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Invitation to our Hindu brethren


Apr 1, 2007
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An invitation.....:angel: :pdf:


Invitation to our Hindu brethren

And the man who believed said: "O my people! Follow me, I will guide you to the way of Right conduct. O my people! The Life of this World is but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the Hereafter, that is the Home that will remain forever. Whosoever does an evil deed, will not be requited except the like thereof, and whosoever does a righteous deed, whether male or female, and whosoever is a true believer, such will enter Paradise, where they will be provided without limit.

And O my people! How is it that I call you to salvation while you call me to the Fire. You invite me to disbelieve in Allah, and to join partners in worship with Him, of which I have no knowledge, And I call you to the All Mighty, the Oft-Forgiving. No doubt, you call me to (worship) one who cannot grant (me) my request in this world or in the Hereafter. And our return will be to Allah. And the transgressors, they shall be the dwellers of the Fire! And you will remember what I am telling you, and my affair I leave it to Allah. Verily, Allah is the All-Seer of (His) slaves. (The Qurán 40: 37-43)

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The Hindu Scriptures also preach 'One God'

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The Hindu scriptures also preach 'ONE GOD'

Hinduism, as most Hindus would say, is not a religion but a "Dharma" and a Culture. The Vedas, the Upanishads, the Puranas, the Brahmanas Granth are considered to be the holy scriptures, most sacred being the Vedas. Also there is the Bhagavada Gita, the Mahabharata and the Ramanayan.

The degeneration of any society starts with becoming heedless to the guidance of God and falling prey to our own whims and desires. This eventually may lead to the degeneration of the concept of God itself. The worship of innumerable Gods in Hindu society is a degeneration of the message of God and in stark contrast to the oneness of God preached in the Hindu Holy Scriptures Vedas and Upanishads. A few examples from these scriptures reveal that they also preach Oneness of God, which is exactly the same truth which was conveyed by God through His final messenger Muhammad (There is no god, but God).

"There is only one God, worship Him" (Rig Veda, Vol. 6, Hymn 45 vs 16 )
"Do not worship any one beside Him" (Rig Veda Bk. 8, Hymn 1, Vs 1)
"God is only one, - not a second"- (Chandogya Upanishad Ch. 6, Section 2, verse 1).
"na tasya pratima asti
"There is no image of Him." [Yajurveda 32:3]
Consider the following expositions about the true concept of God from the Hindu scriptures.

Concept of God in Hinduism by Dr. Zakir Naik

On the Belief of the Hindus in God - Al Beruni (AD 1030)

From the Islamic point of view, the message of Unity of God was being conveyed down through ages via chosen messengers to mankind. Allah says in the Holy Quran that each tribe was sent a messenger and a guide to convey this universal message of Unity of God. For more articles, please visit the section Who is Allah ?

We thus invite our Hindu brethren to return to the worship of the One true God as reminded to us by God through His last and final messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him). The biggest injustice (which is also the biggest lie) which we humans can commit is to say that there are other gods as partners to the only One God. Proclaiming that there is no god besides the One God of all is what God wants to hear from us in words and deeds and this is the true step towards honesty and justice to ourselves and to society around us.

The religion of the 'surrender to the one true God' - Islam, is the only path which God has chosen for mankind and is thus the only way to achieve brotherhood and unification of mankind and for salvation in the everlasting life after death. Worshipping others besides God does not please God, rather it is an act of disobedience to God and a sign of arrogance. By accepting this call of Islam, our Hindu brethren will only be returning to God's original religion for humanity, as we understand was also the original call of the Hindu dharma.

Is prophet Muhammad prophesized in Hindu scriptures?

The advent of the last prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was prophesized in previous scriptures by earlier prophets. A study of the Vedas reveals the message of Unity of God. That Hindus of today worship a number of Gods or incarnations is quite contrary to the Vedic teachings which professes Oneness of God. Infact, it is very easy to observe that the varied forms in which Hindus worship God are nothing but the different "attributes" of Allah mentioned in the Qur'aan. Prophesies of the advent of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is found in the Vedic literature and is the topic of the links below.

