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Iran Air Force to stage large-scale maneuvers nationwide

Dariush the Great

Jan 28, 2020
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran Air Force to hold large-scale Devotees of Velayat Sanctuary-10 drills
Wednesday, 20 October 2021 11:25 AM [ Last Update: Wednesday, 20 October 2021 11:28 AM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

In this file picture, fighter jets operated by the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) are put on display on November 1, 2020, before the launch of Fada’eeyan-e Harim-e Velayat-9 (Devotees of the Velayat Sanctuary-9), aerial drills. (Photo by DEFA Press news agency)
The Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) is set to hold large-scale and nationwide drills, enlisting as many as five airbases and featuring a variety of military aircraft.
Iran’s Army Air Force Commander Brigadier General Hamid Vahedi told IRNA on Wednesday that the 10th edition of the drills, codenamed Fada’eeyan-e Harim-e Velayat (Devotees of the Velayat Sanctuary), will be held on Thursday.
A wide range of aircraft and drones, including dozens of fighter jets, bombers, military transport aircraft, and reconnaissance aircraft, will be employed in the main and operational phase of the one-day drills.
Vahedi said the drilling squadrons would be flying Sukhoi Su-24 attack aircraft, long-range supersonic F-4 fighter bombers, F-5 fighter aircraft, F-7 fighter jets, RF-4 fighter bombers, Mikoyan MiG-29 fighter jets, F-14 Tomcat fighter aircraft, as well as indigenously-developed Sa’eqeh (Lightning) fighters during the exercise.
Army, IRGC air defense units launch large-scale aerial drills in central Iran
Army, IRGC air defense units launch large-scale aerial drills in central Iran
Air defense divisions of the Army and the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) are participating in joint aerial maneuvers codenamed Modafean Aseman Velayat 1400.

Vahedi added that the aerial maneuvers would be backed by Boeing-707 and -747 aerial refueling airplanes, transport and freight aircraft, in addition to homegrown Karrar (Striker), Kian, Ababil (Bird Flock), Arash, and Kaman-12 (Bow-12) unmanned aerial vehicles that are equipped with rockets, precision-guided missiles, long-range smart bombs and radar jamming devices.
The commander of the IRIAF said the military hardware have been deployed to five bases across the country, including Shahid Babaei Airbase in the central Isfahan Province and Shahid Fakouri Airbase in the northwestern province of East Azarbaijan Province, over the past few days.
The maneuvers, Vahedi said, are aimed at “assessment of combat capabilities of IRIAF units, increasing preparedness of interceptors, practicing the implementation of reconnaissance and operational plans, and establishment of a right model that would suit real-life battle.”
He said that “long-range endurance of the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force fighter jets outside their defensive spheres, pinpoint accuracy of bombs and rockets in air-to-surface strikes as well as surveillance of the operational zone” will be put to test during the massive drills.
Moreover, air-to-air missiles will be fired to test their high destructive power.
Vahedi said all kinds of homegrown and upgraded systems and ammunition, including heavy and semi-heavy smart bombs, plus all kinds of laser-guided, thermal and radar-evading missiles will be used during the exercise.
He emphasized that Fada’eeyan-e Harim-e Velayat-10 aerial drills will be commanded by the IRIAF Command Center in Tehran, using sophisticated, multi-layered and secure communication systems.
Army Ground Force starts military exercise in northwest Iran
Army Ground Force starts military exercise in northwest Iran
The Iranian Army’s Ground Force launches a military exercise in the country’s northwestern region.

Iranian military experts and technicians have in recent years made great progress in developing and manufacturing a broad range of domestically-manufactured equipment, making the armed forces self-sufficient in this regard.
Iranian officials have repeatedly underscored that the Islamic Republic will not hesitate to build up its defense capabilities, emphasizing such abilities are entirely meant for the purpose of defense and will be never subject to negotiations.

If Iran does not change it's dying fleet of Jets, the only thing that can save Iranian skies are the Iranian AD systems.
Plus Iran's area denial strategy: striking bases from where enemy fighters would take off with ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and then drones.
To avoid such attacks PAF has adopted to land on motorways.so if in wartime your base is lost,motorways can be used to take off and land.

Also nowadays their is a new technology by which bases can be repaired immediately ( max in 2 hours)
do you not think this can be done to you to by there forces that are a generation ahead of you in technology and in there fire power !

But how are they going to destroy Iran's tens of thousands of ballistic missiles, which are either road mobile, buried in missile farm launchers or positioned in huge underground bases built underneath mountains, in a short enough timeframe for Iran not to be able to launch thousands at them? Even the "SCUD hunt" against Iraq in 1991 didn't succeed in eliminating most of Saddam's BM arsenal, which was only a fraction of Iran's.

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To avoid such attacks PAF has adopted to land on motorways.so if in wartime your base is lost,motorways can be used to take off and land.

