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Iran Develops Ballistic Missiles to Hit Moving Naval Targets

lydian fall

Feb 11, 2022
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Iran Develops Ballistic Missiles to Hit Moving Naval Targets​

Iran Develops Ballistic Missiles to Hit Moving Naval Targets

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s highest-ranking military commander said the country has manufactured an advanced ballistic missile that can hit moving targets in the sea.​

In comments on Monday, Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri said Iran has gained the technical know-how to produce ballistic missiles capable of hitting moving naval units.
The missile has been tested successfully and is being mass produced, he added, noting that Iran is now among the only three countries in the world that have the know-how to manufacture these missiles.
The top general also said that the new missile will ensure remarkable security at the seas around Iran within a radius of over 1,000 kilometers.
The ballistic missile that streaks in outer space with a speed of Mach 8 and has a range of 1,500 kilometers can hit moving targets with pinpoint accuracy, the commander explained, saying hostile aircraft carriers and warships will not be safe anymore at a distance of 1,500 kilometers from the Iranian coasts.
In November 2022, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Aerospace Force manufactured a new hypersonic ballistic missile that can penetrate sophisticated air defense systems. The ballistic missile has a high velocity and can maneuver below and above the Earth’s atmosphere.
Iran has in recent years made great headways in manufacturing a broad range of military equipment, including air defense systems that use cutting edge technologies.

Iran's been felding AShBM for at least 12 years already and they don't look like anything in China's arsenal.
Pls shed more light. AShBM is something new, especially the ability to target a moving target
It would be suicidal for Iran to sink a US aircraft carrier without having ICBM's that can target US mainland.

The chances are very high that US will go nuclear if a aircraft carrier is sunk or damaged. Not because the loss of 5000 sailors would be to much, but rather the humiliation it would face.
It would be suicidal for Iran to sink a US aircraft carrier without having ICBM's that can target US mainland.

The chances are very high that US will go nuclear if a aircraft carrier is sunk or damaged. Not because the loss of 5000 sailors would be to much, but rather the humiliation it would face.

Make sure before that North Korea or even Latin American countries will nuke American cities

No offense to your people, but if we had thought like your heads we had been bombed by US drones for two decades
Pls shed more light. AShBM is something new, especially the ability to target a moving target

Iran first unveiled an anti-ship ballistic missile in 2008. The Khalije Fars (Persian Gulf) solid fueled AShBM is said to be a development of the Fateh-110 SRBM. With a range of around 300 km, its accuracy was progressively improved from a CEP of 30 to 8,5 and now to between 1 and 2 meters. These missiles in fact follow a quasi-ballistic trajectory and are fired from road-mobile TEL launchers. There's been some discussion as to the exact nature of their guidance system, which involves electro-optical devices. Speed is reported to reach between Mach 4 and 5.

Footage from several tests of the Khalije Fars have been shown on national television since 2008, including against moving targets.

Here's an article which summarizes it quite well in my opinion:


It highlights how Khalije Fars has nothing much in common with China's DF-21D. At the time of writing in 2016 these were the only AShBM's in service.

A news report from 2013:

In the framework of saturation strikes on enemy vessels combining cruise missiles, anti-ship ballistic missiles and (suicide) drones, the value of such a weapon seems clear. It fits naturally into Iran's asymmetric defense doctrine which has strongly contributed to deterring military aggression by the USA regime.

Some additional pictures and a video:






On the last photograph, Khalij Fars is the blue one in the middle. To the right is either Hormuz-1 or Hormuz-2 ballistic missile.

The latter are anti-radiation ballistic missiles designed for use against both naval and land targets. Unveiled in 2014, their main technical data are similar to those of the Khalije Fars but their guidance systems are obviously different.








The latest announcement by IRGC general Baqeri quoted in the original post is for an entirely new system with a range of 1500 km and a speed of Mach 8. To attain such a range, Iran must have found a solution to detect and track vessels this far out from her shores while guiding the missile onto them.

Hope this helps.
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+Make sure before that North Korea or even Latin American countries will nuke American cities

No offense to your people, but if we had thought like your heads we had been bombed by US drones for two decades
Why do you get so triggered by a comment which was not even meant as a insult? Wtf is wrong with you?

