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Iran and India have similar views on Afghanistan

What nonsense is taught to Pakistanis by their media/textbooks? Do they frame their foreign policy by reading Chanakya? LOL
Yeah as they say: You can fool some people all the time. Some Pakistans can always be taken for a ride with stupid conspiracy theories. But not all.
Please read about India's chanakya and his philosophies. You'll get his expansionist theories and yes Persia was one of his target. India has taken over your Chahbahar port and are trying to make friends with the enemy's neighbours. This should answer.

Saddam and leadership has already been answered.

suppose you're right and Indian are not our friends, that does not make Pakistan our friends does it?
I don't see Indian sending troops to Bahrain to oppress shia protesters.

P.S, I am talking about Pakistani state.

Pakistani Shia are natural allies of Iran.

pakistani shias lol, do you think there is a state within a state in pakistan, a shia state?
Nadir Shah, I believe, went as far as Delhi, ransacked it & then turned back ! Yup...sounds like one hell of a cultural exchange.

Those Afghan Invaders - Abdali & Sher Shah Suri - were Pashtuns with the former being big on Pashtun Nationalism & the latter being big on Muslim Nationalism & truly one hell of a leader. We are the rightful heirs of either because in case of the first - We've got twice as many Pashtuns who call themselves proud Pakistanis as those present in the rest of the world combined - their ancestor...our ancestor. Whereas in case of the latter - If he was into Muslim Nationalism...we're the only country in the vicinity that was formulated under that ideology !

P.S Afghan is Dari for Pashtun !

Pakistani nationhood came much later after those Pashtuns invasions. Before that Pashtuns were a completely different people from you , leave alone Arabs and Uzbeks.

Also, all three Afghan invaders of India (Ghouri, Ghaznavi and Abdali) were born in modern day Afghanistan and not Pakistan , so this makes the Afghans their rightful heirs not Pakistanis.

Sher Shah Suri was not an invader , he was born in India , an Indian , so his rightful heirs are us Indians :D

As far as Nadir shah is concerned , yes that is one small, bad historical exchange between India and Iran but that doesn't change the other thousands of years of positive exchanges between these two civilisations .

Btw, even Nadir Shah before plundering Delhi , captured and plundered many modern day Pakistani cities like Peshawar and Lahore .
And riled over and do what exactly?

What exactly has Indonesia, Pakistan, Malaysia, Morocco, have done against Israel to protest Israeli actions such as the mistreatment of Palestinians, numerous wars with Arab countries, covert action, etc.

The Muslim World has never been more divided than it is today in Sunni-Shia camp and Syria is a prime example with Shias supporting Assad and Sunnis supporting the Rebels.

What would they do ? Nothing ! But thats the thing innit ? If the US attacks Iran right now most of the Arab world would pull of a Gulf War over Iran. If, however, the same Iran is attacked by Israel...they won't do sh*t. Thats not me saying, I've heard a plethora of analysts commenting exactly as such as to why Israel must not take the lead in attacking Iran or it risks alienating the Arab World as an ally. This doesn't take away our Sunni-Shia BS but only a probable scenario is presented whereby our collective dislike for Israel maybe too darn big of a thing to overturn.
What nonsense is taught to Pakistanis by their media/textbooks? Do they frame their foreign policy by reading Chanakya? LOL
Yeah as they say: You can fool some people all the time. Some Pakistans can always be taken for a ride with stupid conspiracy theories. But not all.

No its not taught in Pakistani textbooks. Its well known that your people have already taken over UAE, Bahrain,Qatar, African countries, Caribbean Islands, and now you are trying to get hold of Afghanistan. India has always been forcing internal crisis for nations.
You have gone to become an Elite member by posting too much BS, Im just a beginner Compared to you!

I became an Elite Member with less than a 1,000 posts because of the quality of my posts and knowledge that I have and my contribution to Wikipedia on Pakistani Military related topics.

