic missiles.

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AShBM is something new,
Not new actually.
China started this.

Now Anti Ship Ballistic Missile technology is going to be globalized.

Our P282 missile project is infact local production of Chinese CM 401 with Transfer of technology.
It has on board radar for guidance.
Top speed is mach 6
But terminal speed is mach 2 so have acceptable capability to maneuver and hit the target.
(Similar to Brahmose at terminal stage)
Advantages of AshBM
1) they are not slow like Subsonic cruise missiles, thus a cost effective way to readily hit the ship as soon as it is detected

2) Super Sonic cruise missiles are highly complex and expensive.Ramjet engine technology is not that common and expensive&time consuming to master.
So Anti Ship Ballistic Missiles are an alternative to Supersonic AshCMs.
They can cost effectively attain mach 4-8 speed and a good force multiplier for anti ship arsenal.

Usually, modern Subsonic and Supersonic cruise missiles have ECM,jamming resistance and RAM coatings thus making them difficult to detect in cruising stage
While Anti Ship Ballistic Missile will be detected from Far away
And there are no anti jamming &ECM sensors on board to overcome EW threat.
They can't hit the ships that can move with above 20knots speed.
So AShBM, though good force multipliers still can't replace Anti Ship Supersonic and Subsonic cruise missiles.
All US fleet in middle east are just an easy target for iran.
Do you think that US fleet is composed of defense barges?

There is a lot more to targeting moving ships in an open oceanic environment then controlled experiments seem to show.

American warships such as destroyers and cruisers are stacked with an assortment of rapid-firing hard-kill, soft-kill, and EW solutions and an array of sophisticated sensor systems that allow detection and tracking of various types of threats to engage and defeat them in timely fashion. These are very expensive and capable warships shaped by decades of operational experience in open seas and in response to perceived threats emanating from around the world.

If a bunch of third world countries could neuter kinetic options of a superpower, the world would have been a different place.

All I see in this thread is Cold War era stuff getting new paint jobs for boasting in Public domains. Just check those older American and Soviet rocket manuals.

Conventional war is complex business. It isn't remotely simple like a game where you see an object and simply click on it to kill it.
Iran needs constellation of satellites to taget ships with missiles.
It would be suicidal for Iran to sink a US aircraft carrier without having ICBM's that can target US mainland.

The chances are very high that US will go nuclear if a aircraft carrier is sunk or damaged. Not because the loss of 5000 sailors would be to much, but rather the humiliation it would face.
I think that's exactly what USA [ruling elite] wanted when they did provocations to Iran.
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