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Iran agrees to trace militants involved in Pakistan's Balochistan attack: FM

Like I said, many Pakistani idiots on this board.

What does Iran gain from killing a few poor soldiers? What does Pakistan have that Iran wants? What does Pakistan compete with against Iran?

The answers are NOTHING.

There is zero geopolitical advantage for Iran to cause a security situation with a neighbor. Iran and Pakistan do not compete in the same geographical spheres of influence.

But of course the conspiracy option is so much easier for uneducated imbeciles to believe in.
where were you when Pakistan says the same about iranian soldiers killing .
oh wait that bastard sulimani was threatening us .
where were you when Pakistan says the same about iranian soldiers killing .
oh wait that bastard sulimani was threatening us .
The difference is that the in Iran armed forces are completely under control of supreme leader while in Pakistan armed forces+ ISI are free to do ...
Clearly foreign forces are behind this attack to create problem b/w Iran and Pakistan relation and put negative effects on Mr Khan trip to Iran.
Clearly you should find who is benefiting and who is losing by current attack. Iran and Pakistan both are on losing side of table while Saudis and Saudi children in Pakistan are in winning side of current Terrorist attacks.
when you gives spaces to indian raw . expect this to be happen .

The difference is that the in Iran armed forces are completely under control of supreme leader while in Pakistan armed forces+ ISI are free to do any shits they wants.
Clearly some of your units are more loyal to Saudis than Pakistani people.
wahh BS .
look at this way . Pakistani Armed forces are under the command of Elected President while on the other hand iranian armed forces are under the command of force imposed sectarian mullah groups who are looting iranian with both hands .
There is clear evidence you have been supporting PKK and all that innocence claim is nothing but bs. The funding and arming of PKK was done solely by Iran Guards.

You already support houthis who are nothing but a lowly terrorists. Saudi Arabia is the holy land any missile fired towards the holy land will have consequences. What you think? you can just walk into the holy land.

Then you claim that you have not declared war?
If your claims are real ....
Do you think when you arms anti Iran terrorist in region , we would sit ideal !?
Someone outside of Iran and pakistan is trying to iran and pakistan to become enemies of each other,

someone wants to see iran and pakistan against each other, someone or some people attack inside iran and show it as done by pakistan and they do the same attack in pakistan and show it as iran is supporting those terrorists.

this is a dangerous game. they want pakistan and iran to be against each other.
Like I said, many Pakistani idiots on this board.
All of Americans are idiots on this board.

Someone outside of Iran and pakistan is trying to iran and pakistan to become enemies of each other,

someone wants to see iran and pakistan against each other, someone or some people attack inside iran and show it as done by pakistan and they do the same attack in pakistan and show it as iran is supporting those terrorists.

this is a dangerous game. they want pakistan and iran to be against each other.

First time Pakistan complained and it already turned into a dangerous game for the fake Pakistanis.
So you tell us, where does those militias come from?
It has become abundantly clear in the last few months that Iran is fully collaborating with Modi's India to further destabilise a faltering Islamic Republic of Pakistan and undermine its national integrity.
Someone outside of Iran and pakistan is trying to iran and pakistan to become enemies of each other,

someone wants to see iran and pakistan against each other, someone or some people attack inside iran and show it as done by pakistan and they do the same attack in pakistan and show it as iran is supporting those terrorists.

this is a dangerous game. they want pakistan and iran to be against each other.
Right on the spot my friend. A dirty game is being played to make iran and Pakistan enemies and the game masters are not from this region .
You're as ignorant as they come. Nowhere did I say your numbers are a lie, what's a lie is you contorting those statistics to make it sound like Pakistan's terrorism problem (today) is far more severe than it actually is.

No one is blaming Iran either here's what the Pak FM says:

"Qureshi said that the militants involved in the recent killing of 14 security personnel of passenger vans in Balochistan, have training and logistic camps in Iran, and his country wants Iran to take action against them."

This is not blaming Iran for supporting the terrorist group it's a request to take action against them. Only an idiot would think Iran would do something like this considering Imran Khan is travelling to Iran on Sunday.

After the commencement of operation Zarb-e-Azb which was launched on 15 June 2014 resulted in the deaths of over 3000 TTP and other affiliated terrorists from Pakistan, after the completion of this operation, terrorists attacks in Pakistan significantly died down, after Zarb-e-Azb which was a great success operation Radd-ul-Fasad was initiated to specifically target sleeper cells and to consolidate the successes gained from the previous operation, so yes to take a pre operation Zarb-e-Azb terrorist statistics and paint todays Pakistan as unstable from terrorist attacks is deeply misleading and propagandist from @TheImmortal
The difference is that the in Iran armed forces are completely under control of supreme leader while in Pakistan armed forces+ ISI are free to do ...

Pakistan is a democracy you are not Kindly don’t mix things up. Pm Imran Khan releases Indian monkey pilot Army and other services obeyed his order. That’s Professionalism.
All of Americans are idiots on this board.

First time Pakistan complained and it already turned into a dangerous game for the fake Pakistanis.
So you tell us, where does those militias come from?
Are you calling me a fake pakistani because i am From Kashmir? or is it because i have a chinese flag on my profile? you trying to insult me?
Are you calling me a fake pakistani because i am From Kashmir? or is it because i have a chinese flag on my profile? you trying to insult me?
You are fake Pakistani because you are justifying a terror attack on Pakistanis, where as official intel. clearly point out the enemy state.
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