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Iran-China deal to ditch dollar, bypass US sanctions


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Iran-China deal to ditch dollar, bypass US sanctions: Leader’s advisor
Monday, 13 July 2020 8:37 AM [ Last Update: Tuesday, 14 July 2020 7:21 AM ]


An illustration depicting Iranian and Chinese flags
An advisor to Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says a pending roadmap for strategic partnership between Iran and China is to help ditch the dollar in bilateral trade and bypass illegal and unilateral US sanctions.

Ali Aqa-Mohammadi said the 25-year document is more than an “agreement” which usually encompass just a certain issue.

The official said the partnership roadmap solidifies the two countries’ economic and defensive cooperation by protecting their dealings from “third-party intervention.”

It would “close up and eliminate the key spots,” where sanctions, including those targeting defense cooperation between the two countries, could be implemented, he noted.

“The US doesn’t want the sanctions to be relieved,” Aqa-Mohammadi said. “This document upsets the sanctions and the Iran-China roadmap disarranges many of the US plans.”

Washington returned the sanctions in 2018 after leaving a landmark nuclear deal with Iran. The US intransigence flew in the face of the fact that the deal had been ratified by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in the form of its Resolution 2231.

Now, despite having left the nuclear deal, Washington has recently launched a campaign to renew a UN embargo on the sales of conventional weapons to the Islamic Republic that will expire under the deal in October.

‘Unprecedented defeat’ for US

Aqa-Mohammadi, who is also a member of Iran's Expediency Council, went on to address the implications for the United States’ ambitions in the region, where Washington has been sowing insecurity through decades of military intervention, and trying to tilt the balance of power in favor of the occupying regime of Israel.

“Coordination of Iran and China can take the region out of the US' hands” by pushing Washington aside, breaking its sprawling regional network apart, and frustrating its attempts at isolating Tehran, he stated.

The roadmap, therefore, translates into “such defeat for the US, which will be unprecedented in the region,” he added.

Aqa-Mohammadi cited US reports that Washington has assigned more than 4,000 people to administer the sanctions against Iran, saying Washington which is trying hard to prevent Tehran from drawing benefits from its national interests and bring about a “regime change” in the Islamic Republic has reacted very strongly to the prospect of the roadmap’s conclusion.

On Sunday, The New York Times said it had obtained details of an 18-page proposed agreement that would vastly expand Chinese presence in banking, telecommunications, ports, railways and dozens of other projects. In exchange, China would receive a regular supply of Iranian oil over the next 25 years, it said.

It confirmed that Iran and China were nearing conclusion of the roadmap in defiance of the US, saying the document foresees “a sweeping economic and security partnership.”

The roadmap invites “billions of dollars” of Chinese investments in the Islamic Republic, thus undermining the administration of US President Donald Trump’s efforts to isolate the country through its “maximum pressure” campaign. Especially, the cooperation would prove a “major blow” to the US administration’s “aggressive” policy towards Iran since its withdrawal from the nuclear deal, The Times added.

Addressing the economic side of the roadmap, Aqa-Mohammad said the document would not just cover oil and gas sales, stretching as far as enabling Iran and China to cooperate in “all economic areas.”

According The New York Times, the document also describes deepening military cooperation in a region that has been a strategic preoccupation of the United States for decades. It calls for joint training and exercises, joint research and weapons development and intelligence sharing.

The defensive collaboration is aimed at fighting “the lopsided battle with terrorism, drug, and human trafficking and cross-border crimes,” it added.

"The draft agreement with Iran shows that unlike most countries, China feels it is in a position to defy the United States, powerful enough to withstand American penalties, as it has in the trade war waged by President Trump,” The Times said.

Iran-China deal to ditch dollar, bypass US sanctions: Leader’s advisor
Monday, 13 July 2020 8:37 AM [ Last Update: Tuesday, 14 July 2020 7:21 AM ]


An illustration depicting Iranian and Chinese flags
An advisor to Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says a pending roadmap for strategic partnership between Iran and China is to help ditch the dollar in bilateral trade and bypass illegal and unilateral US sanctions.

Ali Aqa-Mohammadi said the 25-year document is more than an “agreement” which usually encompass just a certain issue.

The official said the partnership roadmap solidifies the two countries’ economic and defensive cooperation by protecting their dealings from “third-party intervention.”

It would “close up and eliminate the key spots,” where sanctions, including those targeting defense cooperation between the two countries, could be implemented, he noted.

“The US doesn’t want the sanctions to be relieved,” Aqa-Mohammadi said. “This document upsets the sanctions and the Iran-China roadmap disarranges many of the US plans.”

Washington returned the sanctions in 2018 after leaving a landmark nuclear deal with Iran. The US intransigence flew in the face of the fact that the deal had been ratified by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in the form of its Resolution 2231.

Now, despite having left the nuclear deal, Washington has recently launched a campaign to renew a UN embargo on the sales of conventional weapons to the Islamic Republic that will expire under the deal in October.

