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Iran destroys Israel (israeli propaganda)

You don't know the truth, and what racism???

Who claims to be God's Chosen people?

Is this not racism:

Chinese "Gentile" Workers not allowed to marry or have sex with Israeli prostitutes: Guardian

Dude !! iam not talking in favor of Israelis...iam talking about ur claim that what Hitler did was good...
For ur kind information iam in favor of Palestine getting full statehood as does Israel..

But iam in no way supporting a monster like Hitler who killed millions of people for his amusement..and people who support him are nothing short of crazy,,,

and to ur point that racism..so do many muslims who claim to be superior to non-muslims...and this is actually enshrined in many muslim countries consitutions...

Conversion to Islam was encouraged by entitling converts to inherit the entire share of their parents (or even uncle's) estate if their siblings (or cousins) remain non-Muslim.
Dude !! iam not talking in favor of Israelis...iam talking about ur claim that what Hitler did was good...
For ur kind information iam in favor of Palestine getting full statehood as does Israel..

But iam in no way supporting a monster like Hitler who killed millions of people for his amusement..and people who support him are nothing short of crazy,,,

I also support and two state solution, i believe that Israel does have the right to exist now that its there, but the six million lie should end.
Every intelligent person here knows that Iran is a terror sponsoring country which shamelessly targets civilians because they are too cowardly to engage the Israeli Defense forces or the USA army head on.

Sadly if this is your definition of intelligence then sorry there are no intelligent people here on this forum.
To give people a glimpse of the humiliation Germany went through, i will post one of my old posts from another thread:

"First of all, i find it very amusing that the people who despise the Western regimes for invading Muslim countries, killing innocent Muslims, supporting regimes that also kill innocent people, and for the negative propaganda about Muslim countries (in this case, Pakistan in particular), however these same people believe the nonsense western propaganda about Germany during WW2, this is what i call hypocrisy. On one hand your denying the propaganda against Pakistan, but on the other hand you believe the lies about the NAZI's? Double standards at its best.

The NAZI's were National Socialists, they turned Germany into a economically stable country, they provided jobs to the jobless, homes to the homeless, under National Socialism Germany was the first country to pull itself out of the great depression. By 1936, while countries like US and Britain didn't have enough jobs for their men, Germany didn't have enough men for its jobs. National Socialist provided youth programs to keep the German youth away from drugs, crimes, gangs, and to encourage family life in German society.

Now what pissed off the west? Germany under National Socialism became an example of a stable and prosperous country during a time when the rest of the world was still in economic depression, it basically provided an alternative system to Capitalism and Bolshevik Communism, not only this, but Germany no longer depended on international banks to bail itself out of the depression and to pay its debt (much like how today Pakistan depends on the IMF), interest and usury was also abolished under National Socialism in Germany.

Now you might think that this is no big deal, but it is of the utmost importance to understand that before the National Socialists came to power, Germany was an occupied country, you had foreign ideologies trying to make their way into the minds of young Germans, you had rampant crime, prostitution, drugs smuggling, homelessness, joblessness, people dieing of hunger and malnutrition, you had a country that was stripped of its pride and dignity, humiliated and blamed for a war it did not even start. Chunks of German land were annexed by its neighboring countries.

Since Pakistan is already blamed for supporting terrorism (even though NATO supported al-ciada in Libya), now imagine Pakistan gets invaded, its armed forces cut down to a very small size to an extent that they are as good as useless, indian troops are allowed to occupy Punjab, Kashmir is annexed by india, and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is given to Afghanistan, Balochistan becomes a independent country, and what is left of Pakistan is forced to pay trillions of dollars for reparations even though its economy is in shambles, therefore it plunges into immense poverty and the middle class is completely destroyed,now imagine if a close relative of yours had to resort to crime or prostitution in order to make a living in such difficult and humiliating conditions which were imposed on your country and countrymen by foreign powers. Now you tell me."
so realistically neither is Israel ever gonna use their bombs and neither Iran or any other country with nukes.

You are half correct, no nation would use nuclear weapons against other nuclear nation, however Iran most likely isnt nuclear, and both US and Israel said they probably will use them against Iran, and they could get away with it. Remember how Hussein used WMD (supplied by US, UK and France) against Iran, and nobody said anything? This could happen again.
What delusional people, Iran will cease to exist the day they even dare aim a ballistic missile on Israel.

