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Iran backed Zeinabyoun brigade could become Pakistan's new internal security problem.

Religious people are unfortunately insane, be it Sunnis, Shias, Jews who think 'g-d' gave them land and the Jesus freaks.
True. The secular Baathist regimes were better than what the shitholes of Iraq and Syria today.

But your leader exceeded his bounds and started attacking countries left right and center. Shouldn't have done that.
Religious people are unfortunately insane, be it Sunnis, Shias, Jews who think 'g-d' gave them land and the Jesus freaks.
True. The secular Baathist regimes were better than what the shitholes of Iraq and Syria today.

But your leader exceeded his bounds and started attacking countries left right and center. Shouldn't have done that.
Pakistan is best advised to exercise caution and patience dealing with this.

The matter is quite sensitive for the people.
They are already a problem. they are hiring openly. just go to their area. from hezbollah to this zynabun brigade, every opportunity is open. first come first serve. people are joining. applications still open. i mean this is some type of joke. no law no control over organizations. this is like a jungle.

i can even post pictures here of our people who died fighting for this malicious brigade. I mean this is pathetic. they are misguiding youth in large numbers and nobody can even touch them because they are also in parliament lol.
They are already a problem. they are hiring openly. just go to their area. from hezbollah to this zynabun brigade, every opportunity is open. first come first serve. people are joining. applications still open. i mean this is some type of joke. no law no control over organizations. this is like a jungle.

i can even post pictures here of our people who died fighting for this malicious brigade. I mean this is pathetic. they are misguiding youth in large numbers and nobody can even touch them because they are also in parliament lol.
Right curent situation is wirse then every these kind of iran back group openly active in Karachi under the supervision of ppp & its leadership...
Don't forget that Turkey asked Iran to disarm Hezbollah as an exchange for Turkish dis arming of AlQaeda forces massacring Syrians.

Someone loves Israel, now find him.
Which Shia organisation has blown up any public place in Pakistan?

And how many Saudi backed Deobandi organisations have blown up places in Pakistan?

That should give you enough idea who the real threat is.
True .
Don't forget that Turkey asked Iran to disarm Hezbollah as an exchange for Turkish dis arming of AlQaeda forces massacring Syrians.

Someone loves Israel, now find him.
Propaganda against Iran .
Yup. Pakistan's Shias do go crazy at Karbala and Najaf. And Khomeini fanboys are the most brainwashed people I've ever seen.

But it's a fact that Saudi backed proxies have done far far far more damage to Pakistan than Iran backed proxies.

Really ? can you elaborate on this ..
Hahah i like you my ba'athi frenemy.

But hey, you didn't say these words when your so called religious Shias saved your back when you were getting raped by Israeli supported ISIS savages. Why did you change so much?

All attacks against Isis were good. The USAF killed many Isis, doesn't mean I will praise them and be on their side.

Nothing works that way.
Shias take their Azadari to a complete extreme. Almost cult like behaviour. Especially the Shias of the subcontinent.

I don't want to get banned so I'll keep it at that.

Saare namoone hamere Khate mein hi ane thee....

Hyper and over the top Shias and Sunnis..🤮
All attacks against Isis were good. The USAF killed many Isis, doesn't mean I will praise them and be on their side.

Nothing works that way.
USAF let them to advance. You are fooling yourself, American helicopters drorpped weapons and food sypplies in ISIS held areas and when they were exposed to the public, Americans said it was a mistake. Google and see by yourself. I read quotes of an American strategist who worked on Middle East. He said in a part of his report, we should never allow these countries to be safe. First of all Iran, then Iraq, Syria and Lebanon.

We are a threat to Israel so Safety should be banned for us whether economically or militarily. We must be beggars with no ability to fight back something like the Sauds. That's what they want for Iraq and Iraqis, that's why they overthrew their beloved dictator Saddam.

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