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Iran Claims It Has Produced Laser-Guided Shells

Imran Bhai, take it easy. It is only good if Iran develops its own technology and not be dependent on outside sources. After all they are in a serious situation and are directly challenging US in a very complicated political game. They are literally betting on their lives in order to save their honor and independence. I really hope Pakistan could do the same and stop all the drone attacks and humiliation handed to it by US.
Imran Bhai, take it easy. It is only good if Iran develops its own technology and not be dependent on outside sources. After all they are in a serious situation and are directly challenging US in a very complicated political game. They are literally betting on their lives in order to save their honor and independence. I really hope Pakistan could do the same and stop all the drone attacks and humiliation handed to it by US.

i admit it in my post i am not hater of iran or any country . but really its my point of view that state should be welfare and for public not security state and i admit it pakistan is also security state which is wrong . but still my best wishes to iran and Iranians
i admit it in my post i am not hater of iran or any country . but really its my point of view that state should be welfare and for public not security state and i admit it pakistan is also security state which is wrong . but still my best wishes to iran and Iranians

I agree too. But the problem is that some times situation arises when outside invaders want to come into your home, kill you, enslave your children, steal your belongings and rape the women. In such a case it is better to sacrifice and make sure you have security than more butter. All great countries have had such durations in their history. Every day is not a jolly day in history. As for Iran, still their defense budget is just 2.5% of their GDP which is really small specially when you compare it to the fact that Iran spends almost 6% on education and more than 5% on health and almost another one percent on R&D. If they do not spend even that little money on their defense then they will pay in blood and honor. We are not living in a perfect world unfortunately.
In case of Pakistan too, we have security issues as well, which are legit. Yes, we have poverty. But that can be tackled even without compromising security through good economic policies for example investing in mining sector, surgical instruments sector, sportsware and textile sectors etc etc. If we try to cut our meager defense budget and spend it on buying butter, the end result is not going to be beautiful.
Well, It's because the 10 day Dawn celebrations of the victory of the 1979 revolution is coming up, and it's also because of the European imposed sanctions on Iran. We're in a dispute with global powers, not only India.
And also we need to grow our strength to neutralize the EU And the US levers against us. You can't sit at the negotiation table if you have no power.

"You can't sit at the negotiation table if you have no power." Nice line. :tup:
can somebody tell me why producing some artillery shells is becoming
a security state , but spending Billions of Dollars on buying military equipment
from usa is not considered as becoming security state.

by the way I wonder which country in middle east spent less percentage of it's GDP
on military than Iran

---------- Post added at 12:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:13 AM ----------

can somebody tell me why producing some artillery shells is becoming
a security state , but spending Billions of Dollars on buying military equipment
from usa is not considered as becoming security state.

by the way I wonder which country in middle east spent less percentage of it's GDP
on military than Iran
well laser designator is not that big they can penetrate behind enemy line and use
I guess that they didn't used this system on longer range ammunition is more due
to the fact those are faster and harder to stir left and right or maybe bigger stress at
launch time that damage the electronic inside so they decide to use it on this shell
and later when they managed to improve it more then use it in longer range weapons.

Yes, that is certainly possible as artillery shells have to stand large g-forces upto thousands of G's. Surely it takes its toll on electronics inside which has to be re-inforced to be able to withstand high acceleration and pressures.

As for security, well, it is just hypothetical, that is if we were living in a perfect world where no body was threatening another and everything was peaceful all the money spent on weapons could be spent on other important stuff eg. cancer research etc. But obviously we are not living in such a world and there are still fascist imperialist colonial powers who want to steal and rape other nations.
only 3 countries have this technology by themselves : russia , US , IRAN :coffee:
Impressive. Considering they have been under sanctions for so many years.
This gives Iranian military a new capability. It is very apparent Iran is working hard to make up for it's short fall in Air Force. Iran has a very large amount of artillery this will serve it very well.
no ... Sweden, France and Germany imported this tech from US ... :coffee:

This is just a propaganda from Vahidi. These countries have a good level of technology and industry and can produce these on their own. Although they may buy some parts from other countries to make their products cheaper or more powerful. I mean you don't need to make everything yourself if you have access to international markets.
This is just a propaganda from Vahidi. These countries have a good level of technology and industry and can produce these on their own. Although they may buy some parts from other countries to make their products cheaper or more powerful. I mean you don't need to make everything yourself if you have access to international markets.

but we can not ... i repeat my word : russia , US , IRAN

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