‘Unprecedented defeat’ for US

Aqa-Mohammadi, who is also a member of Iran's Expediency Council, went on to address the implications for the United States’ ambitions in the region, where Washington has been sowing insecurity through decades of military intervention, and trying to tilt the balance of power in favor of the occupying regime of Israel.

“Coordination of Iran and China can take the region out of the US' hands” by pushing Washington aside, breaking its sprawling regional network apart, and frustrating its attempts at isolating Tehran, he stated.

The roadmap, therefore, translates into “such defeat for the US, which will be unprecedented in the region,” he added.

Aqa-Mohammadi cited US reports that Washington has assigned more than 4,000 people to administer the sanctions against Iran, saying Washington which is trying hard to prevent Tehran from drawing benefits from its national interests and bring about a “regime change” in the Islamic Republic has reacted very strongly to the prospect of the roadmap’s conclusion.

On Sunday, The New York Times said it had obtained details of an 18-page proposed agreement that would vastly expand Chinese presence in banking, telecommunications, ports, railways and dozens of other projects. In exchange, China would receive a regular supply of Iranian oil over the next 25 years, it said.

It confirmed that Iran and China were nearing conclusion of the roadmap in defiance of the US, saying the document foresees “a sweeping economic and security partnership.”

The roadmap invites “billions of dollars” of Chinese investments in the Islamic Republic, thus undermining the administration of US President Donald Trump’s efforts to isolate the country through its “maximum pressure” campaign. Especially, the cooperation would prove a “major blow” to the US administration’s “aggressive” policy towards Iran since its withdrawal from the nuclear deal, The Times added.

Addressing the economic side of the roadmap, Aqa-Mohammad said the document would not just cover oil and gas sales, stretching as far as enabling Iran and China to cooperate in “all economic areas.”

According The New York Times, the document also describes deepening military cooperation in a region that has been a strategic preoccupation of the United States for decades. It calls for joint training and exercises, joint research and weapons development and intelligence sharing.

The defensive collaboration is aimed at fighting “the lopsided battle with terrorism, drug, and human trafficking and cross-border crimes,” it added.

"The draft agreement with Iran shows that unlike most countries, China feels it is in a position to defy the United States, powerful enough to withstand American penalties, as it has in the trade war waged by President Trump,” The Times said.


Makes sense for both nations.

Glad to see this.

What do you think this means for IRIAF?
What do you think this means for IRIAF?

It is very difficult for us outsiders to get a feeling for the true depth such topics are being discussed behind the scenes. Surprises are plentiful in such arenas. For example, people may be shocked to hear than an Iranian air force commander actually visited the Euro-fighter Typhoon's manufacturing facilities in Europe. Thus, one can imagine to the extend Iran and its much more friendlier states could be involved in negotiations. My personal hope is that with Chinese help, Iran can start the preparation for the production of a stealth fighter jet platform. The more Iran can get Transfer Of Technology (TOT), the quicker we can see the sort of development in the airforce sector that we have already seen regarding missiles, air defence, UAVs. Iran's naval forces are going to see a giant leap in advancement in next 10 years. God willing we will see the same for the airforce.
Europeans have started working on their projects to likely slow the deal with China. It appears that EU is determined to at least slow the China deal. The source mentions that EU is also sending the funding to Iran for their projects.

Same story with South Korea.

Iranian source mentions that India just sent an envoy to Iran and mentioned that they will send the funding for Chabahar project soon.

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Europeans have started working on their projects to likely slow the deal with China. It appears that EU is determined to at least slow the China deal. The source mentions that EU is also sending the funding to Iran for their projects.

Same story with South Korea.

Iranian source mentions that India just sent a convoy to Iran and mentioned that they will send the funding for Chabahar project soon.

Once Iran decides then there is no going back. Iran China deal is the deal of the century.
**** them all, bunch of hypocrites. JCPOA embarrassed us all, i can't forget that with the instex Germany bought ventilator from us while we were not able to buy medical supply from EU...ditch JCPOA, build a nuke and aim toward them.
Europeans have started working on their projects to likely slow the deal with China. It appears that EU is determined to at least slow the China deal. The source mentions that EU is also sending the funding to Iran for their projects.

Same story with South Korea.

Iranian source mentions that India just sent an envoy to Iran and mentioned that they will send the funding for Chabahar project soon.

Fooled me once, Shame on you.
Fooled me twice, Shame on me.
Germany bought ventilator from us while we were not able to buy medical supply from EU.
A real disgrace from the champions of human rights. I know Iranians who have been unable to send medicines back to Iran ever since these ridiculous sanctions came into effect. Whatever is going on at a political level, that civilians are being denied medicines is a disgrace.
No country in the World signs contracts/agreements etc for no reason. All the agreements are Based on mutual interests.

China wants OBOR and we will help them achieve it. The agreement is signed already so fk the EU and India. China has been a good friend so far.

