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Iran-China deal to ditch dollar, bypass US sanctions

US bully everyone, including their allies. US threatens any countries who want to trade with Iran, and now they claim China is doing no good to Iran.

US signed JCPOA, not only signed, but authorized by UN P5+1. There is no deal more authorized than this, and US just throw the treaty into toilet.

Only fools will trust treaty with US, US has zero credit.

I am sure Iran - one of the oldest civilization knew Iran own interest better than any outsider.

Last but not least, once deal sealed, Iran will have more bargaining chip after Orange Head out of office. No matter Biden back to JCPOA or not, it's US, EU and India's loss if they stick to sanction.

JCPOA was not a treaty. It was not ratified by Congress thus cannot be a treaty. UN resolution isn’t worth anything either. Many UN resolutions get ignored (see Yemen, Syria, Libya, etc).

Iran (specifically Rouhani) was naive for not pressing ALL parties to ratify the deal within their respective legislative bodies. But he knew that Obama (A Democrat) could never get a Neo-con Pro-Israel US Congress to approve of the JCPOA. It had zero chance of passing US Congress. So he (Obama) did an executive order instead. Problem is they can be easily reversed by next president.

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