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Iran: A "Role Model" For Pakistan To Get Self-Reliance in Defence

Why you use commas? Iran is super oil rich country, they get over 80 billion petrodollars a year. Without these money Iran would be like Zimbabwe.

No facts support your imaginations.

They got sanctions only one year ago and only as result of own idiotic behaviour.

They have been under sanctions and embargo ever since 1979 by Western idiots.

Israel was boycotted most of its history. I remember how even Pepsi Cola was boycotting Israel. :wave:

All of "Israel's" so called achievements are due to Europe and America. "Israel" brags about inviting Intel, Microsoft, Google and other AMERICAN companies into occupied Palestine. There is nothing "Israel" can do or has done that can match Iran or most other countries of the world. If "Israel" were sanctioned as bad as Iran and had no backing from USA/Europe, it would be worse than Haiti.
No facts support your imaginations.
You are denying that Iran exports hunrdeds of millions of oil barrels every year?

They have been under sanctions and embargo ever since 1979 by Western idiots.
No they were not.

All of "Israel's" so called achievements are due to Europe and America. "Israel" brags about inviting Intel, Microsoft, Google and other AMERICAN companies into occupied Palestine. There is nothing "Israel" can do or has done that can match Iran or most other countries of the world. If "Israel" were sanctioned as bad as Iran and had no backing from USA/Europe, it would be worse than Haiti.
Poor jealous boy. Yes many American companies have research centers in Israel, there are also many Israeli companies on NASDAQ. 7 million Israel exports more than 35 million Algeria. And virtually all of Algeria's export is crude oil. You and Iran are same: two countries which export nothing but crude oil. No wonder you like it so much.
LoL you keep flaunting this old graph around maybe you should make it a pamphlet and distribute it in the local markets and churches while you are at it. LMAO it is 4 years old this year. Why don'y you bring a newer one...Ooooh yeah right Iran's economy tanked and we have had sharp increase till then bad for your propaganda efforts. LoL stupid Iranian.
Mosa, you have always been an idiot

Google Iran GDP growth
The first link is an online interactive tool put up jointly by the World Bank and Google. If you click on it you will see the most updated results on that tool. For Iran it's 2009, for KSA it's 2010.

IMF has the updated results for all countries but it's not interactive and clear cut like that.

here are the most recent data from the IMF. Continue to embarrass yourself saudi

The above pic is an estimate. This calender year we had our highest oil income in history. Thanks to that, we will have a 5.5 percent growth this year. By the looks of it we're erasing all the recessionary periods we experienced in the 70's and 80's. We officially haven't had a single recession since 94.
well the way iran shoot down US stealthy spyplane UAV ,it is a definitely a role model for pakistan that how to shootdown US UAV's:D
well the way iran shoot down US stealthy spyplane UAV ,it is a definitely a role model for pakistan that how to shootdown US UAV's:D
Wrong, How to shoot out these drones which were operated from Shamsi Airbase Baluchistan Pakistan.:hitwall:
Unfortunately, Pakistan has been mostly dependent on American and Chinese weapon systems and missiles and therefore have not found it expedient to spend money on its own research and development for indigenous design and production. The same goes for India too which procured most of its weapon systems from the Soviet Union and now Russia.

However, things are changing now, with India going ahead with a massive R&D spending for indigenous design and production of weapon system and missiles. Perhaps its time for Pakistan to do the same.
In order for Pakistan to be self reliant they have to get out of this corrupt version imperial education system and introduce their own indigenous education system and only then Pakistan can truly stand up on its own feet. Other wise this nation will always remain dependent on somebody.

I was listening to a lecture from a Pakistani who teaches in Harvard and he was as usual, critical of local Phds and Education here. But just do one thing open any Chinese University and see their faculty, you ll find at least 3 4 Harvard PhDs and a lot more Ivy Leagues PhDs teaching there. But then do the same in Pakistan and tell me how many do you find here. Its in us, all those good people are also the product of same imperial education system, the only problem is that these "superior minds" get superiority complex and would rather like to settle in US or abroad than return to pay their debt that they owe to their motherland.
Iran is a super oil rich nation..!! So the same model cannot be applied to other countries who do not sit on huge pile of crude oil..!! Simple as that..!!
pakistan military/warfare and democracy is a way better then iran , only self reliance could be the point to focus.
Iranian technology? zulfiqar mbt,liscensed sung(nkorean) submarines with like 250 tons or so.... old american howitzer mounted on a truch? basic version of cobra reverse engineered... old f4 copies.... not worth it people....
Mosa, you have always been an idiot

Google Iran GDP growth
The first link is an online interactive tool put up jointly by the World Bank and Google. If you click on it you will see the most updated results on that tool. For Iran it's 2009, for KSA it's 2010.