Prophet Muhammad as the Kalki Avatar - by Pt. Ved Prakash
Prophet Muhammad in Hindu Scriptures by DR. Z. HAQ (Off-site)
For more information about the prophet, visit the section Who is Muhammad (pbuh)?
Answers to Questions/Misconceptions of Hindus.
Reply to a Hindu's letter to us

Islam - A Victim of Distortion - By Rafique Zakaria

Common Questions asked by Hindus to Islam - by Dr Zakir Naik

Facts vs. Popular Myths about Muslim Community in India - By P R Ram

Come! Let us reason together

Mahatma Gandhi, in his inimitable style, says "Some one has said that Europeans in South Africa dread the advent of Islam- Islam that civilized Spain, Islam that took the torch light to Morocco and preached to the world the Gospel of brotherhood. The Europeans of South Africa dread the Advent of Islam. They may claim equality with the white races. They may well dread it, if brotherhood is a sin. If it is equality of colored races then their dread is well founded."

Hate comes from Ignorance. Mercy from Knowledge. The history of the Indian subcontinent bears witness to the fact that Hindus and Muslims lived together for centuries. Hindu dominated areas have been ruled by Muslim rulers and Muslim dominated areas were ruled by Hindu rulers, and the subjects were not mistreated. [Read Muslim Rule in India - by M H Faruqi] During the British colonial rule, these two communities fought together, shoulder to shoulder. Ironically, the partition of the Indian subcontinent into Hindu dominated India and Muslim dominated Pakistan (East Pakistan later became Bangladesh) left a colonial gift of hate between Hindu & Muslim minds of the region. The awaken Hindus and Muslims of the region now realize that this legacy of hate is perpetually being ignited by self-serving power-hungry leaders of the land with the help of misguided/ignorant religious leaders on both sides.

Hinduism has the world's third largest following after Christianity and Islam. It is more important for me because I belong to the country to which the religion belongs and which has majority of its followers. Hinduism today is more about Indian-ness than anything else. It is considered as the oldest religion/culture in the world with majority of its followers in India. Muslims are the biggest minority community in India comprising 12-15%.

Islam, on the other hand, never confined itself or claimed monopoly over a particular region or people, but from the start it had a universal message and appealed to all humanity as one single community. Today, there are over 1.6 billion Muslims around the World and contrary to popular understanding, majority of the Muslims are of non-Arab origin. Islam is an open invitation to all humanity from God not just towards personal spirituality, but also to the practical mission of upholding truth and justice, the purest truth of which is that 'there is no god besides the one true God'. This core idea is the fountainhead of our success in this life and in the everlasting life after death, and it has remained the message of God to humanity throughout our existence.

Our call: We thus see an immediate need for immediate efforts on both Hindus and Muslims to engage in serious dialogue with one another to understand the sensitivities of each other's religion. A proactive approach to seek knowledge of each other's religion (deen/dharm) is the crying need not only to understand the message of an important world religion but also the only solution to prevent situation in India to move from bad to worse. There will be many hurdles imposed by the self-serving politicians and misguided religious zealots. But those who sincerely wish goodness to prevail will make efforts to get rid of all powers breeding inhuman communal intolerance and hate.

Also Read: What is 'Hindutva'? & Hindutva vs. Hinduism

Hinduism and Scriptures by Dr. Zakir Naik (Off-site)

Recommended Sites for Muslim-Hindu Dialogue

Visit the Islamic Research Foundation (IRF) site which is non-profit International organisation situated in Mumbai (previously Bombay), India, headed by Dr. Zakir Naik. They are actively involved in clearing up misconceptions about Islam among the minds of Hindus and other non-Muslim communities in India. The Islamic Research Foundation (IRF) is an International Resource Centre on Islam and Comparative Religion. To facilitate information and research in the field of Comparative Religion, they have made available a huge collection of books and CD-ROMs on all the major world Religions.

Visit Islamic Voice - a monthly informative newspaper from Bangalore
Visit MilliGazette - another English newspaper focusing on India and Indian Muslim community

Also visit these sections...
Stereotyping and Misconceptions
The Fundamentals of Islam

Concluding Words

Say: "What thing is the most great in witness?" Say: "God is witness between me and you; this Quran has been revealed to me that I may therewith warn you and whomsoever it may reach. Can you verily bear witness that besides God there are other gods?" Say: "I bear no (such) witness!" Say: "But in truth, He is the only One God. And truly I am innocent of what you join in worship with Him." (Holy Qur'an 6:19)

:toast_sign: :pdf:
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, not a conversion....lol
Hell with centuries old religions...i prefer tom cruise's religion and lotsa sex with sharon stone
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, not a conversion....lol
Hell with centuries old religions...i prefer tom cruise's religion and lotsa sex with sharon stone

you mean something like this?

