they mag have thought that the police would be busy giving security to 12 rabbi ul awal procession. that's how an illeterate and brainwashed person would think.
And would that brain which could fathom a vacuum in security arrangements, not be able to appreciate the fact that no one would be around on that day in the place they were attacking? Be it an Intelligence site itself?
Strange, isn't it?
secondly they were cornered and all students were moved to safety, then they were killed
Kindly do explain this bit. I am not sure I get the correct meaning here ...
they never used suicide vest because there were no target and thats the reason it took 2 hours to clear them.
And what makes you think that the TTP cadre is very selective in only attacking the police and law enforcement agencies?
Here is an example to debunk that premise.
third point is that they wanted to fight long to make it a big attack and show their precense to the world, which they were not able to do during recent past.
This point I agree with..
So now u wanna
troll that we ourselves did it well by that Rundi logic we can also say u your self did Mumbai
Your perception here? Or did you fail to correlate my criticism of the Army not backing the GoP against the radical group at the Faislabad Interchange?
Very astute observation on your country's view point oft narrated here over Mumbai attacks. It remains a different perspective that the view is not shared by any nation in the world.
Reverting back to the topic at hand. Let us assume a correlation in 'peaceful' capitulation of GoP at interchange thanks to Army and ISI being paid back with gratitude to deflect the criticism coming their way from both domestic and international observers.
Possibility of a grateful radical group, acting not necessarily in consonance with the organisations, but under assumption of 'helping' them in quid pro quo?
@hellfire Read the whole article, the ttp leadership knew that it was an educational institute it was only the suicide bombers which did not know.
They were tricked into attacking the university so they are motivated that they are fighting ISI and not students.
Again my dear member, since when has TTP made that fine a distinction? And since when has the common uneducated Pakistani been so aloof as to the attacks carried out by TTP that this line can hold? Even the most gullible will be hard pressed to digest that line.
Are you doing it willingly or really can't comprehend the OP?
What ever suits you. I think I am quite clear to those who can correlate the incidents as occurred at Faislabad Interchange the other day and the dastardly attack at Peshawar. What missed you? Limitations of the intellect to correlate and analyse?
And APS was marked as future solider preparation School. Load of bullshit. the writer trying to proof that noble jehadis of TTP will not attack a non military target.
You mean to say suicide bombers were so noble that they will not attack a non military target ?
It is indeed a narrative being pushed and that is what has raised my 'antennae' if you will, over the whole thing stinking and some zealot sitting in backdrop playing a longer game ....
there should be a limit to idiocy
I agree. Crosses all in this incident.
three suicide bombers are sent to blow up a place
they dont us ethe vests because maybe they were afraid to die? or maybe they figured they were mislead with the target?
You think they were
misled? How did you reach that conclusion?
Friday was the birthday of the Prophet @ idiot
best time to send a message
Isn't that blasphemy my dear?
So you mean to say if TTP leadership asks it's cadre to attack a non military target they will ask questions ?
That is PDF logic nowadays, apparently. You become an apologist for a militant just because an Indian member has raised flags, all seemingly unrelated yet significant act of terror in immediate aftermath of a public capitulation of the State to radicals ..... amazing thought process in play, never have I seen this.
@Oscar Now I recall what you meant long back
Few Points
It could Be Attackers were given false information there could be a leakout in Past Intelligence services gave warnings the areas weeks before the attack but on Local level nothing was Done.
Hiding Intelligence offices inside educational institutes in small areas be it Pakistan and India are any other country there are different kinds of Safe locations some to just pass info or or Safe houses and few other kinds to create a local background story for that so even there was one for it me it could be 2 reasons 1 if there is leak out scenario or 2nd TTP scums were told this was Intelligence office so they could just start shooting
So, you mean to imply the possibility of the same being projected as a 'safe house' or 'harbour' for Intel operatives? Fair enough. Then kindly explain which embedded agent will agree to being an agent when the terrorist purportedly asked a question as to veracity of the place being a safe house?
They were not spies neither these Scums were needed the scenario you are making is most for hit and run most of these attacks are to maximise casualty rate and terror.
Have you met any terrorist who is happy to die when the time to pass has come? I have certainly not met any. Suicide vests are meant as weapons of last resort in case surrounded .... or until and unless there is a specific plan calling for a suicide attack. In the latter case, the individual will be quietly inserted into the target area with a team 'fronting' for him/her and creating a distraction.
they had vests when they fail they use these to take themselves out
But in Most of the time it was Pakistani Forces Response time which have helped and scums were not able to do anything
How much time elapsed since advent of SFs and neutralisation of 'suicide vest borne' terrorists?
I dont think Friday is a holiday in Pakistan only a half day, but target was clear
It was Eid Maldun Nabi ...a publoc holiday.
Pakistani Forces has destroyed there capability so much , much of these Scums Live in Afghinstan
Agreed. So you mean to say they woke up in Afghanistan and attacked and did not undertake a recon mission to ascertain their target? What kind of antithetical logic are you presenting?
Now its a common thing Terrorist will come from Afghanistan and attack Pakistani Schools, and People still doesn't Wanna learn and do something about
More like can't do. Ceding space to the radicals at Interchange is exactly the part that moves in this direction ....
Pakistani forces must create a buffer zone inside Afghanistan as Afghan people are not able to clear these scums themselves ask Nato and Pakistan To join forces Simple thats the only way to Save Pakistani and Afghan lives
otherwise is hiding your trash under the table instead cleaning , and Pakistan have no other option than to clean this mess for the safety of its Citizen .
I doubt they have the will or the capability to undertake that without undermining their own security exponentially.
I on the other hand, am all for undertaking a deliberate offensive to re-establish the authority of the Pakistani State on all it's territories and across all institutions without exceptions.
A great write up :
Who have? Please do share!
Point is, the affair stinks. Especially in light of the 'surrender' of Pakistani State in front of the radicals at the interchange and a disunited house presented by the State.
It creates an impression of some radical sitting and managing the national discourse by acts of terror.
People dont worry about
@hellfire i am a keen follower of this person on other forum though that forums seems to have closed or something now. So according to him India had already tipped off Usa about OBLs presence in abbottabad (and guess what when??) yes back then in 2005
. Yea he said that
Joke is on you sweetie. For the first time I said it in 2008 in my previous avtaar. Then in present avtaar repeated it a few times earlier too.
Go sift through the data bank .. it will be found somewhere in 2009-12 period too