IMF has the updated results for all countries but it's not interactive and clear cut like that.

here are the most recent data from the IMF. Continue to embarrass yourself saudi

The above pic is an estimate. This calender year we had our highest oil income in history. Thanks to that, we will have a 5.5 percent growth this year. By the looks of it we're erasing all the recessionary periods we experienced in the 70's and 80's. We officially haven't had a single recession since 94.

LoL. Iranian. take a look at this
Saudi Arabia GDP Data & Country Report | Global Finance
Iran GDP Data & Country Report | Global Finance

you compare the two yourself. 2010 Iran had a 1% increase we had 4% never mind it was a slow year. this year or rather this last year we had a 7.5% increase. Iran?? 0%??

Okay okay now lets look at something else. Dear God look at the inflation rate in Iran Phew it must be a nightmare for poor citizens. 25% in 2008 22% in 2011 10% 12% damn man it must be torture. On the other hand look at how good the inflation is controlled I mean if we count Iran's GDP growth with its inflation then you realize the trick Iran is trying to play. Printing more cash to increase number while the people end up taking the brunt man THAT is really sad.

Even our Public debt is smaller than yours you ought to think about that fact too. At least you can continue to flaunt that graph around like an Idiot but only idiots will take it to face value.
LoL. Iranian. take a look at this
Saudi Arabia GDP Data & Country Report | Global Finance
Iran GDP Data & Country Report | Global Finance

you compare the two yourself. 2010 Iran had a 1% increase we had 4% never mind it was a slow year. this year or rather this last year we had a 7.5% increase. Iran?? 0%??

Okay okay now lets look at something else. Dear God look at the inflation rate in Iran Phew it must be a nightmare for poor citizens. 25% in 2008 22% in 2011 10% 12% damn man it must be torture. On the other hand look at how good the inflation is controlled I mean if we count Iran's GDP growth with its inflation then you realize the trick Iran is trying to play. Printing more cash to increase number while the people end up taking the brunt man THAT is really sad.

Even our Public debt is smaller than yours you ought to think about that fact too. At least you can continue to flaunt that graph around like an Idiot but only idiots will take it to face value.

Can you guys stop making this about Iran/Saudi (one family) thread. Start another one and we will discuss the relative merits.

This thread is about: Iran: A "Role Model" For Pakistan To Get Self-Reliance in Defence. I agree that Iran is a good model and we should further explore a defense pact with Iran to keep Muslim killers aka as Americans out of our neighbourhood
Iran can definitely be a role model. There is alot we can learn from them starting from education, healthcare and R&D. Iran spends large amount of its GDP on these three areas and that spending is still on increase. That is the reason behind Iran having the world's fastest growth rate in science and technology. Iranians have a head start in these areas since they have been under sanctions for several decades now. In 2011, Pakistan federal budget for health care and related research was 2 million Rupees, equal to something like 21,000 dollars for nation of 180 million. Compare that to the fact that back in 1980's and 90's Iranians had started to do some cutting age research in healthcare:

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North Korea is also "self-reliant". But at the expense of starving its people. Iran can be self-reliant, without starving its people, because of its oil wealth. Pakistan needs a deep source of foreign exchange if it is to duplicate Iran's approach. How would Pakistan fund the growth of an industry that does not feed, cloth, shelter, educate, cure, entertain or transport its people?

Only an American can write such a weak argument. North Korea has food shortages because, they do not produce much food and are still reliant on imports. Pakistan is actually a food exporter, so do not worry about us. Iran also produces almost all of its food and they are not starving. And for your information, Pakistan has large amounts of copper, zinc, iron and Lithium besides other minerals which are more than enough to fuel the growth. Just a single copper mine in Pakistan holds near to 250 billion dollars worth of copper alone. So if Iran has oil and gas, Pakistan has alternatives. And though North Korea is a pathetic country but they are not as much starving as Kenya a western ally, the birth place of Obama and a popular western tourist destination: List of countries by dietary calorie intake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Only an American can write such a weak argument. North Korea has food shortages because, they do not produce much food and are still reliant on imports. Pakistan is actually a food exporter, so do not worry about us. Iran also produces almost all of its food and they are not starving. And for your information, Pakistan has large amounts of copper, zinc, iron and Lithium besides other minerals which are more than enough to fuel the growth. Just a single copper mine in Pakistan holds near to 250 billion dollars worth of copper alone. So if Iran has oil and gas, Pakistan has alternatives. And though North Korea is a pathetic country but they are not as much starving as Kenya a western ally, the birth place of Obama and a popular western tourist destination: List of countries by dietary calorie intake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

excellent if I could have I would have given you three thank yous lol
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