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Featured Iran can begin exporting/importing weapons from Sunday

ِDon't have the range we need on our future airplanes
I think we should buy as much as it possible no one knows how long the window is gonna remain open last time it was 90s .. like passenger planes that we waited to get new one and missed 5 years old ones available and american hit under the table ... beside finishing J79 engine I don't know what stage is our indigenous fighter jet program since taxing but if jf17 is available right now it would not be bad if we buy some ... and its range could be extended to 3500 kms from 2500 ...
TEHRAN (defapress) – Iran will be able to freely sell and buy weapons as of October 18, as the UN arms embargo will be terminated under the 2015 nuclear deal, President Hassan Rouhani said.

Iran Can Begin Free Arms Trade on Sunday
Speaking at a cabinet session on Wednesday, Rouhani congratulated the Iranian nation on the termination of the arms embargo that would take effect on coming Sunday.

“As of Sunday, we’ll be able to sell our weapons to whoever we’d like, and buy arms from anybody we’d want,” he said, adding that Iran struggled for four years for the termination of the embargo.
The US made every effort to impede the removal of the arms embargo on Iran, but the Iranian nation’s resistance yielded results, he added.

The president also reminded the critics of the JCPOA that the termination of the arms embargo on Iran is one of the results of the nuclear deal.

The US suffered an embarrassing diplomatic defeat in August when the United Nations Security Council rejected a proposal to indefinitely extend the arms ban.
The embargo on conventional arms is due to expire on October 18 under the terms of a resolution that blessed the Iran nuclear deal, signed in July 2015 and officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

Iran must go with Chinese fighter along with JF17 block 3. FC31 is best option and it will boost Iran greatly.
FC31 -3 to 4 squadron and JF17 B3- 6 to 8 Squadron will make Iranian air force a very good punch and it will reduce operating cost greatly because both are using same engine.
I think we should buy as much as it possible no one knows how long the window is gonna remain open last time it was 90s .. like passenger planes that we waited to get new one and missed 5 years old ones available and american hit under the table ... beside finishing J79 engine I don't know what stage is our indigenous fighter jet program since taxing but if jf17 is available right now it would not be bad if we buy some ... and its range could be extended to 3500 kms from 2500 ...
JF17 ferry range is already 3500km
I think we should buy as much as it possible no one knows how long the window is gonna remain open last time it was 90s .. like passenger planes that we waited to get new one and missed 5 years old ones available and american hit under the table ... beside finishing J79 engine I don't know what stage is our indigenous fighter jet program since taxing but if jf17 is available right now it would not be bad if we buy some ... and its range could be extended to 3500 kms from 2500 ...
if it come to buy it , why not go to the source , I'm sure china is willing to sell us J-10c and that airplane is more potent than JF-17 block3, JF-17 is designed according to Pakistan Air-force needs , Our Air force needs are more aligned with china than Pakistan. and J-10 can replace all our F-5 and F-4 fleets
Iran must go with Chinese fighter along with JF17 block 3. FC31 is best option and it will boost Iran greatly.
FC31 -3 to 4 squadron and JF17 B3- 6 to 8 Squadron will make Iranian air force a very good punch and it will reduce operating cost greatly because both are using same engine.
That Airplane is not Ready
if it come to buy it , why not go to the source , I'm sure china is willing to sell us J-10c and that airplane is more potent than JF-17 block3, JF-17 is designed according to Pakistan Air-force needs , Our Air force needs are more aligned with china than Pakistan. and J-10 can replace all our F-5 and F-4 fleets

That Airplane is not Ready
I meant we should open to anyone whom is willing to sell us .. but I don't think Pakistan would sell us due to American sanctions like pipeline ..
Which company/country strong enough to resist sanctions ?

China is already having trouble with the US and they can not afford anymore sanctions.

Russia is a huge Israeli/American ally especially under Trump.

So which countries are left ?

Venezuela, the only worthy thing we can get from them is some F-16's they have and reverse engineer the crap out of it.
Iran don't have time to waste and JF-17 block 3 will take too long.

Better off with AESA equipped J-10's with urgent delivery. Will serve as a good deterrent. U.S is openly selling to Taiwan so China can return the favour.

Remember when Russia was dragging their feet over S300 and it's crap anyway knocked out by drones.
Iran don't have time to waste and JF-17 block 3 will take too long.

Better off with AESA equipped J-10's with urgent delivery. Will serve as a good deterrent. U.S is openly selling to Taiwan so China can return the favour.
Why are you guys not looking at the political situation ? yes, on paper Iran can buy massive amounts of F-35 jets too but will that happen ? I don't think so.

No one has the balls to sell Iran weapons.
Why are you guys not looking at the political situation ? yes, on paper Iran can buy massive amounts of F-35 jets too but will that happen ? I don't think so.

No one has the balls to sell Iran weapons.

Interesting to see who if anyone will go against US pressure. Time will tell.
Which company/country strong enough to resist sanctions ?

China is already having trouble with the US and they can not afford anymore sanctions.

Russia is a huge Israeli/American ally especially under Trump.

So which countries are left ?

Venezuela, the only worthy thing we can get from them is some F-16's they have and reverse engineer the crap out of it.
Lol.. NORINCO , Polytech both under sanction for decades by US still thriving and one of the top 10 weapon manufacturer.
Lol.. NORINCO , Polytech both under sanction for decades by US still thriving and one of the top 10 weapon manufacturer.
That is irrelevant. They will just sanction China's economy.. targetting the state institutions eg financial sector. like the Americans kick you out of SWIFT.. just one tiny example. Are you ready to suffer countless American sanctions ?
That is irrelevant. They will just sanction China's economy.. targetting the state institutions eg financial sector. like the Americans kick you out of SWIFT.. just one tiny example. Are you ready to suffer countless American sanctions ?
Lol... US can't even force us in trade war and Chinese tanker fleet is the only ship still sail to the Iran queuing for oil even under threat of sanction from US.
Lol... US can't even force us in trade war and Chinese tanker fleet is the only ship still sail to the Iran queuing for oil even under threat of sanction from US.
So you expect China to sell weapons to Iran despite American threats ? Any news about this on Chinese state media ?
So you expect China to sell weapons to Iran despite American threats ? Any news about this on Chinese state media ?
Why not. Did Chinese tanker oil fleet shed away from Iran port when trump is barking? Whether Iran buy Chinese weapon or not will depend on Iran decision.

That will also depend on Chinese level of weapon sophistication they are willing to offer for export.
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