Last edited by a moderator:
Mr. Adiyar is a famous Tamil playwright, journalist and orator. Once he was a popular film dialogue writer. But his foremost preoccupation has been journalism. Since school days he kept himself engaged in literary activities. In college he was literary secretary of the Tamil section.
he joined Bhoodan movement led by late Vinoba Bhave and took active part in its programmes. He served as editor of the movements organ Gramdan. He also worked as correspondent and assistant editor of the popular Tamil dailies Tanaral and Marsoli.
He was arrested under the Maintenance of Internal Security Act (MISA) during emergency. The days in prison proved fruitful as he managed to study different religious books. The teachings of Islam and the Quran influenced him deeply. He penned down those indelible impressions in a series of articles. Presently he is editor of Tamil daily Neerottam.
He converted to Islam along with his family.

I am presenting some of the articles written by him in his book, 'Islam My Fascination' which is a compilation of a series of articles written by Mr. Adiyar in Tamil daily Neerottam.
Abdullah Adiyar
I do have extraordinary reverence for Islam and I want to pen down my impressions about this great religion, with a hope that readers too would ponder over them.
These days the pioneers of religions are, generally, taken as conservative and dogmatic, but my own study led me to the conclusion that they are revolutionary leaders of their times. They voiced their dislike for the evil customs of their age.
The Shankaracharya who took up the task of reforming the Hindu or the Vedic religion was a revolutionary. In the world where one meanings of 'Veda' was 'to conceal', Ramanujan, who gave the call 'Veda for all' was also a revolutionary. Christ was also a revolutionary who raised his voice against the heathen customs and belief of the age. Thus, the history of religion provides ample proof that the leading religious personalities were no conservatives but revolutionaries in their own right.
I can fearlessly proclaim that the greatest of all of these revolutionaries was Muhammad (peace be upon him). The revolutionaries, other than Muhammad (PBUH), acquired knowledge and wisdom in someone's company, through their parents or in family environment, but in the case of Muhammad (PBUH) we come across a totally different situation. His father, Abdullah, died before his birth. He lost his mother when he was only six. She died while on a journey, along with her only son, to the tomb of her dead husband. The young boy, who did not see the face of his father, lost his mother at such an early age. As if it was not enough, two years later he lost his guardian grandfather too, when only eight Deprivations followed him. Father, mother and grandfather passed away in quick succession. Muhammad (PBUH) stood alone.
The man who was going to bring humanity close to the benignity of Allah stood alone bereft of all mundane support. At this stage his only supporter was his uncle, Abu Talib, who was himself a man of modest means. The deprivations of such a child can be truely gauged only by those who have experienced the misfortune of losing their parents at such an early stage.
And it was through this deprived orphan that the world was to receive the bonanza of Islam. It is an astonishing reality that the message of that orphan spread like wild-fire, from Spain to China---from one corner of the earth to the other. The only driving force behind it was the personality of the Prophet, pious to the extreme and free of all blemishes.
We can, then, justly conclude that Muhammad (PBUH) is the finest model for humanity.
Abdullah Adiyar

Muhammad's life (PBUH) is the finest example for the entire humankind from beginning to end. The early life of many leaders and clerics was blemished but the life of the Prophet remained clean and spotless from the very beginning.
After the death of his grandfather he was under the guardianship of his uncle, Abu Talib. Financially, Abu Talib was not sound. So, to ease his uncle's financial strain he worked as a goat-herd to earn some wages.

