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Iran builds S-300-style anti-aircraft!

I have serious doubts about Iranian capable of building anti-aircraft systems the likes of S-300 is pretty far-fetched.

Radars and avionics involved in such highly delicate tech requires years of research and probably millions of hours put in by scientists who spend their entire lives on such projects.

Claims of copying such high tech and reverse engineering them overnight have to be taken with a grain of salt.

Iranians have yet to successfully copy a 3rd gen A-5 fighter jet, claims of building state of the art anti-missile/aircraft systems are out of the loops to me.

If the news is true, mad probs and congrats to the Iranians. But if not, then we all know Ahmedinjad is good at shouting :lol:

I'm sure this is no different then many other claims Iran has made that turned out to be bluster. however if they do have them deployed then they will be very easy to see up close even camouflaged. And even if they do have them don't think they can't be overcome. who knows maybe that's why "the beast of Kandahar" is deployed. to test out Iran's defenses prior to any strike.
I'm sure this is no different then many other claims Iran has made that turned out to be bluster. however if they do have them deployed then they will be very easy to see up close even camouflaged. And even if they do have them don't think they can't be overcome. who knows maybe that's why "the beast of Kandahar" is deployed. to test out Iran's defenses prior to any strike.

yes, and the current aircraft inventory in Israel is not capable of taking out a s-300 system. Israel needs F-35 or silent eagles in order to take out such a system. Maybe the US can loan Israel a couple of squadrons of F-22 for several days with pilots included. That would be the end of Iranian nuclear program.:usflag::china::pakistan:
yes, and the current aircraft inventory in Israel is not capable of taking out a s-300 system. Israel needs F-35 or silent eagles in order to take out such a system. Maybe the US can loan Israel a couple of squadrons of F-22 for several days with pilots included. That would be the end of Iranian nuclear program.:usflag::china::pakistan:

I'm not to sure that with China and Russia not going with sanctions that the time is coming for the U.S. to act without Israel. It's not like Iran hasn't been given chance after chance to come clean. when you see a convergence of at least 3 - 4 aircraft carrier battle groups then you will know it's time. The end of negotiations has to come sometime if they are not working.
This message has been deleted by taimikhan. Reason: troll

are you sure that this is the only reason?
I'm not to sure that with China and Russia not going with sanctions that the time is coming for the U.S. to act without Israel. It's not like Iran hasn't been given chance after chance to come clean. when you see a convergence of at least 3 - 4 aircraft carrier battle groups then you will know it's time. The end of negotiations has to come sometime if they are not working.

I think US attacking Iran would be the gravest mistake on the part of the US government after Iraq war. That would totally shift the balance of power and pave the way for Israel equipped with nukes to dominate and control the entire mid-east and having no one question their actions with the possibility of creating islamic rebellions in Iraq and afghanistan and even in Pakistan.

An attack on Iran would further tarnish your country's image across the world and further weaken your reputation in the Muslim world.
“RAND scholar Christine Fair, a leading American expert on South Asia
disclosed in an objective analysis carried by 'American journal
Foreign Affairs' has validated Pakistan's legitimate claim about
India's involvement in fanning unrest in Baluchistan. She further
contended that "Having visited the Indian mission in Zahedan, Iran, I
can assure you they are not issuing visas as the main activity.”

Foreign Connections in Baluchistan - soc.culture.pakistan.politics | Google Groups

a great piece of study by dr.christian fair. following are the refrences from his study named as:

C. Christine Fair*Middle East Review of International Affairs Journal, Vol. 11, No.1 (March 2007).

"As a part of this agreement, India agreed to help expand the Iranian port of Chahbahar and lay railway tracks that would connect Chahbahar to the Afghan city of Zaranj…. others in the region--such as Pakistan and China--fear that once it is complete, Indian naval vessels will have a presence there. These apprehensions are important and may affect the Chinese and Pakistani planning at Pakistan's Gwador port"

"India has also committed to upgrading the 215-kilometer road that links Zaranj and Delaran as part of a circular road network that will connect Herat and Kabul via Mazar-e-Sharif in the north and Kandahar in the south. This would permit Indian goods to move into Afghanistan via Delaran and beyond"

"There were several reports of a bilateral accord that would permit India to access Iranian military bases in the event of war with Pakistan. This accord allegedly would also permit India to rapidly deploy troops and surveillance platforms as well as military equipment in Iran during times of crisis with Pakistan. If true, this is a turning point in regional relations and one that will, in principal, put Iran in opposition to Pakistan. These same reports claim that Indian and Iranian troops will conduct combat training, and naval forces will conduct "operational and combat training on warships and missile boats."

