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Iran blasts dummy US aircraft carrier with missiles

It is to be hoped that the US take out the nefarious forces , and clean up Iran .
Iran and USA always talk about threatening each other for 40 years but nothing has happened. I don't take it seriously until I see them killing each other in tens of thousands.
Sorry we are not a bunch of coward puppets like Arab sheyks.

Hurt them if you want revenge.iran should at least try to do something new. Exercises on this dummy doesn't make any sense.real enemy is happy.
nuclear sites destroyed ? haha
there is no excuse for such ignorance in these times of technology and information. people like you should be banned for shitposting. really.

Problem is in this modern age, mullah regime can't hide satellite evidence.i hope you read twitter posts and osint reports.they are available.see it and try to believe lol.
Problem is in this modern age, mullah regime can't hide satellite evidence.i hope you read twitter posts and osint reports.they are available.see it and try to believe lol.

Off-topic but the building at Natanz is only one small facility and not the entirety of Iran's nuclear infrastructure.

Iran's greater nuclear program is still fully intact and working right now as we speak. Try not to say things in which you don't understand.
@Ultima Thule my dear friend, Read this carefully. I wrote this since i feel youre looking for Truth.

First there are different approaches for developing LPS. I give you some example in this regard hope it gives you clue that Iran can easily develop own positioning systems.
SLR. This approach uses laser pulses transmitted from Ground systems in order to provide absolute location of the unknown station or the transmitter. Usually the unknown Factor in this approach is the absolute location of Ground stations /transmitters. You can orient your stations with provided data through this approach hence making them a base for positioning purposes. It can provide you with the following factors: absolute positioning of stations, determination of earth gravity field, making a Reference, orienting erth motions, orbital calculations etc.
VLBI. In this approach we use quasars for positioning purposes. It requires Giant antennas which Iran possesses already. I could explain this approach step by step if you wish.
One could use DORIS method which Works Based on Doppler-shift of radio signals transmitted from Ground stations. We can use this Double signal system without needing authorization from French side. What im trying to say is that developing an LPS in Iran would be more than easy for us. GPS is generally designed to remove the barriers of these absolute systems and making Kinematic positioning available with high accuracy. GPS sats Transfer 2 kind of signals in L1 and L2 bands onwhich codes and navigational massages are moduled. Ground stations receive these signals. Through interpolation of received signals and having the location of sats which requires Ground Based radars, you can determine the location of Ground stations and hence orienting your radars. The primary GPS systems enjoyed 24 sats in 3 orbital planes with an angle of 63 degrees, this was changed to 18 sats due to financial reasons and that 3 on every orbital plane having 1 extra accessory sat increasing the number of sats to 4 per orbital plane with an angle of 55 degrees. In USA, US military uses PPS while using P-code for navigation that are immune to SA and AS Effects. DOD of USA is using this approach. Civilian users are allowed only to use SPS approach which restricts using of using P-code for positioning and instead allows them to use C/A codes which are affected by AS and SA lowering the accuracy of positioning. However SA was removed a couple of decades ago. The SA or selective availability is a method of denying unauthorized real-time use of full GPS position and velocity accuracy, as provided by the PPS.
How could they, Americans, Lower the accuracy of GPS positioning system?
They don't need to send or replace satellites of GPS with New ones and then send them into orbit and if they do so then they are bunch of retards.
Dye the fact that they have developed every code of GPS, P C/A Y X etc, they can build forged signals and then send them to Ground recievers to Lower their accuracy. They have every info about the forged signals so they can define other methods to Decode and hence remove wrong signals or deliberate errors in the system.
During war times US adversaries can do the same and try to jam the GPS signals, the Solution would be تو widen the band that the signals are being sent through. Its anti jamming approach of US military. This very approach exposes the codes and other forged signals and also makes it possible for US adversaries to easily Decode GPS signals hence being able to use PPS.
at short range this system might work but in long range it wont work
IRAN should seek peace with all its neighbours and even USA.. its policies are suicidal, Very sad to know.. an ancient civilisation and lovely people driven by visionless ruler mullas...

Yeah you are right but these mullahs can do shit like this

and they bring other fun toys to the table too... Who wouldnt love these mullahs, I say the mullahs are secret Iranian uber weapon and if only other nations knew their secret power Iranians would export them like hot cakes.
Have human compulsions or need for resources changed?
Have we all started treating everyone with fairness and equality?

I respect your views but our conversation isn't relevant to the topic and I don't wish to derail the thread. I suppose we both have some food for thought.
Off-topic but the building at Natanz is only one small facility and not the entirety of Iran's nuclear infrastructure.

Iran's greater nuclear program is still fully intact and working right now as we speak. Try not to say things in which you don't understand.
i don't mind criticism but i have seen black image(totally destroyed) of a building. i have no idea about other irani nuclear programs so yeah you are right here.
i don't mind criticism but i have seen black image(totally destroyed) of a building. i have no idea about other irani nuclear programs so yeah you are right here.
You don't make sense bro. What do you mean ''other irani nuclear programs'' ? Israel most likely commited sabotage at one building which we saw in that sattelite photo. 99,5% of the nuclear program is left intact.
You don't make sense bro. What do you mean ''other irani nuclear programs'' ? Israel most likely commited sabotage at one building which we saw in that sattelite photo. 99,5% of the nuclear program is left intact.

that's great but keep a close eye on your enemy. i believe they will try to destroy more,probably sabotage(CIA).
that's great but keep a close eye on your enemy. i believe they will try to destroy more,probably sabotage(CIA).
The west and its illegitimate child Israel are engaged in sabotage and terrorism in Iran since the early 80's. It is nothing new, the issue now is they just want to drag us into a devastating war so they have the excuse to do a Iraqi style shock and awe and destroy our foundation. We know what they want but we will not give them this excuse.
The west and its illegitimate child Israel are engaged in sabotage and terrorism in Iran since the early 80's. It is nothing new, the issue now is they just want us to drag into a devastating war so they have the excuse to do a Iraqi style shock and awe and destroy our foundation. We know what they want but we will not give them this excuse.
Israel is very powerful now,thanks to trump.under trump,anything is possible.Israel can make more deadly viruses,worms,malware. it's duty of iran to protect nuclear sites and arrest CIA agents on time.
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The mock-up of a US carrier

Iran has launched missiles at a mock-up of a US aircraft carrier in the strategic Strait of Hormuz.

The drill included fire so heavy that the US military temporarily put two regional bases on alert.

The US navy condemned the "irresponsible and reckless behaviour by Iran", labelling it an attempt "to intimidate and coerce".

The exercise comes at a time of increased tension between Tehran and Washington in the Gulf waters.

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The Iranian military fires a missile targeting the replica

The drills - named Prophet Mohammed 14th - were broadcast on state television.

The mock-up - which resembles a carrier the US routinely sails into the Gulf - is shown with dummy fighter jets on either side of its landing strip. Missiles are then launched from a variety of angles, including some aimed at the carrier.

Another missile fired from a helicopter appears to hit the side of the fake warship.

"What was shown today in these exercises, at the level of aerospace and naval forces, was all offensive," Iran's Revolutionary Guards commander Major General Hossein Salami told state television.

Ballistic missile fire was detected and led to American troops being put on alert in the UAE and Qatar, the US military said.

"The US Navy conducts defensive exercises with our partners promoting maritime security in support of freedom of navigation; whereas, Iran conducts offensive exercises, attempting to intimidate and coerce," said Commander Rebecca Rebarich, spokeswoman for the US Navy's Bahrain-based Fifth Fleet.

Doesn’t make any sense. Aircraft Carrier is part of a battle group & would never be alone like this.

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