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Investigation shows sanctioned Iranian Mahan Air brought Coronavirus to Iraq & Lebanon

Lol it would've happened anyway.
You know whats really been kind of awesome about this?.Instead of all of the worthless platitudes and hypocrisy about "coming together in the face of this disaster",instead we saw just how divided the world really was,and just how many nations were trying to use this pandemic as good old black propaganda against nations and peoples that they didnt like as well as to scapegoat others for their own incompetence [Yes Chump regime,I`m looking at YOU].

I mean here you`ve got the infamous "iranian mass graves visible from space!!"[Yeah,if you`ve got a high power satellite]headline and pic

Yet less than a month later you had mass graves in the us

Yet strangely there werent any sensational headlines about those being "visible from space",funny that eh?:sarcastic:
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