"Numerous analysts of South Asia infer that there are close security ties between Delhi and Tehran because of the Indian consulate in Zahedan with a likely intelligence presence there. India also established a consulate in Iran's port city of Bandar Abbas in 2001, which will permit India to monitor ship movements in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz."

"The presence of Indian engineers at Chahbahar and of Indian military advisors and intelligence officials in Iran confers to India a significant access to Iran. This access has tremendous import for India's ability to project power vis-à-vis Pakistan and Central Asia. It clearly provides India an enhanced ability to monitor Pakistan and even launch sub-conventional operations against Pakistan from Iran. Of late, numerous Pakistani officials opine that India is supporting the insurgency in Pakistan's troubled Baluchistan province and is exploiting its position in Afghanistan to enhance its intelligence activities against Pakistan. Pakistani observers also note that the presence of Indian engineers (and perhaps naval personnel in the future) at Chahbahar has particular utility for monitoring what is happening at Pakistan's Gwador port"

C. Christine Fair
to understand the true nature and reality of anti american, anti israel and islamic rhetorics of iran one should read the book "TRACHEROUS ALLIANCE: SECRET DEALING OF ISRAEL,IRAN AND THE US" by Trita Parsi....

one should also answer the question that why a champion of islam feel hasitation over genocide of indian muslims?
why we do not see an open support for kashmir issue?
to understand the true nature and reality of anti american, anti israel and islamic rhetorics of iran one should read the book "TRACHEROUS ALLIANCE: SECRET DEALING OF ISRAEL,IRAN AND THE US" by Trita Parsi....

one should also answer the question that why a champion of islam feel hasitation over genocide of indian muslims?
why we do not see an open support for kashmir issue?

dude dont bring india into unrelated therads and derail it.....stay with the topic.........the thread has nothing to do with india-pakistan....:police:

"In August 2003, reports emerged of dealings with Iran; it was claimed that Khan had offered to sell nuclear weapons technology to that country as early as 1989. The Iranian government came under intense pressure from the United States and the European Union to make a full disclosure of its nuclear programme and, finally, agreed in October 2003 to accept tougher investigations from the International Atomic Energy Agency. The IAEA reported that Iran had established a large uranium enrichment facility using gas centrifuges based on the "stolen" URENCO designs, which had been obtained "from a foreign intermediary in 1987." The intermediary was not named but many diplomats and analysts pointed to Pakistan and, specifically, to Dr. Khan, who was said to have visited Iran in 1986. The Iranians turned over the names of their suppliers and the international inspectors quickly identified the Iranian gas centrifuges as Pak-1's, the model of intense [HEU] that was indegeniously developed by Dr. Khan in the early 1980s. In December 2003, two senior staff members at Khan Labs or KL were arrested on suspicion of having sold nuclear weapons technology to the Iranians"

Wapedia - Wiki: Abdul Qadeer Khan.
Really? Is that so? Iran made something like S-300? or is it that Russia sold it to Iran and showed to the world that Iran made it them selves? This way other world (including US and Israel) won't be unhappy.
a great piece of study by dr.christian fair. following are the refrences from his study named as:

C. Christine Fair*Middle East Review of International Affairs Journal, Vol. 11, No.1 (March 2007).


All i gotta say is:


Really? Is that so? Iran made something like S-300? or is it that Russia sold it to Iran and showed to the world that Iran made it them selves? This way other world (including US and Israel) won't be unhappy.

I say you are prolly right On
not to look down on Iranian scientists, but considering the claims Iran has made in the past i highly doubt this new SAM system is anywhere near as effective as the s-300 if it even works at all.
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