No offence to your people, but I have to remind you that the US is responsible for the deaths of over 300,000 Iranian soldiers and civilians during the Iraq war, including tens of thousands of deaths due to the widespread use of chemical weapons, fully backed by the US, even publicly through their vetoes of UNSC resolutions about Iraqi use of chemical weapons. I am using official statistics only, some unofficial stats claim that over 500,000 Iranians were killed in the 8 years of the Iraq-Iran war and the US is a main culprit there.

Also did not tiny Israel which is 1/10th the size of your country bomb Isfahan a month ago while your military was sleeping? Lol
Why do you get so triggered by a comment which was not even meant as a insult? Wtf is wrong with you?

No offence to your people, but I have to remind you that the US is responsible for the deaths of over 300,000 Iranian soldiers and civilians during the Iraq war, including tens of thousands of deaths due to the widespread use of chemical weapons, fully backed by the US, even publicly through their vetoes of UNSC resolutions about Iraqi use of chemical weapons. I am using official statistics only, some unofficial stats claim that over 500,000 Iranians were killed in the 8 years of the Iraq-Iran war and the US is a main culprit there.

Also did not tiny Israel which is 1/10th the size of your country bomb Isfahan a month ago while your military was sleeping? Lol

I know your brown azzz is too jealous

However just know it that tiny quadcopter came from Iran NOT Palestine and Iranian drones bombed illegal American base in Syria and 3 Israeli ships in Oman sea

You and whole traitor Muslim regimes can never dream about throwing an arrow towards these dogs
Just a day after their was a NOTAM about missile firing taking place. This was announced. Decent chance they tested it this week.

Here's the question for this.....how much kinetic energy do you have to kill in order to allow your guidance method to operate properly in the terminal phase, and then having to deal with SM-6 in the final phase if SM-3 exo-atmospheric is avoided.

Perhaps the main goal is saturation & decoys rather than outright defeat.
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It would be suicidal for Iran to sink a US aircraft carrier without having ICBM's that can target US mainland.

The chances are very high that US will go nuclear if a aircraft carrier is sunk or damaged. Not because the loss of 5000 sailors would be to much, but rather the humiliation it would face.
US fifth fleet in Persian gulf is strong enough to pummel Iranian Navy and cities day and Night without any need for a Nuclear weapon.
Detecting the ships would be an issue. China has a similar strategy and there was a seperate thread about it. One option was they would use a satellite constellation network to detect the ships. However satellites would work only for the first strike. Aegis abm can also target leo satellites. Better option would be to use stealth drones like Rq 170 class patrolling suspected areas with a radar-ir sensor to detect and track the ships. Another option is using underwater gliders which are slow but are hard to be detected and have pretty long ranges like several 1000s kms. They can act as sensors to detect and track ships continiously to guide the missile attack.

Escalation options can vary depending on the attack and threat level. It is possible to disable the carrier by damaging the runway with a cluster munition warhead instead of taking out huge chunk of it with the personnel inside which would be a higher escalatory response. Ashbm generally has active radar seeker. It can also be used in anti radar mode(coupled with radar mode as it is eady to use decoys) to target aegis seekers again with cluster ammunition to disable its sensors. The response can change with the planned escalation level you dont need to go all in with full destructive option but if it is required it can be the option as well.
Detecting the ships would be an issue. China has a similar strategy and there was a seperate thread about it. One option was they would use a satellite constellation network to detect the ships. However satellites would work only for the first strike. Aegis abm can also target leo satellites. Better option would be to use stealth drones like Rq 170 class patrolling suspected areas with a radar-ir sensor to detect and track the ships. Another option is using underwater gliders which are slow but are hard to be detected and have pretty long ranges like several 1000s kms. They can act as sensors to detect and track ships continiously to guide the missile attack.

Escalation options can vary depending on the attack and threat level. It is possible to disable the carrier by damaging the runway with a cluster munition warhead instead of taking out huge chunk of it with the personnel inside which would be a higher escalatory response. Ashbm generally has active radar seeker. It can also be used in anti radar mode(coupled with radar mode as it is eady to use decoys) to target aegis seekers again with cluster ammunition to disable its sensors. The response can change with the planned escalation level you dont need to go all in with full destructive option but if it is required it can be the option as well.

Yep. The sensor and integrated kill chains are the secretive and difficult parts. Not just detecting targets but feeding targeting information to guidance and getting through the many layers and forms of ESM.

Protecting how the kill chain works is of highest importance and of course improving its resilience against US attacks or disruptions to those kill chains using electronic, cyber, or kinetic means.

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