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Iran Arms Imports in Gulf War 1

Oh God,look with who I'm arguing.Why don't you just stop when you can't hide the ignorance?
Look at the picture again,it says Serviceable Aircraft,means the jets who could fly and participate in war,it doesn't mean Iran had 65 aircraft at the end of the war.Why don't you just bring up something else to avoid humiliation?
After the war,Iran bought huge amounts of spare parts,mostly by smuggling and illegal ways and repaired its huge grounded fleet.

Saying OMG and calling others ignorants don't prove anything, you have to put sources. The numbers are over exaggerated.
Iran Air Force

Here it says Iran had less than 100 operational air crafts at the end of the war,while according to some Iranian commanders,it was between 60 and 70 and some even claimed 50.

Anyway,about your hero,let us review what that bastard did when he saw he can't advance in war:

Toward the end of the war, the land conflict regressed into stalemate largely because neither side had enough self-propelled artillery or air power to support ground advances.
The relatively professional Iraqi armed forces could not make headway against the far more numerous Iranian infantry. The Iranians were outmatched in both towed and self-propelled artillery, which left their tanks and troops vulnerable. This led the Iranians to substitute infantry power for artillery.
Iraq's air force soon began strategic bombing against Iranian cities, chiefly Tehran, in 1985. To minimize losses from the superior Iranian Air Force, Iraq rapidly switched to Scud and Al-Hussein improved Scud launches. In retaliation, Iran fired Scud missiles acquired from Libya[citation needed] and Syria against Baghdad. In all, Iraq launched 520 Scuds and Al-Husseins against Iran and received only 177 in exchange. In October 1986, Iraqi aircraft began to attack civilian passenger trains and aircraft on Iranian soil, including an Iran Air Boeing 737 unloading passengers at Shiraz International Airport.
In retaliation for the Iranian Operation Karbala-5, an early 1987 attempt to capture Basra, Iraq attacked 65 cities in 226 sorties over 42 days, bombing civilian neighborhoods. Eight Iranian cities came under attack from Iraqi missiles. The bombings killed 65 children in an elementary school in Borujerd alone. The Iranians also responded with Scud missile attacks on Baghdad and struck a primary school there. These events became known as "the War of the Cities".

Map of civilian attacks by Iran and Iraq:


I'm not surprised you still see him as your hero,but we saw his fate,hanged by his own people in misery.Heroes don't die like this.
Your logic is missed up, first you said this a war and not a game and here you cry a river over shelling your cities. Well, yes it wasn't a game, since you targeted their cities with 171 missiles then you did the same no matter who killed more or launched more missiles. Your twisted logic is also clear by saying that he was hanged by his own people, while we all know who arrested him, staged the fiasco that was called trial and hanged him. They all came on American tanks with Iranian blessings, and Iraqis traitors who came from Qum with American blessings. Why do you don't you call Al-Maliki a traitor since he was appointed by Americans during American occupation in Iraq? Is not it because he is Shea? And you still wondering why we call Iran a stagger in our side? Don't blame us for what is going to happen. It's called repayment.
Al-Maliki is elected by people's vote,if you don't like him,that's something else,he represents the Shia majority of Iraq.
Ok,enlighten us on how Iraqis loved Saddam and how her death was staged.This is your old trick,doesn't work anymore.
You call us a stagger to your side,we call you a stagger to our side,nothing new.
Al-Maliki is elected by people's vote,if you don't like him,that's something else,he represents the Shia majority of Iraq.
Ok,enlighten us on how Iraqis loved Saddam and how her death was staged.This is your old trick,doesn't work anymore.
You call us a stagger to your side,we call you a stagger to our side,nothing new.

He's saying his death was staged?

this guy has hit rock bottom

@ BE, maliki is on the throne because there are more shias than sunnis. Have a problem? Go blow yourself up see if that fixes it.
R: Iran
(300) AIM-9L/M Sidewinder SRAAM (1985) 1985-1986 (300) AIM-9L version; status uncertain

508 BGM-71 TOW Anti-tank missile 1985 1985 508 Ex-Israeli

500 BGM-71 TOW Anti-tank missile 1986 1986 500 Part of 'Iran-Contra' deal; financed by USA

R: Iran
1 Steam turbine Steam engine 1974 1984 1 For Kharg support ship from UK

(25) MIM-23B HAWK SAM (1985) 1985 (25) Part of 'Iran-Contra' deal; delivered via Israel

1000 BGM-71 TOW Anti-tank missile (1986) 1986 1000 Part of 'Iran-Contra' deal

(235) MIM-23B HAWK SAM (1986) 1986 (235) Part of 'Iran-Contra' deal

Trade Registers

Well, I think Iran Fanboy have a shock after reading that!
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