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Iran arrests Azeri nationals for spying

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Somehow these high ranking people are never to be found in Azerbaijan (region) itself. The people there live in poverty in contrast to Persian areas, thousands move to Persian cities for work, why do you think so? I don't see how this Islamic Republic appreciates Azeri population of Azerbaijan, in what way.
Don't you know that Khamenei is from Azeri origin?
Is Tabriz poor? Tabriz is very big and clean for a city of 1.5 million people (approximately).
Azeris don't come to Persian cities for work, they come to Tehran for work, and that's the case with almost all areas of Iran, they come to Tehran for work because it's the capital my friend.

You see, this is the problem with you Persians.

Russians fought Qajars. Now, Qajars were not Persians, they are an Azeri tribe, Qajar Shah could barely speak Persian (as mentioned in historical source), and neither their army was Persian.

Yet, everything is "Persian" in Iran. Iran was not Persian before 1925. We don't accept this new Persian Iran.

Qajars had Turkic roots, no doubt about that, but they did speak Persian and you could find the handwritings of the Qajar kings in Persian. The famous handwriting of Muzaffar-aldin Shah who issued the decree for the Persian constitutional revolution in 1906 could be found here and it is indeed in Persian:


Qajars were Azeri, they adopted the elements of the Persian culture because there was no distinguish between Persian and Azeri cultures. Both had been mixed and tied by Iranian elements. The word Persian is sometimes misused, because Iran used to be referred to as Persia before 1935, so you shouldn't see it as Persian fascism.
Somehow these high ranking people are never to be found in Azerbaijan (region) itself. The people there live in poverty in contrast to Persian areas, thousands move to Persian cities for work, why do you think so? I don't see how this Islamic Republic appreciates Azeri population of Azerbaijan, in what way.
Don't you know that Khamenei is from Azeri origin?
Is Tabriz poor? Tabriz is very big and clean for a city of 1.5 million people (approximately).
Azeris don't come to Persian cities for work, they come to Tehran for work, and that's the case with almost all areas of Iran, they come to Tehran for work because it's the capital my friend.

You see, this is the problem with you Persians.

Russians fought Qajars. Now, Qajars were not Persians, they are an Azeri tribe, Qajar Shah could barely speak Persian (as mentioned in historical source), and neither their army was Persian.

Yet, everything is "Persian" in Iran. Iran was not Persian before 1925. We don't accept this new Persian Iran.

Qajars had Turkic roots, no doubt about that, but they did speak Persian and you could find the handwritings of the Qajar kings in Persian. The famous handwriting of Muzaffar-aldin Shah who issued the decree for the Persian constitutional revolution in 1906 could be found here and it is indeed in Persian:


Qajars were Azeri, they adopted the elements of the Persian culture because there was no distinguish between Persian and Azeri cultures. Both had been mixed and tied by Iranian elements. The word Persian is sometimes misused, because Iran used to be referred to as Persia before 1935, so you shouldn't see it as Persian fascism.
All Turkic nations celebrate Novruz, even Tatars. So what?

You mean in those areas that are influenced by Persian culture, long before the Turks migrated from East-Mongolia to Central-Asia and Anatolia.

And what makes you think that this is an Iranian tradition? The nations which celebrate it by far consists of Turkic nations.

Most celebrators are Iranian by origin. Persians, Kurds, Tajiks, Afghans, Parsi's and other Iranian groups. Why it is a Iranian tradition? Maybe because the celebration has roots in Ancient Iran and probably of Zoroastrian origin is? Maybe because the celebration is mentioned in the Shahname?
And your main problem is here.You separate Iranians from Azeris.
Qajar kings soke Azeri?Ok what's the problem with that?Ther were from an Iranian Azeri tribe.that doesn't make them non-Iranian.

Answer me honestly.How old are you?cause you sound like a 16 y old to me who is full of energy and well prepared to be filled with ultra-nationalism,or Pan Turkism through government propaganda or other sources.

Who told you Azeris in Iran have bad situation?I've travelled to Tabriz,Urmia and other Azeri cities in Iran,they were no different than other parts of Iran,Tabriz and Urmia are well developed and very beautiful cities.What else can I say?you are filled with propaganda.

That's what state of Iran does, everything is solely based around Persians, so why are you accusing others of separating? State of Iran does a perfect job with separating Persians and other ethnics.

I'm in my 20's, the ones who sound like 16 year olds here are your kin as far as I can tell.

Yeah right, that is why thousands and thousands leave their own provinces.
How about local Azeri Turkish population, i think their is Azeri Turkish Nationalism still alive but the religious affinity of Shiaism hold them well with Iran.