Muhammad (PBUH)
--My Prophet, my guide.
--The man sent by Allah to show mankind the right path.
--The man who brought wisdom and good sense to the Arabs.
--The man who defeated the superpower of Rum.
--The great leader who sacrificed his all for Islam and its followers.
--The king of kings
worked as a goat-herd! What hardships he faced! Our eyes brim with tears when we think of the sufferings he underwent.
Muslims are definitely fortunate to have as their leader such a man of immense qualities. He who in his childhood worked as a goat-herd to earn his livelihood. He who accompanied his uncle on distant trade tours at the tender age of twelve.
His family was not the only beneficiary of his trade tours. He took with himself goods of other poor and weak women also to earn some profit for them. He was always mindful of and helpful to the weak and the oppressed. "I am going to market, can I bring anything for you," he was in the habit of saying this to his needy neighbours. He brought for them their requirements from the market.
He actively participated in the treaty of Hilful Fazool meant for the help of the oppressed people.
His life was an example of truth. He always kept his promise. Once a person asked him to wait at a certain place and went with the promise to return shortly. He forgot what he said, but Muhammad stayed there for three consecutive days. The man, by chance, passed that way and found him waiting there. Fully ashamed he asked: "Are you waiting here for the last three days?"
Muhammad softly said: "You told me to wait here."
That is how he was nicknamed Sadiq and Ameem (Truthful and Trustworthy).
And this man of highest human qualities Lady Khadeeja selected as her life partner. Khadeeja was surely very fortunate. she had twice borne the burden of widowhood before marrying Muhammad (PBUH). She was fifteen years older to him. Khadeeja gave birth to Qasim, Abdullah (Tahir), Zainab, Roqiya, Umme Kulsum and Fatima. The two sons Qasim and Abdullah died in infancy.
As he gained economic self sufficiency after marriage, Muhammad's (PBUH) only concern was reformation of the humanity.
He discharged his household responsibilities and simultaneously called upon the people to Islam and virtuous life and was the only Prophet who fulfilled all his responsibilities so competently.
---Gautam Buddha turned ascetic.
---Shankaracharya did not marry.
---Chirist was also unmarried.
---a lot of other religious leaders were unmarried, ascetic and Brahmacharya.
But we see the last Prophet accomplishing his duties with amazing success; at home and in the society, carrying all the burden of his movement for the establishment of Islam. His family and social life was equally exemplary.
The people of Makka called him truthful and trustworthy but vehemently opposed him when he called them towards Islam.
No one in the history of religion was so vehemently opposed for disseminating his message. This raises a question: What was in his message?
ok guy we had to close another thread along these lines previously so lets keep this civilised

Abdullah Adiyar

What Muhammad (PBUH) said was not spoken by any other revolutionary ever. He prohibited idols, statues and pictures. This was his teaching fourteen hundreds years ago. He did not do just verbal service , but actually eliminated idol-worship in the true iconoclastic manner.
Here in Tamil Nadu we consider EVR(E.V.Ramaswamy Naicker) a true revolutionary because he not only condemned idol-worship but he really broke idols. Muhammad (PBUH) did it centuries ago. Reciting the Quranic verse:
Truth has arrived and
Falsehood perished; for Falsehood
Is (by its nature) bound to perish (17:81),
he removed the idols from Ka'aba.
Id-ul Azha is one of the two biggest festivals of Muslims all over the world., What is the signifacance of this festival? It is celebrated in memory of the sacrifice of Ismail by his father Abrahim, in the way of Allah. Idols of Abraham and Ismail were also in Ka'aba. Muhammad (PBUH) ordered to celebrate the occasion of that great sacrifice and thus immortalised it but along with other idols he removed the idols of Abraham and Ismail also. Can we imagine of a greater revolutionary step? Moreover, such a step was taken in a country which was sunk in ignorance and indulged heavily in idol-worship. Communism rules over Russia and atheism officially prevails, but no one dares to remove the idols of gods and goddesses there.
herre in Tamil Nadu poets have hoped for the dawn when all idols would be demolished. But we see that all the nooks and corners are full of idols and statues. A courageous step to remove the idols from Ka'aba was taken fourteen hundred years ago.
To stand up in one's own land against the idols worshipped by one's own people and their forefathers was an exceptionally daring step. Such a revolutionary task, in history, was performed by Muhammad (PBUH) . Today people make tall claims about their progressive thinking ad present atheism in support of their progressivism, but are still captivated by portraits, statues, and sculptures. It is sheer irony that these progressive people negate idols of gods and goddesses but make statues and portraits of their leaders and bow their heads before them. They remove pictures and idols of of gods but replace them by statues and busts of persons of their own choice. Be it a statue, bust or portrait, all symbolize man's weakness. The only man who warned and saved human beings from this weakness was Muhammad (PBUH), who performed this feat fourteen hundred years ago.
Today, the only movement without pictures and statues is the movement of Islam which , infact, is based on knowledge, and faith and conviction.
Some people argue that sculpture-making promotes man's aesthetic sense and without which aesthetic sense would die. But Muslims who practically negated idols-worship gave the world the gift of the most beautiful building. Here are the details of the grant performance of Muslims after they freed the imagination from the shackles of pictures and sculptures.
1. The present digits in arithmetic.
2. Algebra formulated and developed.
3. Architectural excellence achieved in constructing beautiful mosques and buildings.
4. Un-matched caligraphy
5. Producing silver nitrate and Sulphuric acid in the field of chemistry.
6. In medical science:
(i) Books on surgery by Farabi.
(ii) Al-Qanum by Ibn-e-Sina (Avicenna).
(iii) Kitab-al-Maalki by Ali ibn Abbas.
7. In poetry flows an ocean of rare lofty and beautiful ideas from Mutabanna (an Arab poet) to Iqbal. And in literature we have a lasting treasure of stories like Alaf-Laila and Laila Majnoon.
Had any other nation performed such a grand task?
'Not to that extent' is the only answer.
Moreover, one distinguishing feature is that the followers of these revolutionary teachings rose from a barren desert and still gave to the world such a sublime aesthetic taste.
Yes, all this was done by the teachings of an unlettered man who took humanity to the heights of greatness.
Abdullah Adiyar


