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Iran Arms Imports in Gulf War 1


May 9, 2007
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Alright, many people especially Iranians think they weren't able to get one bullet in GW1.

Transfers of major conventional weapons: sorted by supplier. Deals with deliveries or orders made for year range 1980 to 1988:

R: Iran
(10) Model-81 155mm Towed gun 1984 1984 10

R: Iran
(300) CG-45/GHN-45 155mm Towed gun 1984 1985 (300) Officialy ordered by Libya, but illegally delivered to Iran; originally produced for expected Indian order

R: Iran
(35) PT-6 Turboprop (1983) 1984 (35) For 35 PC-7 trainer aircraft from Switzerland; PT-6A-25A version

R: Iran
(16) F-6/Farmer Fighter aircraft (1981) 1982-1984 (16) No. could be 22 or 25

(300) Type-59-1 130mm Towed gun (1981) 1982-1984 (300)

(300) Type-63 107mm Towed MRL (1981) 1981-1987 (300)

(300) WZ-120/Type-59 Tank (1981) 1982-1984 (300)

(6500) Red Arrow-73 Anti-tank missile (1982) 1982-1988 (6500)

(100) D-74 122mm Towed gun (1985) 1985-1986 (100) Type-60 version

(5) F-7A Fighter aircraft (1985) 1986 (5) No. could be 25; designation uncertain

(500) HN-5A Portable SAM (1985) 1986-1988 (500)

(150) HQ-2/CSA-1 SAM (1985) 1985-1986 (150)

(6) HQ-2/CSA-1 SAM system (1985) 1985-1986 (6)

(100) Type-59-1 130mm Towed gun (1985) 1985-1986 (100)

(100) C-801/CSS-N-4 Anti-ship missile (1986) 1987 (100) For use with HY-2 coast defence systems; Iranian designation Karus

(7) HY-2 CDS Coast defence system (1986) 1986-1987 (7)

(75) HY-2/SY-1A/CSS-N-2 Anti-ship missile 1986 1986-1987 (75) HY-2 version; for Hai Ying coast defence systems

(600) PL-2 SRAAM (1986) 1986-1988 (600) For F-6 and F-7 combat aircraft

(400) PL-7 SRAAM (1986) 1986-1988 (400) For F-7 combat aircraft

(120) Type-59-1 130mm Towed gun (1986) 1987 (120)

(500) WZ-121/Type-69 Tank (1986) 1986-1988 (500) Type-69-II version; possibly sold or delivered via North Korea

(100) HY-2/SY-1A/CSS-N-2 Anti-ship missile 1988 1988-1994 (100) HY-2 version; possibly incl C-601 (CAS-1) air-launched version

L: Iran
(250) Type-63 107mm Towed MRL (1985) 1986-1990 (250)

R: Iran
(7) F-5A Freedom Fighter FGA aircraft (1985) 1985 (3) Ex-Ethiopian; incl 2 F-5B; part of $95 m deal

(3) F-5E Tiger-2 FGA aircraft (1985) 1985 (3) Ex-Ethiopian; part of $95 m deal

R: Iran
12 Combattante-2 FAC 1974 1977-1981 12 Delivery of last 3 delayed after 1979 revolution due to non-payment by Iran; Iranian designation Kaman

R: Iran
(300) AIM-9L/M Sidewinder SRAAM (1985) 1985-1986 (300) AIM-9L version; status uncertain

508 BGM-71 TOW Anti-tank missile 1985 1985 508 Ex-Israeli

500 BGM-71 TOW Anti-tank missile 1986 1986 500 Part of 'Iran-Contra' deal; financed by USA

R: Iran
(12) Compact 76mm Naval gun (1974) 1977-1981 12 For 12 Combattante (Kaman) FAC from France

20 SH-3D Sea King ASW helicopter (1974) 1976-1981 (20) ASH-3D version

26 CH-47C Chinook Helicopter 1977 1978-1981 (26) Originally 53 ordered, but 20 cancelled after Iranian 1979 revolution and delivery of remaining 7 vetoed by USA

R: Iran
5 Iran Ajr Landing ship (1978) 1980 5 Officially delivered for civil use but taken over by Navy

R: Iran
(130) EE-9 Cascavel Armoured car 1980 1980 (130) Ex-Libyan (but probably kept in storage and never used by Libya)