Also nowadays their is a new technology by which bases can be repaired immediately ( max in 2 hours)

They can do that but it will considerably restrict the effectiveness of their air power nonetheless. Remember that to "soften up" an adversary as large as Iran, with this many advanced air defence assets and such favorable terrain, they would really need to conduct a gigantic air campaign unprecedented in contemporary times involving dozens of larger support aircraft which can't use motorways to take off and land.

Runways can indeed be repaired but if missiles keep coming in, the operations of the airbase will still be seriously compromised and slowed down nonetheless. Also it's not just about runways, aircraft need maintenance centers and crews, ground-based command and control centers, facilities to store spares and munitions etc, which can all be targeted by precision BM strikes.
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Iran Air Force to hold large-scale Devotees of Velayat Sanctuary-10 drills
Wednesday, 20 October 2021 11:25 AM [ Last Update: Wednesday, 20 October 2021 11:28 AM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

In this file picture, fighter jets operated by the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) are put on display on November 1, 2020, before the launch of Fada’eeyan-e Harim-e Velayat-9 (Devotees of the Velayat Sanctuary-9), aerial drills. (Photo by DEFA Press news agency)
The Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) is set to hold large-scale and nationwide drills, enlisting as many as five airbases and featuring a variety of military aircraft.
Iran’s Army Air Force Commander Brigadier General Hamid Vahedi told IRNA on Wednesday that the 10th edition of the drills, codenamed Fada’eeyan-e Harim-e Velayat (Devotees of the Velayat Sanctuary), will be held on Thursday.
A wide range of aircraft and drones, including dozens of fighter jets, bombers, military transport aircraft, and reconnaissance aircraft, will be employed in the main and operational phase of the one-day drills.
Vahedi said the drilling squadrons would be flying Sukhoi Su-24 attack aircraft, long-range supersonic F-4 fighter bombers, F-5 fighter aircraft, F-7 fighter jets, RF-4 fighter bombers, Mikoyan MiG-29 fighter jets, F-14 Tomcat fighter aircraft, as well as indigenously-developed Sa’eqeh (Lightning) fighters during the exercise.
Army, IRGC air defense units launch large-scale aerial drills in central Iran
Army, IRGC air defense units launch large-scale aerial drills in central Iran
Air defense divisions of the Army and the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) are participating in joint aerial maneuvers codenamed Modafean Aseman Velayat 1400.

Vahedi added that the aerial maneuvers would be backed by Boeing-707 and -747 aerial refueling airplanes, transport and freight aircraft, in addition to homegrown Karrar (Striker), Kian, Ababil (Bird Flock), Arash, and Kaman-12 (Bow-12) unmanned aerial vehicles that are equipped with rockets, precision-guided missiles, long-range smart bombs and radar jamming devices.
The commander of the IRIAF said the military hardware have been deployed to five bases across the country, including Shahid Babaei Airbase in the central Isfahan Province and Shahid Fakouri Airbase in the northwestern province of East Azarbaijan Province, over the past few days.
The maneuvers, Vahedi said, are aimed at “assessment of combat capabilities of IRIAF units, increasing preparedness of interceptors, practicing the implementation of reconnaissance and operational plans, and establishment of a right model that would suit real-life battle.”
He said that “long-range endurance of the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force fighter jets outside their defensive spheres, pinpoint accuracy of bombs and rockets in air-to-surface strikes as well as surveillance of the operational zone” will be put to test during the massive drills.
Moreover, air-to-air missiles will be fired to test their high destructive power.
Vahedi said all kinds of homegrown and upgraded systems and ammunition, including heavy and semi-heavy smart bombs, plus all kinds of laser-guided, thermal and radar-evading missiles will be used during the exercise.
He emphasized that Fada’eeyan-e Harim-e Velayat-10 aerial drills will be commanded by the IRIAF Command Center in Tehran, using sophisticated, multi-layered and secure communication systems.
Army Ground Force starts military exercise in northwest Iran
Army Ground Force starts military exercise in northwest Iran
The Iranian Army’s Ground Force launches a military exercise in the country’s northwestern region.

Iranian military experts and technicians have in recent years made great progress in developing and manufacturing a broad range of domestically-manufactured equipment, making the armed forces self-sufficient in this regard.
Iranian officials have repeatedly underscored that the Islamic Republic will not hesitate to build up its defense capabilities, emphasizing such abilities are entirely meant for the purpose of defense and will be never subject to negotiations.

Why cant iran buy planes from China and Russia? Whats the hold up?
Do we know the details, whats on the order?