Without Miracle : The Prophet accomplished the greatest miracle without demonstration of the miracle. People do not trust the religious leaders easily unless they demonstrate something unusual or work some wonder. The weakness of common people to be impressed by such demonstrations evoke their trust in the demonstrators.
In some religions, even belief in God is the result of this weakness.
In reality a man cannot move on the path of virtue and modesty with determination unless he believes that a righteous person would get successful eternal life while a wicked person is fated to be an eternal loser. For the attainment of this objective and to imbibe this idea in people's mind many supernaturl ways ad methods have been adopted in the Vedas, in the Puranas and in the New and the Old Testament.
The only great personality which kept itself away from such a method was that of Muhammad (PBUH). He lived in the sincerest and simplest manner. When he was asked to show a miracle he simply put forth the Quran. Keeping himself unconcerned with the demonstration of miracles., to influence people, the revolutionary figure of the last Prophet called upon the people towards knowledge and wisdom.
Look at his comprehensive personality. His life was not only that of a religious figure but he was the commander in the battlefields as well. He not only delivered sermons and acted as a warner to people but was also the thinker, ruler, and leader and judge. All these qualities were handsomely blended in him.
In all the battles, from Badr to Khaibar and Tabuk, he was in the forefront as a brave and intelligent general.
He was at the same time a religious leader and a military commander. Such a combination of qualities was found only in his personality. He was very much an expert in wars and weaponary. And by generating in his Companions an extraordinary courage and strength of virtuous character and conduct based on faith he left in history a glittering example.
Why did he fight? He fought neither with an expansionist motive nor to humiliate and humble his opponents. Victory and triumph of Truth was the only objective. Taht is why the battle was called 'Jehad', and the warriors laying down their lives in this 'Jehad' were called Shaheed (martyrs). A Shaheed is one who becomes the witness of Truth by laying down his life for Truth. To run away from the battlefield and fear death leads to hell. That is what the Prophet taught about 'Jehad'. The result of the teaching was that his Companions went fearlessly from Spain to China carrying with them the message of Islam.
Muslims faced defeat only when they deviated from the path shown by the Prophet. They never faced defeat till they followed his teachings. Rum and Iran were the super powers of the period, but could not stand before the fearlessness and unshakeanble faith instilled in his followers by Muhammad (PBUH).
Yes--Muhammad. The poor man born in the desert became the greatest leader and saviour of humanity. While the enemy was equipped with huge quantities of all types of weapons, and its army was far larger, arms on the side of Muslims were scanty. Even horses were not available to all. There was no comparison in arms and numerical strength. Still the Prophet and his Companions with strong faith and reliance on Allah fought and won every battle.
On the one side the Prophet's life was simpler and more selfless than any ascetic, on the other he was a successful ruler of Arab and its surrounding areas. His life was simple and he lived ina modest house, scantily furnished. He never experienced affluence. He took a very simple diet, went on half belly-ful at times ---even starved sometimes.
Tears fill our eyes when we think of it. This in fact, is the contribution of Islam of which he was the preacher as well as the foremost follower.That is why I love Islam.
Abdullah Adiyar