Azeri's are always Turk , iranians try to make them like themselves by they rejecting it and not accepting assimiliation. They are mixing kurds with azeri's , kurds can be there brothers , they look alike
Some scholars even believe the Safavid dynasty was originally an Iranian dynasty. Just like stated by Vladimir Minorsky and Roger savory:

''From the evidence available at the present time, it is certain that the Safavid family was of indigineous Iranian stock, and not of Turkish ancestry as it is sometimes claimed. It is probable that the family originated in Persian Kurdistan, and later moved to Azerbaijan, where they adopted the Azari form of Turkish spoken there, and eventually settled in the small town of Ardabil sometimes during the eleventh century.''

Safavid dynasty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Listen mate , they are turk and they want to be turk , why are you trying to still force them for .

Linguistically is not that important. Culturally is. Xavier de Planhol:
Azeri's are always Turk , iranians try to make them like themselves by they rejecting it and not accepting assimiliation. They are mixing kurds with azeri's , kurds can be there brothers , they look alike

Yes, and we learned you Turks how to think:

E.J.W. Gibb:

''Attained a very considerable degree of culture, thanks entirely to Persian tutorage. About the middle of the eleventh century they [that is, the Saljuqs] had overrun Persia, when, as so often happened, the Barbarian conquerors adopted the culture of their civilized subjects. Rapidly the Seljuq Turks pushed their conquest westward, ever carrying with them Persian culture...o, when some hundred and fifty years later Sulayman's son [the leader of the Ottomans]... penetrated into Asia Minor, they [the Ottomans] found that although Seljuq Turkish was the everyday speech of the people, Persian was the language of the court, while Persian literature and Persian culture reigned supreme. It is to the Seljuqs with whom they were thus fused, that the Ottomans, strictly so called, owe their literary education; this therefore was of necessity Persian as the Seljuqs knew no other. The Turks were not content with learning from the Persians how to express thought; they went to them to learn what to think and in what way to think. In practical matters, in the affairs of everyday life and in the business of government, they preferred their own ideas; but in the sphere of science and literature they went to school with the Persian, intent not merely on acquiring his method, but on entering into his spirit, thinking his thought and feeling his feelings. And in this school they continued so long as there was a master to teach them; for the step thus taken at the outset developed into a practice; it became the rule with the Turkish poets to look ever Persia-ward for guidance and to follow whatever fashion might prevail there. Thus it comes about that for centuries Ottoman poetry continued to reflect as in a glass the several phases through which that of Persia passed...o the first Ottoman poets, and their successors through many a generation, strove with all their strength to write what is little else than Persian poetry in Turkish words. But such was not consciously their aim; of national feeling in poetry they dreamed not; poetry was to them one and indivisible, the language in which it was written merely an unimportant accident.''
mate azeris and turkic's ruled you for so long and someone said it here before since like 1200 and even iranian accepted it it was nearly always azeri rulers in iran

Independence? You sound quite arrogant and delusional. Maybe you were thinking Iranians would give the area that belongs to Iranian hegemony for more than 3000 years as present to Azerbaijan the next moment you are celebrating your 92 years of independency. :lol:
you guys will soon say USA is persian and china and jamaica is persian

mate they might have spoken your language later on , that doesnt mean they are persian , they were nearly all turkic rulers if not all , they probably like your poems or something , they were Turk and nobody can say otherwise because it will be funny.

Shouting won't help. Here, read it:

Seljuq dynasty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Seljuqs and Safavids were all Persian by CULTURE.
you guys will soon say USA is persian and china and jamaica is persian
Nobody is saying Azeris are Persin you illiterate troll. They're saying that Azeris are Iranians and they're right.

It's funny, for hundreds of years Azeris were dominating Iran, now that Parsis and Azaris are both on top, our soviet Azaris troll master (ASQ) is claiming racism etc...
you guys will soon say USA is persian and china and jamaica is persian

mate they might have spoken your language later on , that doesnt mean they are persian , they were nearly all turkic rulers if not all , they probably like your poems or something , they were Turk and nobody can say otherwise because it will be funny.

Did you actually read it? Here, I pick some quotes:

After arriving in Persia, the Seljuqs adopted the Persian culture and used the Persian language as the official language of the government, and played an important role in the development of the Turko-Persian tradition which features "Persian culture patronized by Turkic rulers." Today, they are remembered as great patrons of Persian culture, art, literature, and language and are regarded as the ancestors of the Western Turks – the present-day inhabitants of Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Turkmenistan.

Persians by culture. Just like the Safavids and in some way also the Ottomans.
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