No details yet. An Iranian website, Mashregh News, mentioned Su-30. Others talked of a custom equipped Su-35. But none of this is official for now though.
If Iran does not change it's dying fleet of Jets, the only thing that can save Iranian skies are the Iranian AD systems.
That is what people say from 2002,that is from I can remeber since I follow these events from than..and every year that dying fleet is larger and more capable..these days you can upgrade and refurbish anything....it is different side of the coin,how much it cost but still if you dont have choice that is what you will do. At that same 2002,Chinese only BVR missile was R-27 and they had few squadrons capable to lunch it..rest of PLAAF were mig 19 and mig 21 derivates,tu-16 and its derivates and their fleet was like that till 10-15 yrs..In same time IRAN already operated ARH missile with 200km + range for 20 yrs ..Now look China today, Also even today best aircraft Iran can buy from Russia cant match F-14 perfomance...For example those SU30 SM can engage 4 target in same time and trasck while scan 15..IRIAF dying ,F-14 can engage six at longer range..double almost while track while scan 24,..this mean for every 2 F-14 you need 3 SU30SM...or 4 J-10/F-16 class jets. And this is most important cability of air superiority or interceptor,than goes range,load speed..etc(also F-14 is more capable in every of those aspect mentioned from anything Iran can buy)..how many green button and cheap chinese touch screen LCD it has..that doesnt count...behind touchscreen and analog clockwise counter,.same valve,altmeter or acutator or what ever can be find..and if you look any mentioned perfomase of F-14..you will see that something like that cant offer anyone today who is willing sell to Iran, those who have it..they wont sell those..they keep it for itself..as I am aware only upgraded RUAF MIG31BM can match some of F-14 perfomance.,only thing I know today can lunch missile at 6 fighter jets in same time are S-300PMU2,S-400,Bavar 373 and maybe US best fighter jets in their service.....So it is not obsolete in any combat field..where it is not good is operational costs...We are talking about aircraft that in 1979 cost was 40-50 bilions..for comparation F-4 was few bilions..under 5 for sure. With today tech,AWG9 can be rised to unmatched level..and original AWG9 for example gave AIM 7(version Iran has) 20 miles more range than on F-4..F-14 could lunch AIM 7 from 60 miles,at that time offered F-15A could 40 ,and F-4 was 30..35 max from F-4J..we are talking about AIM 7E/E2 if I am not mistake...should check for 100% ..Now,we are talking about effective range from where F-14 actualy hit something in reality..not instrumental range than,like Indian air force you find out in practice it is not even 60% of instrumental range. I just hope Iran can keep decent number of F14 air worthy till they reach some numbers of those 4++ that actually cant match half F-14 perfomanse...
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That is what people say from 2002,that is from I can remeber since I follow these events from than..and every year that dying fleet is larger and more capable..these days you can upgrade and refurbish anything....it is different side of the coin,how much it cost but still if you dont have choice that is what you will do. At that same 2002,Chinese only BVR missile was R-27 and they had few squadrons capable to lunch it..rest of PLAAF were mig 19 and mig 21 derivates,tu-16 and its derivates and their fleet was like that till 10-15 yrs..In same time IRAN already operated ARH missile with 200km + range for 20 yrs ..Now look China today, Also even today best aircraft Iran can buy from Russia cant match F-14 perfomance...For example those SU30 SM can engage 4 target in same time and trasck while scan 15..IRIAF dying ,F-14 can engage six at longer range..double almost while track while scan 24,..this mean for every 2 F-14 you need 3 SU30SM...or 4 J-10/F-16 class jets. And this is most important cability of air superiority or interceptor,than goes range,load speed..etc(also F-14 is more capable in every of those aspect mentioned from anything Iran can buy)..how many green button and cheap chinese touch screen LCD it has..that doesnt count...behind touchscreen and analog clockwise counter,.same valve,altmeter or acutator or what ever can be find..and if you look any mentioned perfomase of F-14..you will see that something like that cant offer anyone today who is willing sell to Iran, those who have it..they wont sell those..they keep it for itself..as I am aware only upgraded RUAF MIG31BM can match some of F-14 perfomance.,only thing I know today can lunch missile at 6 fighter jets in same time are S-300PMU2,S-400,Bavar 373 and maybe US best fighter jets in their service.....So it is not obsolete in any combat field..where it is not good is operational costs...We are talking about aircraft that in 1979 cost was 40-50 bilions..for comparation F-4 was few bilions..under 5 for sure. With today tech,AWG9 can be rised to unmatched level..and original AWG9 for example gave AIM 7(version Iran has) 20 miles more range than on F-4..F-14 could lunch AIM 7 from 60 miles,at that time offered F-15A could 40 ,and F-4 was 30..35 max from F-4J..we are talking about AIM 7E/E2 if I am not mistake...should check for 100% ..Now,we are talking about effective range from where F-14 actualy hit something in reality..not instrumental range than,like Indian air force you find out in practice it is not even 60% of instrumental range. I just hope Iran can keep decent number of F14 air worthy till they reach some numbers of those 4++ that actually cant match half F-14 perfomanse...

It's not only about that. F-14 is indeed faster and it'll show dust to F-35 in a drag race. But combat isn't only about that. F-14 leaves heavy radar signature. SU-30 or the newer blocks of F-16 will smoke it up. Also, its extremely difficult and expensive to maintain F-14 fleet. Iran claims that 24 of them are active in their inventory and the actual numbers must be around 12-15. Even there were 24, they can do nothing. That's why Iran needs a newer fleet of a fighter which has easier maintenance.
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