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'Iran could be the Germany of the Middle East'

Being the best and strongest country in ME in what cost ?

In cost of being behaved as animals and sucking Americans' D!CK ?

What do you know about Iran before the revolution that lets you to judge the revolution and Islamic republic so rudely ?

Unlike you that think more religion ( Islam ) = more backwards , I do believe that this religion and it's values can save a country if performed rightly .

Its embarrassing to see people put their own culture , ideology and traditions in grave and follow the western sort of it and worse when they are proud of that too .
sorry man we dont have gas or oil.. it is not easy to feed 75 million people..most of your income come from oil..
so what does turkey suppose to do? fight with west or us and become somali? who gonna help us maybe iran ????
easy to talk .. it is not hurt to be same side with strongest until you get stronger and the strongest..you are right about sucking d.ck. for now!
Iran can be in top, If the Parliament be in higher position than others in the country which means always people decide about the country, not a man who has not responsibility for his decisions and decides for everything for decades.
What would happen if Iran would come to an agreement with the IAEA?
The door would be open for Iran or not?
If IRAN will be the germany of middle east, then US is not sleeping. Last 15 days they have got order from middle east of 120 Billion Dollar defense items, that will be given to Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. They are creating a panic among arab countries to fight with each other and when they will become weak. they will capture it. It is all foreign international policies prepared for next 20 years by them.

oh god u people still think americans are crusaders trying to capture their holy land .damn ur knoweldge is greater
are you kidding me body? iran is not middle east:):) maybe not on map..
Iran is not ethnically related to them and they are considered to be in South Asia and part of the Middle East which some others say.

Iran is not ethnically related to them and they are considered to be in South Asia and part of the Middle East which some others say.

map can show iran in asia.this does not make sense.iran is part of middle eastern like turkey...

turkey is not intersted to become apart of middle east they are trying hard to become a part of europe

like indian who try to go canada and us for better life
Iran is not ethnically related to them and they are considered to be in South Asia and part of the Middle East which some others say.


Is not considered to be in South Asia. Not even close.

Iran is an West-Asian country.

The 'Middle East' is an British invention.
sorry man we dont have gas or oil.. it is not easy to feed 75 million people..most of your income come from oil..
so what does turkey suppose to do? fight with west or us and become somali? who gonna help us maybe iran ????
easy to talk .. it is not hurt to be same side with strongest until you get stronger and the strongest..you are right about sucking d.ck. for now!

I'm not talking about Turkey , I'm talking about Iran before and after the revolution .

Turkey today is far better than Iran before the revolution cos you got your economy and are more independent than Iran before the revolution , Our country was controlled by the US and Iranians had no control over it . in other words Iran and people indie it were a tool for Americans . The purpose of arming and organizing our Army and selling the most advanced weapons to Iran was not for sake of Iranians They sold us them in order to resist for 3 days against Soviet unions ( In probable war ) to let the US and NATO to get ready to counter them . It means they had a military base in Iran with our own money .

Its just 1 of them , I'm not in the mood to write more but you can ask other Iranians or search to get more .
Iran has a lot of potential, we have a young population that's highly educated. We have resources. We have good infrastructure. We are open minded. etc..

Although I have to warn you that the western press and politicians always try to downplay the sanctions and contribute everything to "mismanagement", which is not entirely true.

A lot of industries in Iran are destroyed because of these Sanctions. One example is Airline industry.

But ultimately, politicians at home bear the responsibility for not giving enough freedom to young talent within Iran to flourish.

but keep in mind, Iran has a lot of problems and these problems will NOT go away anytime soon.

I was in Tehran for 10 days and returned just last Friday. All I can say is that I was amazed at the infrastructure. The last I had traveled to Iran was about 30 years ago. There is no hint of any suppression, the general atmosphere is content an happy. I got the impression that they do not care about sanctions, they are happy in their world.

Everything was in perfect harmony, the roads, markets, civic infrastructure, tap water (Hotel), electricity and overall obedience of law was amazing. Going from Pakistan, I was under the impression that I was going to a country which has been under sanctions for 10 years or so and must be backwards. I was quite wrong.

Let me give you guys 1 example, the overhead pedestrian bridges, to cross over to the other side of the traffic, actually had escalators!!! That's something that I haven't seen even in Europe/UAE etc. And support for their president, both the outgoing and incoming, was patriotically at its peak.

Under sanctions, that's how good and content they are, I wonder what they can do outside of sanctions.
Iran doesn't have the capabilities to refine its own oil products let alone comparing it to Germany :lol:

They didn't even come up with an aircraft :lol: , are you seriously going to put Iran in par with Pakistan's JF-17 thunder? :lol:

And my friend, what is your country's achievement......apart from bending over for the US?
And my friend, what is your country's achievement......apart from bending over for the US?

My country never bragged about its weight, achievements, and objectives. Unlike Iran, KSA always manages to keep its mouth shut.

I suppose it won't take a nation of you Sir to google up my country's achievemnts over the years.

Here is a sample

Cheers :wave:
I was in Tehran for 10 days and returned just last Friday. All I can say is that I was amazed at the infrastructure. The last I had traveled to Iran was about 30 years ago. There is no hint of any suppression, the general atmosphere is content an happy. I got the impression that they do not care about sanctions, they are happy in their world.

Everything was in perfect harmony, the roads, markets, civic infrastructure, tap water (Hotel), electricity and overall obedience of law was amazing. Going from Pakistan, I was under the impression that I was going to a country which has been under sanctions for 10 years or so and must be backwards. I was quite wrong.

Let me give you guys 1 example, the overhead pedestrian bridges, to cross over to the other side of the traffic, actually had escalators!!! That's something that I haven't seen even in Europe/UAE etc. And support for their president, both the outgoing and incoming, was patriotically at its peak.

Under sanctions, that's how good and content they are, I wonder what they can do outside of sanctions.

Thank you for this lovely comment :)

but most Iranian people are against escalators, we much rather have actual stairs to get some exercise.
if we keep those escalators, this will be the future of all Iranian people.

Fat Iranian boy kid, baby born 3kg, child 20kg at 7 months! - YouTube
(this baby, has a genetic disorder, but obesity rates have reached a record high in iran)

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