Late Annadurai, former chief minister of Tamil Nadu, made a speech on the life of Prophet Muhammad on 7th October 1957. It will be useful to to reproduce parts of his speech here. He said:
"The world today which is faltering in search of a true ideology is more in need of Islam than it was in the sixth century A.D. Our world which today is groping in search of ideologies and has failed to find peace anywhere, is more in need of Islam today than it was in the sixth century A.D. Islam is not merely a religion, rather an ideology; the best way of life. A few countries have adopted it as an ideology and a system of life.
"There is no contradiction between my presence here. I have come to participate in today's celebration knowing and ackonwledge Islam as a way of life. Why do we so much admire the Islamic way of life? Only because the Islamic principles free us from all doubts and uncertainties. The first teaching of the Prophet was 'associate none with God in His Godhood'. I value it a lot and respect it from the core of my heart. I value it because it is so full of meaning and is so thought-provoking. 'Associate none with God.' Why? Who is God? What are His attributes? All these questions lead us to think. A Tamil poet has said:
He who saw did not get;
He who got did not see;
He who saw did not tell;
He who told did not see.
'The attributes of God are countless. To be lost in those and yet move forward is truly laudable'.
'To equate some one with Him is to declare him His equal. And who can be His equal? That is why Muhammad (PBUH) forbade it.'
"The provision for polytheism. in other religions, has caused a lot of harm to people like us. By sealing the path of polytheism Islam bestows upon man greatness and grandeur and saves him from possible degeneration and its other unsavoury effects.
"Islam makes a man perfect. Islam generates in man the necessary abilities and strength that take him to the height for which he was created.
'Accept me', God might have come and ordered man sol. But in that case man could not have got the chance to use his own judgement. This might have withered man's thinking abilities and kept him away from mental development. When man got this message through His Prophet, he was bound to think over it. Has God really sent him? Did he possess the qualities of a prophet? It was up to man to ponder and decide for himself. A Tamil poet has equalled God with knowledge. Real knowledge leads man to God. People who neglect God remain deprived of real knowledge, not withstanding that they boast of knowledge.
"Moreover, one who embraces Islam frees himself from the discrimination of caste and creed. When people of Madaktur, who were engaged in killing each other, embraced Islam they turned into real brothers. All discriminations ended. The discriminations of caste disappeared and all the became equal and respectable. Equality bound them in bonds of brotherhood. This side of Islam has impressed me immensely. Bernard Shaw having a very analytic mind gave his well considered opinion by calling Islam the only everlasting religion.
"Why do we praise the last Prophet so much and recognise him as the greatest man?
"Today, in 1957, we face so much opposition when we try to arouse conciousness and awakening among men. Fourteen hundred years ago Muhammad asked people too obey only one God. Standing among the idolators he told them that idols were not God; so do not bow before them. Pray the only God who is the Creator of all.
"Can we imagine the amount of courage required for such bold proclamation, and the opposition the messenger of God must have and did face in his home town? His biography tells us that he disseminated his revolutionary message very steadyfastly even amidst highly adverse circumstances and despite the strongest opposition. There lies his greatness. The example of his steadfastness is followed by the true followers of Islam.
"The Islamic way of life unites mankind. It sharpens man's intellect. It creates the bonds of brotherhood and awakens the human mind. Religious other than Islam create prejudice and make people fight each other until the police force intervenes. While the Islamic way of life and the Islamic ideology bind all in the bonds of love.
"There cannot be any contradiction between religion and true way of life. Any difference is possible only when the conception of religion is narrow and incomplete -- limited to the extent that it is supposed to have nothing to do with the everyday problems of life.
"A true religion --- which is a way of life also if adopted would be useful for mankind. A congenial climate will have to be created for this way of life to work, and thus provide justice, respect, peace and all that man needs.
"Circumstances shape a man and generally man adapts to the circumstances. Common people do not bother whether circumstances allow for the healthy working of a way of life or not. They march on blindly. But the great men give a direction to the social movement. When they see that the society is moving in the wrong direction they move against it. They never bother about any possible harm to them. For the healthy working of the correct way of life they move in the opposite direction unless the situation is changed into the right one. Those are the real people who have the courage and determination to move on the path of truth defying all the hurdles and obstructions. Only such courage people succeed in creating the atmosphere where a true way of life may work.
"Mumammad (PBUH) was one of such rarely courageous and great men. Teachings of such a great man should be widely spread in the country. Good atmosphere is a must for spreading such teachings, and for that a noble system of education is inevitable. A noble government is impossible without noble rulers and noble rulers can be from noble individuals. The importance of noble persons can thus be estimated. These people are the real treasure of the society, and on them the future of society rests. Their loss is the greatest loss of mankind.
"Islam is like a diamond. People use it differently. While some put it in his finger ring some use it in jewellery and some sell it to make money and squander in listful pursuits. It all depends on the use to which it is put. So we should think of our attitude towards this way of life which is more valuable than diamond.
"Will this religion side with the tyrants and oppressors? Will it exploit the weak? Or will it help the oppressed and the downtrodden? If the result in the real world is the former, all our praise for Islam is in vain; but in case the result is the latter one can believe that Islam will be a boon for the world.
"Islam, even to this day, is present with all its virtues and diamond--like glitter. It is the duty of the followers of Islam to adhere to it earnestly and sincerely. In this way they can please God as well as solve the problems of the poor and oppressed people, and thus humanity can march towards material and spiritual development".
Abdullah Adiyar


We have just gone through annadurai's reverential remarks about Islam. It is not restricted to Annadurai, many more thinkers and intellectuals of the world have admitted the greatness of the Prophet of Arabia. From Napoleon to this day hundreds of intellectuals have paid rich tributes to Muhammad (PBUH) and talked of the supremacy of Islam and the Quran.