Zionist propaganda machines are activated once again, they try their best to Stop this agreement between Iran and China. We sbouldnt be fooled again. We can invest in Chinese Yuan and hence make it an oil backed currency along with empowering our own Rial.
A real disgrace from the champions of human rights. I know Iranians who have been unable to send medicines back to Iran ever since these ridiculous sanctions came into effect. Whatever is going on at a political level, that civilians are being denied medicines is a disgrace.

"champion of human rights" - is not! Remember: In every sanction everywhere germany was/is involved. It is a fascistiod government since decades.
The agreement is signed already so fk the EU and India. China has been a good friend so far.

Do you have proof the “agreement is signed”? This has been ongoing since 2016 and still in negotiations last I read. Also this isn’t an agreement that just gets “signed”. It needs to be ratified by both governments legislative body in order to achieve Treaty status or else it is as useless as JCPOA.

I wouldn’t say China has been a good friend at all, they voted for UN resolutions in the past against Iran which put Iran file in UN Security Council. Seems people forget that.

China looks out for China and it needs oil and several of its refineries are built for Iranian crude.

Bottom line Iran is in a bit of a pickle and China sees an opportunity to make good ROI on a future country that will have a STRONG economy. After all, Iran’s economy is less than 400B GDP USD, which is a joke compared to its population/resources/economic sectors. Its holding top 5 oil reserves and 2nd in world in natural gas reserves. It’s only a matter of time before Iran goes through a growth phase and achieves 1T USD GDP status if not greater.

The world knows this, but the US and Israel are trying to keep the world from tapping into that growth until they have Iran UNDER control. Or else if they cannot stop an Iran that is economically strangulated, how will they stop an Iran that has a massive economic engine powering it with much more funds to devote to military as well as economic leverage over its neighbors?

The answer, you can’t. Iran would be major economic and military power. You cannot stop the inevitable.
Do you have proof the “agreement is signed”. This has been ongoing since 2016 and still in negotiations last I read. Also this isn’t an agreement that just gets “signed”. It needs to be ratified by both governments legislative body in order to achieve Treaty status or else it is as useless as JCPOA.

I wouldn’t say China has been a good friend at all, they voted for UN resolutions in the past against Iran which put Iran file in UN Security Council. Seems people forget that.
I understand. Maybe the agreement is not completely signed but some pre-agreement drafts are signed paving the way for the final contract.

You don't expect Chinese sacrifice their trillions of dollars Market for us. What is your reason? Are Chinese Shias or something? No, but but but the retarded orange baboon has made sure China doesn't benefit from American Markets anymore. That makes both Iran and China stand in same line. So, this is a great opportunity to strengthen mutual ties before American Cancer enters in and sabotages the agreement.
I wouldn’t say China has been a good friend at all, they voted for UN resolutions in the past against Iran which put Iran file in UN Security Council. Seems people forget that.

China looks out for China and it needs oil and several of its refineries are built for Iranian crude.

Bottom line Iran is in a bit of a pickle and China sees an opportunity to make good ROI on a future country that will have a STRONG economy. After all, Iran’s economy is less than 400B GDP USD, which is a joke compared to its population/resources/economic sectors. Its holding top 5 oil reserves and 2nd in world in gas reserves. It’s only a matter of time before Iran goes through a growth phase and achieves 1T USD GDP status if not greater.

The world knows this, but the US and Israel are trying to keep the world from tapping into that growth until they have Iran UNDER control. Or else if they cannot stop an Iran that is economically strangulated, how will they stop an Iran that has a massive economic engine powering it with much more funds to devote to military as well as economic leverage over its neighbors?

The answer, you can’t. Iran would be major economic and military power.

I will say that China has been economically supportive of Iran than say Russia which lo
Yes sir, Thats how a Phoenix rises from ashes. This is just prenatal pain of a new power being born. Too many foes, few friends, just put your feet into Iran's Shoes. We have to stand strong or else we will be annihiliated just like Libya.
I understand. Maybe the agreement is not completely signed but some pre-agreement drafts are signed paving the way for the final contract.

You don't expect Chinese sacrifice their trillions of dollars Market for us. What is your reason? Are Chinese Shias or something? No, but but but the retarded orange baboon has made sure China doesn't benefit from American Markets anymore. That makes both Iran and China stand in same line. So, this is a great opportunity to strengthen mutual ties before American Cancer enters in and sabotages the agreement.

Yes sir, Thats how a Phoenix rises from ashes. This is just prenatal pain of a new power being born. Too many foes, few friends, just put your feet into Iran's Shoes. We have to stand strong or else we will be annihiliated just like Libya.
US bully everyone, including their allies. US threatens any countries who want to trade with Iran, and now they claim China is doing no good to Iran.

US signed JCPOA, not only signed, but authorized by UN P5+1. There is no deal more authorized than this, and US just throw the treaty into toilet.

Only fools will trust treaty with US, US has zero credit.

I am sure Iran - one of the oldest civilization knew Iran own interest better than any outsider.

Last but not least, once deal sealed, Iran will have more bargaining chip after Orange Head out of office. No matter Biden back to JCPOA or not, it's US, EU and India's loss if they stick to sanction.

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