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Iran - Ally or Foe for Pakistan

Pakistan and Iran had hood relations under the shah because we were both under American thumb!!

But since ayatollahs what common interest do Pakistan and Iran have??

How about common interest of being next door neighbours...
I think now Iran has now learned it's lesson after the UN vote on Iran Program.There should not be even a sunni-shia problem - Both Shia and Sunni can coexist any problem at all - I just don't understand the bias against Shia's...although i imagine it exists on their side too against Sunnis..
Just to be clear: I am a sunni myself but i don't have any problems with Shia People..Obviously there are few nutcracks in every sect and their interests lie in creating more hatred between people of different sects.What i want to say is we should not go out of our way to make Iran an enemy - Just treat it as we treat any other neutral country..If it tries to mess with our interests then big deal we can retaliate quietly.

Wahabi's and Saudi madrassas pose their own problems.

In that sense the tussle between the two is the problem, pakistani's go bhai bhai to both parties, abd both screw pak in different ways!!
Since 1979, Iran has supported India on many occasions.
Iran supports Indian interests by letting Indian invest in Chahbahar port.
Iran supports proxies in Afghanistan that are against Pakistan's interests.

What are your views on Iran?

first of all the title is wrong why only ally or foe? Iran and Pak can be neutral friends.
secondly I surprised some one looking in relation of both but only from one side interests.
if you think Iran -India relations is aganst Pak interests how about US-Pak relations US threat to Iran is more than indian to Pak.same about Pak-Saudi relations.
Pak was at least the host for a anti-Iran terrorist group( Jondullah) if we do not say supporter while Iran have done many good to Pak (Iran offered cheaper electricity to pak but pak is not ready, Iran is ready to supply cheaper gas to Pak but Pak play with US by this card to gain more benefit, Iran had Pak aid day for Pak flood and Pak received the most aid from Iran while your media casted that US and Saudi were bigger helper,......) I can make a bigger list, maybe Pak can make a list against Iran too. what I am trying to say is relations seeks for bilateral interests, you can not ask one side offer %100 to you or leave all benefits for you, as Pak has interest in Afghanistan Iran has interest there too, then why should Iran left everything for Pak there, the point is two sides must work to achieve to common interest rather than blaming each other
first of all the title is wrong why only ally or foe? Iran and Pak can be neutral friends.
secondly I surprised some one looking in relation of both but only from one side interests.
if you think Iran -India relations is aganst Pak interests how about US-Pak relations US threat to Iran is more than indian to Pak.same about Pak-Saudi relations.
Pak was at least the host for a anti-Iran terrorist group( Jondullah) if we do not say supporter while Iran have done many good to Pak (Iran offered cheaper electricity to pak but pak is not ready, Iran is ready to supply cheaper gas to Pak but Pak play with US by this card to gain more benefit, Iran had Pak aid day for Pak flood and Pak received the most aid from Iran while your media casted that US and Saudi were bigger helper,......) I can make a bigger list, maybe Pak can make a list against Iran too. what I am trying to say is relations seeks for bilateral interests, you can not ask one side offer %100 to you or leave all benefits for you, as Pak has interest in Afghanistan Iran has interest there too, then why should Iran left everything for Pak there, the point is two sides must work to achieve to common interest rather than blaming each other

Pakistan and Iran are neighbors - we share culture, religion, history, so friendship is the only way.
Iran is a natural ally for Pakistan, unfortunately, since many Pakistanis have decided to sell their souls to the Wahhabi devil, they will not see reality and insist that Iran is an enemy, Iran wants to convert PK to a Shia country, etc.

How many Shia's have been massacred by Wahhabis? How many Sunnis have been killed by Shias? The answer is very clear, Wahhabis pose the threat to PK and Shia do not.

But many Pakistanis will not see the truth.
Pakistan has no choice but to be allies with the us, Pakistan very stupidly tried to help Iranians with nukes, look what happened there?

When a country plays around on issues like Kashmir you know they are not sincere, this is Iran, I lost a lot of respect for them.

I never had much respect for the wahabi's anyway.
Iran is a natural ally for Pakistan, unfortunately, since many Pakistanis have decided to sell their souls to the Wahhabi devil, they will not see reality and insist that Iran is an enemy, Iran wants to convert PK to a Shia country, etc.

How many Shia's have been massacred by Wahhabis? How many Sunnis have been killed by Shias? The answer is very clear, Wahhabis pose the threat to PK and Shia do not.

But many Pakistanis will not see the truth.

You are confused with the terms Wahabis and Sunnis.. Let me tell you that current president of Pakistan is a shia, just to enhance your info on Pak.
This Sunni-Shia thing is not as big as it seems to be, at least in Pak-Iran Relations.

Pakistan's foreign Policy objectives should be to make as many friends as possible. Keeping Both Saudi's and Mullah's happy at the same time is not a big deal provided that we have a visionary at helm and we play our cards shrewdly.