Napoleon said: "The day is not far off when all the thinkers of the world would jointly adopt a system of governance based on the Qur'an. The principles and teachings of the Quran are based on truth and are capable of bestowing happiness and prosperity. I am proud of God's Prophet Muhammad and the Book revealed unto him and pay my reverential tribute to him."
Gandhiji said that he read the Quran several times and was impressed by its teachings and the truth it contains.
Freedom fighter and poet Sarojini Naidu once said: "Sense of justice is one of the most wonderful ideals of Islam, because as I read in the Quran I find those dynamic principles of life, not mystic but practical ethics for the daily conduct of life suited to the whole world".
Famous Orientalist H.A.R.Gibb says:
"But Islam has a stil further service to render to the cause of humanity. It stands, after all, nearer to the real East than Europe does, and it possesses a magnificent tradition of inter-racial understanding and cooperation. No other society has such a record of success in uniting in an equality of status, of opportunity and of endeavours so many and so various---Islam has still the power to reconcile apparently irreconcilable elements or race and tradition. If ever the opposition of the great societies of East and West is to be replaced by cooperation, the mediation of Islam is an indispensible condition."
Goethe, the great German poet, said:
"However often we turn to it (Quran), at first disgusting us each time afresh, it soon attracts, astounds, and in the end enforces our reverence---its style, in accordance with its contents and aim, is stern, terrible, ever and anon truly sublime. Thus this book will go on exercising through all ages a most potent influence."
Michael H.Hart, American scientist, in his famous book "The Hundred" said:
"My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels."
George Bernard Shaw, a great British dramatist and thinker has this to say :
"I have always held the religion of Muhammad in high estimation because of its wonderful vitality. It is the only religion which appears to me to possess that assimilating capacity to the changing phase of existence which can make its appeal to every age. I have studies him---the wonderful man, and in my opinion far from being anti Christ, he must be called the saviour of humanity. I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that could bring it the much needed peace and happiness".
La Martine, a French writer asks:
"If greatness of purpose, smallness of means and astounding results are the three criteria of human genius, who could dare to compare any great man in modern history with Muhammad?"
Abdullah Adiyar


Muhammad was born in Arabia in the sixth century A.D. His coming was forecast in the Vedas much earlier person. This led me to make research. I found it to be true. Bhavishya Puran is one of the eighteen Puranas by Maharishi Veyas. One shloka in it says:
"An Acharya will decend in another country, along with his companions. His name will be Mohamad. He will come in desert." (chapter 2, shloka 3 sutra 5-8).
It further explains,
"He will be circumcised. He will not have the jata (long hair tied on the above). He wil have beared and be a meat-eater. He will present his message most clearly and forcefully. He will call his followers Muslai". (chapter 2, shloka 25, sutra 3).
This is very meaningful. There was no tradition of circumcision among Hindus. Long hairs were religiou symbol. The personallity in forecast bears uncommon qualities and his followers are named Muslai. The word Muslai indicates Muslims and Musalman.
In Athar Veda chapter 20 we come across these shlokas:
"O followers! Hear. Praised and would be praised the greata Rishi Mahamahe who will come among sixty thousand ninety people." Muhammad in Arabic means the praised one. The population of Makka at that time was around sixty thousand.
"He will ride over twenty camels. He will be praised in heaven. That maharishi (great saint) will have hundred golden ornaments." We do not know of any camel--riding maharishi in India. It points towards Muhammad (PBUH) of Arabia. Hundred golden ornaments mean Prophet's hundred loyal followers migrating to Ethiopia.
"He will possess ten pearl necklaces, three hundred Araboic horses and ten thousand cows."
Ten pearl necklaces are Prophet's ten Companions --- widely known as ten who were given good news of their assured place in heaven. Three hundred horses indicate his 313 Companions who participated in the battle of Badr, the fist battle fought by Muslims. Ten thousand cows indicate his multitudinous followers.
The Quran calls him (Muhammad) the blessing for the universe. The Rigveda says, "Getting the title of Blessing, he, the praised one, will come with ten thousand companions." (Mantra 5 sutra 28).
Similarly, his coming had been referred in the Veda with names of Mohamad and Mahamahe.
Abdullah Adiyar


Status of women in Islam is yet another misunderstood subject outside the Islamic world. Women, before Islam, were subject to torture and humiliation. In ancient societies they were abaseds and degraded.