(60) T-54 Tank 1981 1981 (60) Ex-Libyan; aid

(65) T-55 Tank 1981 1981 (65) Ex-Libyan; aid

(65) T-62 Tank 1981 1981 (65) Ex-Libyan; aid

(3) 9P117/Scud-B TEL Mobile SSM launcher (1985) 1985 (3) Ex-Libyan

(40) R-17/SS-1c Scud-B SSM (1985) 1985-1987 (40) Ex-Libyan

R: Iran
8 F-27 Friendship Transport aircraft 1974 1976-1981 (8) F-27 Mk-400 version

12 WM-20 Fire control radar (1974) 1977-1981 12 For 12 Combattante-2 (Kaman) FAC from France; WM-28 version

3 Hormuz-21 Landing ship (1983) 1984-1985 (3) Iranian designation Hejaz; officially ordered for civilian use

L: Iran
12 Hendijan Transport craft (1987) 1988-1995 (12) 4 assembled/produced in Iran; Iranian designation MIG-S-4700

North Korea
R: Iran
(150) T-62 Tank (1981) 1982-1983 (150)

(6) MiG-19/Farmer Fighter aircraft (1982) 1983 6 Ex-North Korean; designation uncertain

(200) Type-63 107mm Towed MRL (1982) 1982-1986 (200)

(480) Type-59-1 130mm Towed gun (1983) 1983-1988 (480) Supplier uncertain

(4000) 9M14M/AT-3 Sagger Anti-tank missile 1986 1986-1989 (4000) Possibly for BMP-1 IFV; supplier uncertain

3 Chaho FAC (1986) 1987 3 Iranian designation Zafar

(20) HY-2/SY-1A/CSS-N-2 Anti-ship missile (1986) 1987-1988 (20)

(20) M-1978 170mm Self-propelled gun 1986 1987-1988 (20)

(100) R-17/SS-1c Scud-B SSM 1987 1987-1988 (100) Incl assembly from kits in Iran

L: Iran
(100) BM-21 Grad 122mm Self-propelled MRL (1982) 1982-1987 (100) BM-11 version; incl assembly and probably production in Iran

(100) M-1985 240mm Self-propelled MRL (1987) 1988-1998 (100) Iranian designation Fadjr-3

R: Iran
(5) Delvar Cargo ship (1979) 1980-1982 (5) Incl 2 ammunition transport version

South Korea
R: Iran
3 Hormuz-24 Landing ship (1984) 1986 3 Iranian designation Farsi; officially delivered as merchant ships

R: Iran
(200) RBS-70 Portable SAM (1984) 1985 (200) No. could be up to 400; partly illegally delivered via Singapore and/or Pakistan

R: Iran
PC-6 Turbo Porter Light transport ac (1983) 1983-1984 (15)

(35) PC-7 Turbo Trainer Trainer aircraft (1983) 1984 (35) Originally 80 ordered but last 45 cancelled

R: Iran
(2000) 9M14M/AT-3 Sagger Anti-tank missile (1981) 1982-1983 (2000) For BMP-1 IFV; supplier uncertain

200 BMP-1 IFV 1981 1982-1983 (200) Ex-Syrian

(120) T-55 Tank (1982) 1982 (120) Ex-Syrian

(100) T-62 Tank (1982) 1982 (100) Ex-Syrian

R: Iran
1 Kharg Support ship 1974 1984 1 Delivery embargoed after 1979 Iranian revolution until 1984

2 Hengam Landing ship 1977 1985 2 Original 4 ordered, but 2 cancelled after Iranian 1979 revolution; delivery embargoed after 1979 revolution until 1985 when delivered as hospital ships

R: Iran
1 Steam turbine Steam engine 1974 1984 1 For Kharg support ship from UK

(25) MIM-23B HAWK SAM (1985) 1985 (25) Part of 'Iran-Contra' deal; delivered via Israel

1000 BGM-71 TOW Anti-tank missile (1986) 1986 1000 Part of 'Iran-Contra' deal

(235) MIM-23B HAWK SAM (1986) 1986 (235) Part of 'Iran-Contra' deal

R: Iran
(400) BMP-1 IFV (1986) 1986-1989 (400) From Czechoslovakian production line

(200) BTR-60PB APC (1986) 1986-1987 (200) Supplier uncertain; probably ex-Soviet

(400) Strela-2/SA-7 Grail Portable SAM (1986) 1986 (400) Deal also incl 100 launchers; status uncertain

good find buddy!

Iranian army was called the policeman of the gulf in reference to their fifth strongest army in the world. Iranian air-force, land force as well as naval force, air-defenses were far superior and sophisticated the the Iraqi ones at the beginning of the war, except for the tanks, Iraq had two times more tanks.
Iranian army was called the policeman of the gulf in reference to their fifth strongest army in the world. Iranian air-force, land force as well as naval force, air-defenses were far superior and sophisticated the the Iraqi ones at the beginning of the war, except for the tanks, Iraq had two times more tanks.
Sometimes I think you have the IQ of a frog.