In other words, I got promoted due to merit, while you became a senior member by upping your post count. :D

What would they do ? Nothing ! But thats the thing innit ? If the US attacks Iran right now most of the Arab world would pull of a Gulf War over Iran. If, however, the same Iran is attacked by Israel...they won't do sh*t. Thats not me saying, I've heard a plethora of analysts commenting exactly as such as to why Israel must not take the lead in attacking Iran or it risks alienating the Arab World as an ally. This doesn't take away our Sunni-Shia BS but only a probable scenario is presented whereby our collective dislike for Israel maybe too darn big of a thing to overturn.

When US attacked Iraq in 2003,
- CENTCOM's HQ was in Qatar
- US 5th fleet is based on Bahrain
- US attacked Iraq via Kuwait.

The only country which refused US to launch an attack on Iraq from was Turkey.

So much for Islamic Unity.
I became an Elite Member with less than a 1,000 posts because of the quality of my posts and knowledge that I have and my contribution to Wikipedia on Pakistani Military related topics.

In other words, I got promoted due to merit, while you became a senior member by upping your post count. :D

its all about the date on which you have joined here! thats why you have become an elite member, otherwise nobody sees quality in your posts, Just Plain BS!
Really?????? Your comments suggest the main problem between India and Pakistan are the stupid textbooks some of you guys read/are made to read.
No its not taught in Pakistani textbooks. Its well known that your people have already taken over UAE, Bahrain,Qatar, African countries, Caribbean Islands, and now you are trying to get hold of Afghanistan.
Really?????? Your comments suggest the main problem between India and Pakistan are the stupid textbooks some of you guys read/are made to read.

Isn't the circle thing in your flag a symbol of Ashoka? :lol:
its all about the date on which you have joined here! thats why you have become an elite member, otherwise nobody sees quality in your posts, Just Plain BS!

Coming from a guy who said this:

My Comment is a reality you will Continue to Ignore, Perhaps the time will tell and the history will repeat itself, the hindus minority will again be rulled by Muslims, The history will begin repeating itself from Europe, We already see its signs. :pakistan:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Eh, too much trolling. I'm out.

If you guys want to open up a thread about Iran Iraq war, I will definitely be there.
Eh, too much trolling. I'm out.

If you guys want to open up a thread about Iran Iraq war, I will definitely be there.

Its because of you this whole trolling started.

You brought India-Pakistan into this thread and started this gigantic troll war and now Iranian Members are boycotting this thread.

Congrats. :D
Pakistani nationhood came much later after those invasions. Before that Pashtuns were a completely different people from you , leave alone Arabs and Uzbeks.

As far as Nadir shah is concerned , yes that is one small, bad historical exchange between India and Iran but that doesn't change the other thousands of years of positive exchanges between these two civilisations .

Btw, even Nadir Shah before plundering Delhi , captured and plundered many modern day Pakistani cities like Peshawar and Lahore .

Ahhh...no they weren't ! They Pashtuns of Mianwali, the Baloch of South Punjab, the Sindhis of Punjab have all co-existed for centuries. Our intermarriages didn't start happening 65 years ago.

And if one were to assume that they were...so what ? They are the natural successors of their ancestors & we & they are one.

What positive influence are you talking about ? The Baloch in Pakistan speak Farsi along with their native Balochi or Barahui; how many Indians do that ? Our Languages are written in the Persian Nastaliq script & have numerous loan words from the Persian Language. The same language & parts of their civilization that were fostered by the Mughals...they were Central Asians ! What historical exchange are you talking about that you got & we missed out on ?
I don't understand why so many Pakistanis are obsessed with Arabs. You guys migrate in large numbers to Persian Gulf Arab states, where you guys receive a cold shower, and you are even providing them 'reserve' troops. That has probably to do with Pakistan that as a country is located at the periphery of the 'heart of the Islam' so you guys try to do everything in order to be seen as 'real muslims' by Arabs, etc. That obsession has turned into extremism.
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