In India a woman had to kill herself on the burning pyre of her dead husband.

In China a woman had to wear tight iron shoes.

In Arabia girls were buried alive.

It was only in the recent pass that reformers raised slogans against the crimes perpetrated on woman. In the distant past we find in Muhammad (PBUH) the only benefactor of woman, emancipating them from all kinds of excesses. In a society unaware of the rights of women he gave them status equal to men. Women had no right of inheritance which they got. The Quran further explained their rights.
She acquired the right of inheritance in the property of her parents and some other relatives. Today, while we heart tall claims of cultural advancements in many countries women still had neither the right to property nor vote. But to our surprise, we notice that these rights were granted to her fourteen hundred years ago. Muhammad (PBUH) was beyond doubt the benefactor of women. A great part of his teachings are about the rights of women. Stressing upon their rights he warned people to be alert and judicious about their rights.

Here are some of his teachings:

One who beats his wife is not a good morals.

The best among you are those who behave with their wives in the best way.

God commands you to treat women in the best way because they are your mothers, sisters and daughters.

Paradise is under the feet of your mother.

No Muslim should hate his wife. One of her habits may be displeasing but he may be pleased to find many other fine habits in her.

Never treat your wives as slaves.

Eat with your wife and provide clothers to her.

Never hurt her feelings. Never desert her. Never cause pain to her heart.

Wives have all the rights equal to their husbands.

Women, too, have been given some commands.

A woman should please her husband with her appearance.

She must obey her husband and safeguard his property as well as her own modesty in his absence.

A good wife is an incomparable treasure.

A woman who offers her prayers five times a day, observes fast in the month of Ramazan, and safeguards her modesty can enter heaven by any door she wishes.

A bashful wife is worth more than all the treasures of the world.

So, the Prophet apprised women with both their rights and duties.
Abdullah Adiyar


Polygamy is another issue raised most often to denigrate Islam. Is polygamy a type of exploitation? If yes, then how is it that Islam allows it?
We will have to look into history, nature of man and the practical problems of life to find an answer to this question.
The Indian king Dasrath had a number of wives. Similarly we see Krishna amidst many gopis in addition to Rukmini, Satyaba and Radha. A god like Mirgin is reported to have enjoyed many many women. Not only in ancient times but the history of later later period informs about kings having a number of wives. King kattabiman of Tamil Nadu had many wives. Many political leaders of our time have more than one wife.
Pre-Islamic Arabia did not know of any limitation on the number of wives one could have.
The Prophet of Islam restricted it to four taking into account the psychology of man and his practical necessities. Similarly there were no defined rules of marriage. They were in the habit of keeping a number of wives and slave-girls for their pleasure. They did not have rules of divorce. It was at their will. God sent His Commandments to correct this tradition. Number of wives was fixed and laws of divorce were defined. The Quran says:
If ye fear thet ye will not
Deal fairly with the orphans,
Marry of the women, who seem good to you,
Two or three or four;
And if ye fear that ye cannot do
Justice (to so many)
Then one (only) or (a captive)
That your right hands possess.
Thus it is more likely that ye will
Not do injustice. (4:3)

Ponder over the wisdom of this instruction. Treat your wife with truth and justice. Polygamy is allowed conditioned with justice. By nature man can develop sexual urge any time and is capable of doing the sexual act, while the case of woman in this regard is altogether different. During menstruation for about a week every month, during advanced stage of pregnancy and during few weeks of post natal period she cannot share sexual activities. Every man cannot be expected to rafrain from sexual activities for long periods waiting for his wife to be available for it. Polygamy opens the right door and closes the wrong ones. To restrict man to one wife and leave him to have illicit relations with other women is tantamount to ruining the morality of the society. It is difficult to imagine the moral degeneration thus created.
By disallowing extra-marital relation and allowing polygamy Islam has demonstrated its wisdom. By making polygamy permissible with certain conditions Islam has given due consideration to man's physical urges, psychology and practical needs. That is how Islam emerges as a scientific religion.
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