Making Iran a permanent friend might be more easy then most of our policy makers think because lately a lot of our interests have been converging.
Ayatollah Khomeini lived a significant portion of his life in Kashmir, and I find it odd that he and his administration would not support the independence of Kashmir.

That is politics. When Taliban were killing Shias in Afghanistan and hanged Iranian diplomats infront of their embassy, Iran held Pakistan responsible for it. Also during 1980's when Zia was close to Saudi Arabia and Iran was fighting for its survival against Saddam supported by Saudi Arabia, Iran did not like it abit. Iranian diplomats killed in Pakistan are another issue. To portray that we are angels is wrong and must be refrained from. Iran has made mistakes so has Pakistan. Do not forget that Pakistan can not survive with all its neighbors as enemies. India was an enemy from the beginning. Afghanistan was half enemy which we turned to full enemy through our wrong policies. Then China with which we have a very difficult to access border near Indian border. China is a friend but the new Chinese generation sees Pakistan differently through the prism of Islamic uprisings in China. Be careful. Alienating Iranians and making issues with them is the last you want to do. Being surrounded by enemies is not a good idea. If Pakistan is to depend on Iranian gas, then the relations have to be kept at best possible. Pakistan has excellent relations with Gulf countries which have good relations with India and Israel. So Iran should be kept close rather than pushed towards India. This policy of pushing Iran towards India which was initiated by Zia has brought no good for Pakistan. Zia wanted to prove his loyalty to Americans by such a policy instead of taking an independent policy from that of US. Too bad US did not remain loyal to him.
I really don't know much about Pakistan-Iran relation and i don't think it will make any difference between India-Iran.

India-Iran relation is very old and good one. India mostly supports Iran and vice-versa. Iran always supported India stand on Kashmir, We have lots of business deals. In addition, We Iran and India respect each other due to old historical ancient culture. We never had any conflict in history.

Iran has given us Chabbar port for access to Afghanistan and central asia and beyond. What more is needed ?

Chabahar port plan on fast-track


Manmohan to visit Iran


But as i said, Every country has it's own mutual benefit and relation. If Iran is India's friend, it doesn't mean She will be enemy of Pakistan. Currently, I think they are more like neutral with Pakistan few diplomatic relation.
Iran's friendship with India in no way hampers its relations with Pakistan .

Its far-fetched thinking that a country (Iran) cannot have good relations with a country(Pakistan) just because an adversary country builds its ports , meets its energy needs from it .etc.

That is strategic thinking based on emotions which does not auger well for Pakistan's foreign policy.Besides in recent times Iran has never overtly supported India against Pakistan , nor shall it ever do so.

Here in lies the advantages of an independent foreign policy. You reserve the right to make your own judgements and determine your mutual relations with a nation , rather than being influenced as a result of being a close U.S strategic partner as Pakistan is. If they didn't bring U.S to the equation there would be no reason for Iran not to have a cordial relationship with Pakistan as it does with India.
As far as the pipeline goes, the US may not have been the only opposing country. There are those who do not want Pak-Iran relations to strengthen to include oil as well.

Iran has its own agenda and we should stop looking at people as either friend or foe.

It is time for us to realise that there are more angles to the story.

Start looking for business partners rather than just geo-political ones. Money also brings friends but it is not always the other way round.
India Iran relations are not relevant in that way, mods should clean up the 2 posts above from Indians.
first of all the title is wrong why only ally or foe? Iran and Pak can be neutral friends.
secondly I surprised some one looking in relation of both but only from one side interests.
if you think Iran -India relations is aganst Pak interests how about US-Pak relations US threat to Iran is more than indian to Pak.same about Pak-Saudi relations.
Pak was at least the host for a anti-Iran terrorist group( Jondullah) if we do not say supporter while Iran have done many good to Pak (Iran offered cheaper electricity to pak but pak is not ready, Iran is ready to supply cheaper gas to Pak but Pak play with US by this card to gain more benefit, Iran had Pak aid day for Pak flood and Pak received the most aid from Iran while your media casted that US and Saudi were bigger helper,......) I can make a bigger list, maybe Pak can make a list against Iran too. what I am trying to say is relations seeks for bilateral interests, you can not ask one side offer %100 to you or leave all benefits for you, as Pak has interest in Afghanistan Iran has interest there too, then why should Iran left everything for Pak there, the point is two sides must work to achieve to common interest rather than blaming each other

Brother , you are the blood of our blood and flesh of our flesh. We share with you the great treasure of culture and the Farsi language. How can we be nuetral with you. If you are attacked we will be there for you no matter how strong the enemy is. We share the same quran and worship the same God as you do. We are your natural ally and partner. Know the difference between a natural ally and one who is with you because of Expediency.

India can pretend to be your ally but will turn their back at the drop of a hat. Do you forget how easy it was for USA to break India's support for Iranian gasline. The US tried to twist Pakistan's arm also to drop this project with you but we withstood all the pressure, while India stabbed you in the back. I think you are an intelligent person and your nation is a wise nation with thousands of years of civilazation. I am sure the Iranian Nation will make the right decision. God Bless Iran and Pakistan.
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