You must be smoking some stuff. Even smaller groups that attacked Israel with missiles do exist.
You are half correct, no nation would use nuclear weapons against other nuclear nation, however Iran most likely isnt nuclear, and both US and Israel said they probably will use them against Iran, and they could get away with it. Remember how Hussein used WMD (supplied by US, UK and France) against Iran, and nobody said anything? This could happen again.

Wrong, no nuclear nation would use nuclear weapons against another nuclear nation with more than 20 ICBMs that can reach it or its allies.

Its perfectly acceptable to take 1 or 2 ICBMs in exchange for wiping the enemy out. That's just the cost of war. That's why both Pakistan and India need ICBMs, relying on the charity of Anglos not to nuke you :lol: is folly.
You are half correct, no nation would use nuclear weapons against other nuclear nation, however Iran most likely isnt nuclear, and both US and Israel said they probably will use them against Iran, and they could get away with it. Remember how Hussein used WMD (supplied by US, UK and France) against Iran, and nobody said anything? This could happen again.

Like what you did there.
mr.Tiger.can you explain more why Iran can't match Israel?
It seems like Israel is no match for Iran. Israel been saying that they will attack Iran for years now, and it seems like its just talk. Now, all they want is their daddy to attack Iran for them, How pitiful ?!
Also, Israel is a 60 years old nation, and it won't last for 60 more, while Iran is a great nation with great histroy, and you say Iran is no match for Israel ? Plz!!
Again, my ancestors been in Egypt for more than 7000 years
You failed to prove this silly claim. Repeating does not make your arguments stronger at all.

My Passport prove so.
Unbelieavable how dumb you are. According to you American passport proves that ones ancestors lived in America for 7000 years? Passport proves nothing.

No, Egyptians were not enslaved
Unlike Jews. Egyptans were slaves for many thousands of years. They were enslaved by various nations. Starting from Hyksos and ending by Mamlukes. Brits also forsed you to work in slavery conditions to build canal for example. Thousands of Egyptians died to build canal and now Israeli ships sail through it.

You got no land, you stole something, and you will be forced to give it back, like it or not!!
You Arabs stole lands of many people. Israel is ours, even your Arab Koran says so. You tried to steal Israel from us, but you miserably failed on and on despite huge numerical superiority. Thats why you hate Israel so much.

After we killed a big percentage of your population.
0.08% (together with Syrians) is big percent? You are still ashamed to put the list of your killed in that war, because its so huge.

Also, it forced you to give back Sinai, regardless of the mistakes that me made in the war. Who controls Sinai now ? Who did before 1973 war ?
Israel returned Sinai for peace agreement in 1982. Egypt refused to make peace talks with Israel before 1973.

Your army head says that your army miserably failed in 1973. Whats the point to argue here?
First goal was achieved, Egypt controlled 193 KM across the Suez Canal, 12-15 KM deep inside Sinai. Egypt gained way more and that what it gave up, do the math...
Do the math? Lets do the math, indeed:

By the end of the war, the Israelis had advanced to positions some 101 kilometers from Egypt's capital, Cairo, and occupied 1,600 square kilometers west of the Suez Canal.[141] They had also cut the Cairo-Suez road and encircled the bulk of Egypt's Third Army. The Israelis had also taken many prisoners after Egyptian soldiers, including many officers, began surrending in masses towards the end of the war.[142] The Egyptians held a narrow strip on the east bank of the canal, occupying some 1,200 square kilometers of the Sinai.[143] One source estimated that the Egyptians had 70,000 men, 720 tanks and 994 artillery pieces on the east bank of the canal.[144] However, between 30,000 to 45,000 of them were now encircled by the Israelis.[145][146]
(From Wikipedia)

The Egyptians took control of 1,200 square miles. The Israelis now controlled 1,600 square miles. I wonder - what's bigger? 1,600 or 1,200? I'll leave the thinking for you. Meanwhile, look at the illustration - which clearly shows Israelis held more newly conquered territory than the Egyptians:

Second was party achieved since the war lasted for about 3 weeks, compared to 6 days in the previous war.
Just because the war was longer, doesn't mean the war is longest possible. Due to fear from having Cairo occupied and the 3rd Army destroyed, the Egyptians - after being utterly defeated, were forced to sign cease fire.

The rest of your post isn't really worth response to. You are dripping of Arab propaganda.
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