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Iran army ready for action on disputed Gulf island

Iran army ready for action on disputed Gulf island
AP | 37 mins ago
TEHRAN: Iran’s ground forces commander is warning that should diplomacy fail, the military is ready for action over a disputed Gulf island controlled by Iran but also claimed by the United Arab Emirates.

Gen Ahmad Reza Pourdastan says Iranian forces are ready to confront the “disturbing” party over the strategic Abu Musa island in the Persian Gulf. The remarks were reported Thursday on state TV’s website.

It was the first time an Iranian military commander commented on the issue since President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad last week visited Abu Musa.

The island dominates the approach to the Strait of Hormuz, a key waterway in the Gulf through which about one-fifth of the world’s oil supply passes. Iran took control of tiny Abu Musa and two other nearby islands in 1971 after British forces left the region.
The commander must be high on that good Afghani grass:smokin:
its the UAE that should say they are ready to take action if diplomacy fails, Not the side that already controls it.

If I may ask... How much attention is this subject getting in Iran itself? Just curious because western media won't even mention it.
The Iranian government is just trying to deflect internal pressure to outsiders, to prop up the people and make them delay reformers.

Those islands were Iran's for thousands of years, while few decades ago born country say they have the rights to those islands? How cute.

Also "peaceful resolution" UAE wants is for US and its alies to decide the outcome, how would that go for Iran? Iran could be 100% right and still would lose to such biased party anytime and everytime.

Bottom line, peaceful or not peaceful, UAE has no case for the islands.

P.S. How is that UAE-Saudis border issue from 1974? :azn: UAE also has border issues with Oman, Qatar, etc. Its even funnier, when UAE has unresolved contested borders within itself :rofl:
Pakistan is also only decades old, by your logic they should hand over Kashmir to India. Which in reality have a legitimate claim not over just Kashmir but all of Pakistan.
Pakistan is also only decades old, by your logic they should hand over Kashmir to India. Which in reality have a legitimate claim not over just Kashmir but all of Pakistan.

Don't be silly the analogy is inappropriate.
Those islands are ancient property of Iran, you can interpret how you like, nothing changes :azn:

Then why did the Shah during the negotiations on the islands with Sharjah, Ras Al Khaimah and Britain, wanted to lease the islands from Sharjah and Ras Al Khaimah governments.

You dont take on lease something that is already your's.

Why did Iran wait to take the isalnds back till the time when British were leaving, why didn't Iran take it in the early days when the British came to the region or even earlier when the British were not in the region?

In the end Sharjah agreed sharing the Abu Musa with Iran and that Iran will be allowed access to the northern part of Abu Musa and Sharjah will have access to southern part of Abu Musa, and that Sharjah's Flag will be hosted on both the north part and the south part of the island, all this will be in place till a solution is found to the issue of the island and a tiem frame of a certain number of years was set as a deadline to finding the final solution.

But then the islands were taken by force.

Solve borders issues among yourself first, before asking for other countries land :) UAE is not only in borders disputes with ALL its neighbors, but also cant decide its own inner borders :lol:

The border dispute between some GCC states and within UAE is not being made a hinderance in the bigger dream for the GCC which is the making of a confederation or a compelte union. Sooner or later the fate of the GCC is nothing but a complete union / conederation. Do what ever you want.

Oh well, then probably there will be a new name of the confederation and some will say that the confederation was not existing before 20XX and hence they do not have any history (just like what they say now about UAE and dont know that prior to UAE there were emirates existing for hundreds of years at least and Arabs were living in the region since thousands of years.

Almost all of the south Iran was under the Arab rule and Arabs were inhabitants of the area.

But after the annexure of the area by the Persians almost everything that had resemblance to Arabs was changed gradually to remove the Arabic identity of the place, starting from the names of the streets to the names of the important well known landmarks and even names of the inhabitants as they were forced not to use names used widely by Arabs of the region.

If you visit the area now you will see old barjeel structures (a structure built for cooling purposes in the summer) still standing same as the ones on the southern coast of the Arabian Gulf (coastal areas of UAE and other gulf states) and old women still wearing the Burqa'a برقع (the face cover) used by the native women of gulf states. Some are still trying to keep with the Arab traditions even after the area taken over by the Persians.

The last ruler of the area was Amir Khaza'al al A'mri الأمير خزعل العامري (if i am not mistaken)

If Iran is since thousands of years so are the Arabs of the southern shore of the ARABIAN GULF including UAE along with the Arabs of the Southern part of Iran which was taken over by Iran, again, with force.
Iran army ready for action on disputed Gulf island
AP | 37 mins ago
TEHRAN: Iran’s ground forces commander is warning that should diplomacy fail, the military is ready for action over a disputed Gulf island controlled by Iran but also claimed by the United Arab Emirates.

Gen Ahmad Reza Pourdastan says Iranian forces are ready to confront the “disturbing” party over the strategic Abu Musa island in the Persian Gulf. The remarks were reported Thursday on state TV’s website.

It was the first time an Iranian military commander commented on the issue since President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad last week visited Abu Musa.

The island dominates the approach to the Strait of Hormuz, a key waterway in the Gulf through which about one-fifth of the world’s oil supply passes. Iran took control of tiny Abu Musa and two other nearby islands in 1971 after British forces left the region.

He was so tensed when giving this statement that he forget to mention the two tunbs, or did Iran agree to hand it over? :D

UAE never talked about taking any military action, These iranian officials are so tensed that they themselves don't know what they are saying.

UAE has been insisting since 40+ years for a peacefull and diplomatic solution, during all that period a peaceful and diplomatic solution could not be found but still UAE hopes for a diplomatic and peaceful solution between the two neighbours but on the contrary Iranians are saying that if diplomacy fails they will take military action.
This is what UAE still insists on

""With all my love, I appeal again to Iran to listen to reason to end this dispute, because it will not only affect the two countries and its people, but also threaten international peace and security — repercussions which cannot be contained by the UAE or Iran,""

"Regretfully, Shaikh Abdullah added, a neighbourly Islamic country with a time-honoured civilisation and traditions couldn't listen to reason"

""The UAE has been committed to the two countries' agreement and has removed the issue from all resolutions and statements issued by the GCC and the Arab League. The issue was touched upon only in the UAE's statements before the UN general Assembly. But despite the positive gestures, we were taken aback by the Iranian provocation.""
Stop posting this ****, no one cares about your desert.

You don't care about our desert but UAE does care about not bringing any war in the region, UAE calls Iran a brotherly and Islamic country and Iranian officials are talking about military action. This is not something new from Iran.
You don't care about our desert but UAE does care about not bringing any war in the region, UAE calls Iran a brotherly and Islamic country and Iranian officials are talking about military action. This is not something new from Iran.

No alot of Pakistani see Iranian as brother.
these gulf arabs call for shia to be burnt.
do not try and fool people with your crap, we are not some idiots.

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