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Invasion of Pakistan imminent - says Australia

For the idiot who wrote this article.

I just started reading this thread now. After reading your first 2/3 messages on this thread, i thought you seem to be a sensible guy...that was until i read your above reply!! You seem to be no better than others it seems!! :no:

Although it is wrong, I think it is natural that people generalise.
I.e. Most muslims are seen as terrorists by the west (because of the actions of afew so-called muslims, off the billion+ muslim population) - which is wrong!! Likewise, the australian who made the comments regarding the invasion of pakistan are going to be generalised as being, not from an individual but from Australia - which is also wrong.

The comments made by Erdogen were in reference to the crimes committed by western soldiers in muslim countries, off which i have myself heard many cases especially in Iraq and Afghanistan...These are the ones that have been publicised so god knows how many more there are that we dont even know about!

You started off by saying how wrong it is to generalise and how wrong indirect racisim is (about which you are apparently due to report a moderator too!)...yet ironically you have done just exactly that by your following comments...


Talk about hypocrisy...!! :no:

I am not generalizing anyone. The comment i made was directed at 1 person, not an entire group of people.
Well the US is never going to invade Pakistan but surgical strikes using manned air crafts is a possibility.We already saw how NATO gunships entered Pakistan and carried out strikes.
I am not generalizing anyone. The comment i made was directed at 1 person, not an entire group of people.

who happens to be a muslim...!!!!
i wasnt only referring to generalising. i was also referring to indirect rascim, as u accused a moderator of earlier. justifying yourself by picking and choosing what u want does not work with me pal!!
Well the US is never going to invade Pakistan but surgical strikes using manned air crafts is a possibility.We already saw how NATO gunships entered Pakistan and carried out strikes.

that wont happen as Pakistan has placed anti-aircraft systems near the north western border.

edit: last time we cut off supplies for 10 days then got an apology.
next time an apology might not be enough.
that wont happen as Pakistan has placed anti-aircraft systems near the north western border.

edit: last time we cut off supplies for 10 days then got an apology.
next time an apology might not be enough.
And for the next time, maybe NATO might choose Russian offer of CAR alternate to yours via a Russian/CAR port straight into Afghanistan via Tajikistan; a route that is much safer than the ones that you use. Man, don't blow this one trump card that you have. Because if the NATO change the route, so does the supply of assistance weapons stops.

Earlier US was hesitant to ask CAR countries as Russia pressured them to refuse. But now ever since US supported Russia in WTO entry, things are changing. If the NATO-Russian treaty of pan-Western security cooperation, who knows that the route might change.

That'd be a loss of income as well as free weapons to you, which is a strategic loss.
LOL, america invading pakistan LMAO yea we'll be waiting..... and you guys are right they were on their fett when we blocked the nato supply, america aint gonna make such a mistake they'll regreat it big time. but still i live in england and if they do invade pakistan i'll to pakistan and fight the nutters. they're already lossing in afghanistan if they invade pakistan they wouldnt even be left on this planet.
that wont happen as Pakistan has placed anti-aircraft systems near the north western border.

So why did the AA systems not work when the NATO helicopters actually entered Pakistan?Why don't they work when drones armed will hellfire missiles enter Pakistan every now and then.And do you really think that a couple of AA systems are going to scare the US off.When it comes to national security they are hell serious about it and can go to any extent to eliminate the threat.I think Clinton had already mentioned about the possibility of a strike in Pakistani territory if another Faisal Shahzad was discovered.
So why did the AA systems not work when the NATO helicopters actually entered Pakistan?Why don't they work when drones armed will hellfire missiles enter Pakistan every now and then.And do you really think that a couple of AA systems are going to scare the US off.When it comes to national security they are hell serious about it and can go to any extent to eliminate the threat.I think Clinton had already mentioned about the possibility of a strike in Pakistani territory if another Faisal Shahzad was discovered.

These systems were placed AFTER the incident, they were not needed there before.

Why should we shoot down drones? some of them take off from Pakistani air force bases and they eliminate terrorists and not PA personnel.
These systems were placed AFTER the incident, they were not needed there before.

Why should we shoot down drones? some of them take off from Pakistani air force bases and they eliminate terrorists and not PA personnel.

But they also kill innocents.The job of any state is to protect the civilians first.
And for the next time, maybe NATO might choose Russian offer of CAR alternate to yours via a Russian/CAR port straight into Afghanistan via Tajikistan; a route that is much safer than the ones that you use. Man, don't blow this one trump card that you have. Because if the NATO change the route, so does the supply of assistance weapons stops.

Earlier US was hesitant to ask CAR countries as Russia pressured them to refuse. But now ever since US supported Russia in WTO entry, things are changing. If the NATO-Russian treaty of pan-Western security cooperation, who knows that the route might change.

That'd be a loss of income as well as free weapons to you, which is a strategic loss.

LOL! For 10 days! we closed the supply routes, they had 10 days to find another route but did they? NO, instead they apologized to us and asked us to re-open the route?

If it was so easy to change the route, why didn't they?
But they also kill innocents.The job of any state is to protect the civilians first.

This has been discussed many times before, drone attacks save more than they kill. yes they may cause minimal civilian casualties but it stops terrorist from going to crowded cities and killing even more there.

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