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Iran Army gains capability to intercept, redirect enemy missiles

Pray tell me how will the guidance system be connected to the guys in Iran??? Even an EMP will do nothing more than cause it to deactivate or go erratic. That too will take a very strong pulse. Changing the direction, even slightly without proper connection is like trying to hit the missile with an arrow, and these guys talk about completly rerouting it...
In other words it is impossible....
Even the controller cannot change the direction more than a few kilometers.
Iran has a decent and growing R & D industry, but this claim is totally crap.......

Since this entire concept is non-believable for you, look up ancient missiles countermeasures like flares. Missile's infrared guidance is tricked, and it misses. Now guidance systems are more advanced - same as countermeasures.

I dont know what exactly Iran has developed or how it works, I'm just pointing out its not some alien tech :azn:
Iran must be having access to alien tech.

didn't you knew that our air force were playing Tag Game with alien UFOs since 40 years ago, you cant even imagine how deep our friendship with them is

I'll do the honours.....;)
A ballistic missile has a pre-ordained course, which after launch cannot be changed by even the controllers themselves.
However the missile warhead or a stage of a missile can be deactivated, which causes the missile to lose momentum and eventually it simply drops down. The missile can also be in some cases caused to self destruct, but only specific computers are equipped to handle these ops. Because such computers are normally not connected to any other comp it is very hard to hack them.....
well that's SCUD , a modern ballistic missile can do some basic maneuver to escape ABM , so technically its possible to change the target of these missiles after their launch
looks like iranian are claiming advanced version of james bond story of "Dr. No"..no way buddy..if they can hack a missile,then there is no need of multi billion dollar ABM system,right???
looks like iranian are claiming advanced version of james bond story of "Dr. No"..no way buddy..if they can hack a missile,then there is no need of multi billion dollar ABM system,right???
well you knew we don't have any multi billion dollar ABM system ;)
by the way let say its not advanced version of james bond story of "Dr. No" but just an advanced version of spoofing and jamming .
well you knew we don't have any multi billion dollar ABM system ;)
by the way let say its not advanced version of james bond story of "Dr. No" but just an advanced version of spoofing and jamming .

is Iran's EW systems are so advanced that they can jam a hypersonic ballistic missile????by the way,how does that system work???any details??
I don't think Iran's system is designed against ballistic missiles. Its probable opponents, Israel and USA, don't use ballistic missiles. They use cruise missiles. Which definitely have complex guidance systems that could potentially be spoofed.
Gaining capability to intercept missiles possible... but redirecting enemy missiles tech is not possible in Iran till now IMO.

Now it`s a bit too ambitious announcement by any country ...

Any expert on missiles & radars`ll shed light on it please..
Sure...Sheer BS. In short and without the technical arguments.
Iran made major advancements in nano-technologies, nuclear physics, space technologies, super computers, missile's technologies, avionics and more.
So expect there official statements to be true, even if it is beyond your personal comprehension.
Iran is going into a era of Sci Fi movies.. Too much Matrix going on there...
I guess U are quite right...Howcome Iran is able to do such kind of magic stuff but is never able to build Nukes till now......:coffee:
And I'm pretty sure Iranians (and everybody else) are busy on this. How much progress is made, we might never know unless war starts. However for each weapon countermeasures are prepared, this cat and mouse game never ends.
You have a point here. However, keep in mind that evey revelation that Iranian military officials are making is helping the enemies. Iranians surely do not know how to keep sensitive matters secret.

Also, not all missiles can be fooled. This is why ABM systems come in to the picture. Do the math.

And Stuxnet was also infected similarly, so whats your point? What concerns the whole attitude "no big deal, no harm done" is up to you to believe. Initial reaction by the way was different, and after that damage control kicked in. Much like Iran claimed Stuxnet havent done much harm, while West claims it postponed enrichment by few years.
Difference between both cases is that the virus which infected US drone control system was not of sabotaging nature and did not compromised the system. Proof is that US continued to operate its drone fleet during the infection and after the infection without grouding it. It was a normal virus infection.

In contrast, Stuxnet is a different story. It was designed by Western experts to sabotage the designated target.

Face-saving is a part of politics of any country, whether its Iran or US.
Yes. However, US have history of backing its claims with substance and not just hype. In case of Iran, we mostly get speculations.

Like already mentioned RQ-170, official reaction? "No big deal, Iran wont be able to decipher or use that tech anyway". As I said, up to you if you believe face-saving politics or not.
This is not the first time with US. Insiders say that RQ-170 is not a cutting-edge weapon by Western standards. People are impressed by its looks. Every time an event like this occurs, US comes out with a newer and better alternative or replacement. The game continues.

Also, drones are not a new thing for Iran. This country has been developing drones of its own. Also, we do not know that whether Iran will be able to make a 100% exact copy. Such claims are easy to make but experiments are the real deal.
You have a point here. However, keep in mind that evey revelation that Iranian military officials are making is helping the enemies. Iranians surely do not know how to keep sensitive matters secret.

Also, not all missiles can be fooled. This is why ABM systems come in to the picture. Do the math.

Iran is disclosing and hyping some technologies as a deterrence, so enemies would think twice before attacking. That said, Iran isnt disclosing all its capabilities, quite some tech. remains secret. There were many interviews with Iran's generals claiming they have plenty of secret tech "in the sleeves".

The only missiles which cant be fooled are "dumb" bombs, as there is nothing to fool in them :) Whether advanced US missiles can or cannot be tricked, by Iran or somebody else, is anyone's guess. What history teaches us, for any weapon tech. countermeasures appears. Sometimes it takes many years, sometimes only few countries can do that, etc. thats different topic. Fact remains - scientific and military industry never stops working, and Iran is catching up with impressive tempo.

Difference between both cases is that the virus which infected US drone control system was not of sabotaging nature and did not compromised the system. Proof is that US continued to operate its drone fleet during the infection and after the infection without grouding it. It was a normal virus infection.

In contrast, Stuxnet is a different story. It was designed by Western experts to sabotage the designated target.

You take US excuse at a face value. US drones werent affected by some random internet virus, its was unique and specific spyware, which US experts had a very hard time cleaning up. Whats more - US didnt had any clue what that spyware was doing. Spoofing data? Sitting Trojan horse? They dont know. Therefore to accept their later "no big deal" explanation is hardly the best idea, considering US doesnt know who did it and why.

Yes. However, US have history of backing its claims with substance and not just hype. In case of Iran, we mostly get speculations.

I can show you thousands of US claims which were either lies, or unfounded hype. All countries do it, including superpower as US. They have more muscle to back it up, but that doesnt make them immune from lies/hype, especially when it serves their goals. Unlike US, Iran doesnt go to war every other year, so their exact capabilities remains unknown.

This is not the first time with US. Insiders say that RQ-170 is not a cutting-edge weapon by Western standards. People are impressed by its looks. Every time an event like this occurs, US comes out with a newer and better alternative or replacement. The game continues.

Thats another US face-saving talks I dont buy. RQ-170 is the most advanced drone US has. It was such a secret, not only its specific capabilities were hidden, but not even official photos were released. Its sensors are extremely sensitive and advanced, probably equipped with AESA radar too.

So how again its "not a cutting-edge weapon by Western standards", if US doesnt even have better ones? And regardless if US releases something better today - RQ-170 is decades ahead of Iranian own drones program. So despite how much US downplays RQ-170 capture in damage control talks, fact remains it will allow Iran to reduce tech. gap faster.
Iran made major advancements in nano-technologies, nuclear physics, space technologies, super computers, missile's technologies, avionics and more.
So expect there official statements to be true, even if it is beyond your personal comprehension.

What major advancements?
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