Iran was clearly not the 5th strongest of anything. Having first grade weapons means diddly squat when you don't have an indigenous military industry, a clear and independent vision and a series of strong deterrents. Iran had none of those. We were Saudi Arabia back then. Mo. Reza Shah just bought whatever the **** he could get his hands on. They helped us in the war, sure, but the minute we ran out of smtg we were fucked.

Our ground forces were so badly equipped that we had to resort to World War tactics. We didn't even have ******* fuel pumps and enough RPGs!!!

A clear and independent vision means that you establish yourself in a way that you can never be used by foreign powers in any shape or form. We were the police dog of the West and our power was tied to their willingness to support us. If we had a series of deterrents, Saddam wouldn't have invaded in the first place (ballistic missiles, nuclear program...). If we had an indigenous military industry we would have been able to hold on to the grounds that we captured. Back then, fighting meant going at tanks world war 2 style! Our boys were ill equipped at best and had nothing but AKs at the worst.

Anyway, no matter how many times people explain warfare to you, you will repeat the same ol' drivel. You think warfare is a game where you use tokens to buy stuff and just use the left button of a mouse to move these toys on the screen.

The American arms producers always go around blowing smoke up slave countries' ***** in order to sell their ****. They called Iran the 5th strongest, saddam's Iraq 5th strongest and today they're calling the saudis the same things. In the end, it always turns out to be a huge joke.

Only you arabs are drinking the cool aid these days and spending 10% of your GDPs on useless junk that won't get you anywhere.
Calm down, we are talking here, no need to get mad. I am pointing out facts. It's true that Iran didn't have an indigenous arm industry but they did have the equipment and the spare parts, many Iranian tanks and APCs were captured and not destroyed. F-14, F-5 and F-4 played a vital role in the war which prove they were in good conditions. Iraq access to arms isn't as you guys picture it, they had very limited access to world market and most of them were acquired by third parties especially by KSA. Iraq used his 260 aircrafts at the very beginning of the war as the first major raid to destroy Iranian airports and jets on the ground but it miserably failed as their bombs were small and unguided, and either missed their targets or couldn't destroy them. Iraq major problem in that war is his lack of proper air coverage which Iran had. So, that's why Iraq turned to manufacturing Scud missiles and used them heavily in a desperate attempt to fill the gap. You always tend to ignore the Iranian strategic advantage over Iraq in five times more population and 7 times larger tarritories which gave Iran a startigic depth which Iraq lacked.
I dont get the point of this thread, what are you trying to prove / show?
BlackEagle, though your remarks and talks about Iran do not have the slightest credibility and worths nothing,but I wanted to mention some facts.
You are the same one who said Saddam attacked Iran and killed one million terrorists (Yeah,all those women,children and old men and normal citizens were terrorists).
You are the same one who called Saddam a hero (though it's really funny,but it won't prevent us from having pity for you)

Why don't you compare how much Iran and Iraq imports worth?
After Iran completely shut down Iraqi oil exports and destroyed Iraqi navy 3 months after the war,Iraq was going bankrupt,So all Arab countries gathered and gave him more than $80 billions of non-profit loan,U.S and USSR,France,Germany,Netherlands,Belgium,Brazil,UK and many more countries provided the mad man with all kinds of arms,including chemical weapons.

Because of sanctions,Iranian air force couldn't buy spare parts for jets (except a few in Iran-Contra),heck not even pressure suits and because of that,pilots couldn't fly in very high altitudes.

I know how deperately you are trying to twist the facts,but you can't,because the whole world knows what are the facts.
BlackEagle, though your remarks and talks about Iran do not have the slightest credibility and worths nothing,but I wanted to mention some facts.
You are the same one who said Saddam attacked Iran and killed one million terrorists (Yeah,all those women,children and old men and normal citizens were terrorists).
You are the same one who called Saddam a hero (though it's really funny,but it won't prevent us from having pity for you)

Why don't you compare how much Iran and Iraq imports worth?
After Iran completely shut down Iraqi oil exports and destroyed Iraqi navy 3 months after the war,Iraq was going bankrupt,So all Arab countries gathered and gave him more than $80 billions of non-profit loan,U.S and USSR,France,Germany,Netherlands,Belgium,Brazil,UK and many more countries provided the mad man with all kinds of arms,including chemical weapons.

