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Iran builds S-300-style anti-aircraft!


Feb 5, 2009
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran builds S-300-style anti-aircraft

Iran's Defense Ministry says it has built a long-range anti-aircraft system capable of simultaneously striking multiple enemy targets.

Iran's Defense Minister Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar said Wednesday that the new anti-aircraft missile defense system has been domestically produced.

The system is capable of intercepting multiple missiles and aircraft at once, at high altitude and long range.

"This long-range anti-aircraft system can identify and track multiple targets and is capable of simultaneously destroying them from a long distance," Brigadier General Mohammad-Najjar said at the Islamic Revolution's military achievements exhibition.

The Iranian minister added that the country's defense experts have also been successful in the domestic production of basic material for building surface-to-surface and surface-to-air missiles.

The cited capacities of the newly-built Iranian missile calls to mind the Russian S-300 surface-to-air missile defense system.

The advance version of the controversial S-300 system, the S-300PMU1 (SA-20 Gargoyle), can intercept 100 ballistic missiles and aircraft at once, at low and high altitudes within a range of over 150 km.

According to earlier reports, Iran has been negotiating a deal with Russia to obtain the sophisticated defense system. However, neither side has so far issued an official confirmation on the delivery of the S-300 to Iran.

Iran's increased mastery of missile technology comes amid widespread speculation about an Israeli military strike on Iran.

The New York Times cited one of the newly-installed US administration officials speaking on condition of anonymity, as saying last week that "the first big foreign crisis of the Obama presidency is a really nasty confrontation, either because the Israelis strike or because we won't let them."

Earlier in January The Times reported that the Israeli government had sought bunker-busting bombs from former president George W. Bush, and demanded refueling capability and overflight rights over Iraq to take out Iran's main nuclear enrichment plant at Natanz.

The former president, however, deflected the secret Israeli request and revealed that -- as an alternative -- new covert actions intended to sabotage Iran's nuclear program had been authorized.

The West has confronted Iran over its enrichment program, saying it is ultimately meant to build nuclear weapons.

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) signatory Tehran insists that its nuclear program is aimed at generating electricity.

The UN nuclear watchdog responsible for investigating Iran's nuclear program said in its most recent report that there is no link between the use of nuclear material and the “alleged studies” of weaponization attributed to Iran by the West.

The advance version of the controversial S-300 system, the S-300PMU1 (SA-20 Gargoyle), can intercept 100 ballistic missiles and aircraft at once, at low and high altitudes within a range of over 150 km.

Now that's what i call an achievement.

Now Israeli F-16 and and American F-35s will think Twice before attacking Iran.

Nice Going Iran they understand only one Language and that is of Force and Power.
Ok now we need S-400! Moscow? Sir! Where Are you? We also need several SU-35!

BTW Iranian scientists working on this project since 1997 (We bought several launcher from Belarus at that time, To reverse engineering them if thats possible! Today its possible!). :D But at that time the technology was out of reach! even in "Dream"!!
Ok now we need S-400! Moscow? Sir! Where Are you? We also need several SU-35!

BTW Iranian scientists working on this project since 1997 (We bought several launcher from Belarus at that time, To reverse engineering them if thats possible! Today its possible!). :D But at that time the technology was out of reach! even in "Dream"!!

i am right here sir,i am pleased to hear about irans capabilities.
1-- how many times is this new system tested in field trials,when it is compared to the s-300 then it must be something much more than just any ordinary system.but frankly i have serious doubts when you compare this system to s-300,also i would like to know more about the technical paremeters before i compare it to the s-300,

2--sir russia will start export of the s-400 system from the end of 2009

on a lighter note

3--- su-35 oh what a choice i am calling the sukhoi fellows and they will be delivering some jets to your place as soon as possible just keep the $$$ ready.:rofl:

i am right here sir,i am pleased to hear about irans capabilities.
1-- how many times is this new system tested in field trials,when it is compared to the s-300 then it must be something much more than just any ordinary system.but frankly i have serious doubts when you compare this system to s-300,also i would like to know more about the technical paremeters before i compare it to the s-300,