Because of sanctions,Iranian air force couldn't buy spare parts for jets (except a few in Iran-Contra),heck not even pressure suits and because of that,pilots couldn't fly in very high altitudes.

I know how deperately you are trying to twist the facts,but you can't,because the whole world knows what are the facts.

I called them terrorists because I was really angry at your constant provocations, I am sorry though. Saddam is a hero whether you like it or not, his bravery is addressed by his enemies and the loved ones. But of course he made the most vital and stupid mistakes a man could do. Anyway, Iran shelled Iraqi cities, hospitals, schools...ect and killed many civilians. So do not act so innocent here. For the equipment, I have put numbers and all related details which prove that Iran got huge amount of arms from many countries including USA and Israel. If you have anything refute then those data not me.
I called them terrorists because I was really angry, I am sorry. Saddam is a hero whether you like it or not, his bravery is addressed by his enemies and the loved ones. But of course he made the most vital and stupid mistakes a man could do. Anyway, Iran shelled Iraqi cities, hospitals, schools...ect and killed many civilians. So do not act so innocent here. For the equipment, I have put numbers and all related details which prove that Iran got huge amount of arms from many countries including USA and Israel. If you have anything refute then those data not me.
You must be kidding right?
The mad man was dropping and bombing our cities everyday,what else do you expect?Watch out citizens die and don't do anything?

In first 3 years of war,Iran barely attacked Iraqi cities,but after Iran understood Civilians and soldiers do not have any difference for him,Iran too attacked Iraqi infrastructures and cities so that maybe he stops his attacks on cities.This is a freaking war,not a game.

Yes Iran is innocent because it was defending herself against Iraqi crimes.When they bomb your city,you should bomb their city in response,not just sit back and watch.

And about the arms sales,you are still trying to hide the facts.Yes Iran bought arms during the war,but Iraq bought arms 20 times more than Iran.That doesn't prove anything.Here are the equipment of Iran and Iraq army in the beginning and at the end of the war.


And here the countries who sold arms to Iran,Iraq or both.

"All shias should be burned"-Mosa and BLACKEAGLE

"saddam is a hero"-BLACKEAGLE

"Saddam killed a million terrorists" > referring to Iranian casualities in the IRN-IRQ war-BLACKEAGLE

BLACKEAGLE, face it, your recent 'political' campaign to show yourself as the warm and cute apoligitic forumer is useless with the track of stink left by your horse manure. Your posts speak loud and clear wahabi.

Saddam, the taliban, bin laden, Guantanamo Bay prisoners etc... all share something very pathetic: they're always used as slaves and they're always discarded like the scum *** wipes that they're. Wahabis always end up losing out and they always fail to achieve anything.

BLACKEAGLE, you're on the wrong side. The wahabi sickness is fatal if not cured, so kick the habit.

60 air crafts?!! You must be joking man. From where did you get those info? Most of Iranian huge fleet of F-4, F-5, F-14, F-7 and F-5 at the end of the war, 430 aircrafts in total.
List of aircraft of the Iranian Air Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"All shias should be burned"-Mosa and BLACKEAGLE

"saddam is a hero"-BLACKEAGLE

"Saddam killed a million terrorists" > referring to Iranian casualities in the IRN-IRQ war-BLACKEAGLE

BLACKEAGLE, face it, your recent 'political' campaign to show yourself as the warm and cute apoligitic forumer is useless with the track of stink left by your horse manure. Your posts speak loud and clear wahabi.

Saddam, the taliban, bin laden, Guantanamo Bay prisoners etc... all share something very pathetic: they're always used as slaves and they're always discarded like the scum *** wipes that they're. Wahabis always end up losing out and they always fail to achieve anything.

BLACKEAGLE, you're on the wrong side. The wahabi sickness is fatal if not cured, so kick the habit.

Believe me Abii, you give such a shiny picture of Iran and Iranians. You must have had a very tough childhood to be like this.
60 air crafts?!! You must be joking man. From where did you get those info? Most of Iranian huge fleet of F-4, F-5, F-14, F-7 and F-5 at the end of the war, 430 aircrafts in total.
List of aircraft of the Iranian Air Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Believe me Abii, you give such a shiny picture of Iran and Iranians. You must have had a very tough childhood to be like this.

Oh God,look with who I'm arguing.Why don't you just stop when you can't hide the ignorance?
Look at the picture again,it says Serviceable Aircraft,means the jets who could fly and participate in war,it doesn't mean Iran had 65 aircraft at the end of the war.Why don't you just bring up something else to avoid humiliation?
After the war,Iran bought huge amounts of spare parts,mostly by smuggling and illegal ways and repaired its huge grounded fleet.
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