2--sir russia will start export of the s-400 system from the end of 2009

on a lighter note

3--- su-35 oh what a choice i am calling the sukhoi fellows and they will be delivering some jets to your place as soon as possible just keep the $$$ ready.:rofl:


Thank you,

Sure! Money was ready since the beginning! LOL :P 80 SU-35, 50 MIG-31 will be enough for now! Dont send any exportable version please! :P

About that system i dont know about specification yet! I dont know how many times it been tested! But since we have several S-300 battery, Then we have the technology, Reverse engineering gets easier at this part, Because they can compare their system with a real S-300PMU-2, I will keep you posted when i find anything else about this system. However there will be a prade in few months, We'll see it at that time! But when Najjar say something it mean that thing is already in mass-production. When safavi say something it means they have some plans for the future! remember the difference! :D



Iranian copy of Kamaz!


Iranian copy of Hummer! (Location Kish Island of Iran - Persian Gulf).


Iranian copy of Hummer for military use

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very good job i hope paf should use their mind and money in correct direction i will pick S-300 air defence copy over jf 17 any given day
very good job i hope paf should use their mind and money in correct direction i will pick S-300 air defence copy over jf 17 any given day

You we'll also need the offensive capability brother, Thats why we're also working on our own fighter projects!

As the Imam Ali said: "The best way to defend is to attack."
Only news about Iran is missiles, military and nuclear. What are the other good things happening in Iran other than this.
increasing iranian defence capabilities are scarry not for arab countries but for pakistan itself.
contrary to the myth that iranians are friendly nation...iran may attack to annexed pakistani balochistan in a quest to become regional super power...

OH my Gawd i should hide under My table :rofl: Muslim country is becoming stronger We should all Be concerned way to GO Self described DR sanitation get your Head out of Gutter.

Dr i subscribe this medication to you take it as many times as desired
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Only news about Iran is missiles, military and nuclear. What are the other good things happening in Iran other than this.

iam thinking this is a Military Forum but hey thanks for pointing out my Mistake.
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I have serious doubts about Iranian capable of building anti-aircraft systems the likes of S-300 is pretty far-fetched.

Radars and avionics involved in such highly delicate tech requires years of research and probably millions of hours put in by scientists who spend their entire lives on such projects.

Claims of copying such high tech and reverse engineering them overnight have to be taken with a grain of salt.

Iranians have yet to successfully copy a 3rd gen A-5 fighter jet, claims of building state of the art anti-missile/aircraft systems are out of the loops to me.

If the news is true, mad probs and congrats to the Iranians. But if not, then we all know Ahmedinjad is good at shouting :lol:
You sound more irani than a Pakistani
Many of us share the blood.

I do not know what we call a moron who feel proud over the successes of other countries. we can say that "begani shadi men abdullah dewana" in urdu.
the phenomena is called Muslim brotherhood; this phenomena was taught by Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) himself to his followers (please see the last sermon).

Irani officials are openly blaming pakistani govt for involvement in zahdan bombing inspite of giving the proof that jandullah leader is operating jandullah from afghanistan. 12 irani soldires were caught violating pakistani borders
So what?

You may take gaviscon for ulcers related with over enthusiaism of iranian success because there is no pills invented till date which could increase the IQ level.
That is true, though using common sense sometimes help.

BTW you may visit iran and see the gesture and behaviour of general irani public against pakistan and pakistanis and i am sure that will give you relief from idiotic pride over the country which is hostile towards pakistan perhaps it could increase your IQ level.
I have experienced the gesture and behavior of Arabs as well as Iranian towards the Pakistanis, and to be honest with you, Iranians are far better than Arabs in every respect. Most Arab countries are not any less hostile toward Pakistan; names of Iraq, Syria, and Libya can be given as examples.
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