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You forget everything involved, how cavemen
By "cavemen", I take it that you believe that the al-Qaida terrorists that hijacked those planes just wandered out of Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia, into the airport terminals and then took over 4 aircraft without a single bit of training or funding.
Is that what you are saying? It sure must be, because otherwise you'd pick a different word than "cavemen".

Besides, even with the training and funding they received, what did they really have to do that was so sophisticated?

Oh yes! Stab a couple of helpless men and women and then get behind the controls of the aircraft and steer towards the tiny tiny little villages of New York City and Washington D.C. that are extremely difficult to find.

Then, they had to find some tiny tiny obscure little mud huts -also extremely difficult to find, especially from the air, because the WTC and the Pentagon really blend into their surroundings - and point the planes at them.

Wow. Skilled work indeed. Probably required years of training at the best flight schools in the world. (Or some rinky-dink mom and pop outfits in Florida)

Oh wait, let's also not forget how much automation is built into aircraft these days. Once an airliner is in the air, there's not much to do to keep it in the air.

Let's see..what else?
Did those terrorists have to take off? No.
Did those terrorists have to land? No.

Sounds like your cavemen had a LOT of really HARD stuff to do. *rolling my eyes*

managed to manuever such an expert dive,
"Expert" dive? What part of 9/11 involved "expert" diving?
Care to quote any pilots that would say what those swine did took skill?

How much skill does it take to point an aircraft at an enormous building?

For that matter, both aircraft that hit the WTC sure didn't look like they were diving to me. Looked like fairly straight and level flight.

and we are supposed to believe that the burning jet fuel took down the entire building at free fall speed?
Burning jet fuel weakened the support structures (not to mention the large mass of the aircraft themselves) of the affected floors. The support structures gave way, and the floors collapsed, setting off a chain reaction.

Other theories exist only in the feeble minds of people that want to believe that the U.S. government - oh and don't forget those Jews! - somehow managed to pull off 9/11

And what took out the adjoining building? There are too many discrepancies.
Uh, TONS of falling World Trade Center debris maybe?

Fox news is a mockery of journalism, but even a racist outlet as that had a piece on israeli spying in connection with 911.
I've already refuted that bit of nonsense about the Fox News peice. I'm not going to bother doing it again.
Uh, TONS of falling World Trade Center debris maybe?
I would like to "amplify" on this point,

WASHINGTON - On September 11, seismographs operated by Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in Palisades, New York, recorded seismic signals produced by the impacts of the two aircraft hitting the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and the subsequent collapse of the 110 story towers. While the ground shaking was consistent with the energy released by small earthquakes, it was not sufficient to cause the collapse of, or damage to, surrounding buildings, as some have thought. Rather, seismologists report, the buildings around the Twin towers were impacted both by the kinetic energy of the falling debris and by the pressure exerted on them by a dust- and particle-laden blast produced by the collapse.
Writing in the November 20 issue of Eos, published by the American Geophysical Union, seismologists from Lamont-Doherty outline the sequence of seismographic recordings from that tragic day. They argue that vibrations recorded on September 11 were of a magnitude believed too low to cause structural damage to buildings, especially in the northeastern United States.

The authors add, however, that because there were no seismographic stations in or even near the World Trade Center, it is impossible to know for sure that the ground-shaking had no effect on neighboring buildings. Ultimately, they say, officials should consider the importance of placing seismographic stations in high density urban areas.

"Our recordings were made at considerable distance," says Won-Young Kim, who is in charge of seismological network operations for Lamont-Doherty. "However, plans are pending for an Advanced National Seismic System [ANSS] that calls for placing seismic instruments in such urban areas as New York City. The tragic events of September 11 show that such instrumentation can serve a purpose that sometimes transcends strict earthquake applications."

The Eos paper was written by 12 researchers at Lamont, including Kim, Lynn Sykes, Klaus Jacob, Paul Richards, and Arthur Lerner-Lam, director of Columbia's new Center for Hazards and Risk Research. Lerner-Lam explained what happened once the planes hit the World Trade Center and why they resulted in relatively small seismographic readings.

"The energy contained in the amount of fuel combusted was equivalent to the energy released by 240 tons of TNT," said Lerner-Lam. "This energy was absorbed by the buildings and produced the observed fireballs, but did not immediately cause the collapse. During the collapse, most of the energy of the falling debris was absorbed by the towers and the neighboring structures, converting them into rubble and dust or causing other damagebut not causing significant ground shaking."

Seismographic recordings of the WTC tower collapses were made in five states, as far as 428 kilometers [266 miles] away in Lisbon, New Hampshire. Lamont's home station, in Palisades, New York, is located above the Hudson River, 34 kilometers [21 miles] from downtown Manhattan, where the towers stood.

The aircraft impacts registered local magnitude (ML) 0.9 and 0.7, indicating minimal earth shaking as a result. The subsequent collapsing of the towers, on the contrary, registered magnitudes of 2.1 and 2.3, comparable to the small earthquake that had occurred beneath the east side of Manhattan on January 17, 2001. The Lamont seismographs established the following timeline:

8:46:26 a.m. EDT [1240 UTC] Aircraft impact - north tower Magnitude 0.9

9:02:54 a.m. EDT [1302 UTC] Aircraft impact - south tower Magnitude 0.7

9:59:04 a.m. EDT [1359 UTC] Collapse - south tower Magnitude 2.1

10:28:31 a.m. EDT [1428 UTC] Collapse - north tower Magnitude 2.3

In addition, the seismic waves were short-period surface waves, traveling within the upper few kilometers [miles] of the Earth's crust. They were caused by the interaction between the ground and the building foundations, which transmitted the energy from the impacts and collapses.

The authors also noted that, as seen in television images, the fall of the towers was similar to a pyroclastic flow down a volcano, where hot dust and chunks of material descend at high temperatures. The collapse of the WTC generated such a flow, though without the high temperatures.

The Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory operates 34 seismographic stations in the northeast in collaboration with several institutions. Network operations are supported by the United States Geological Survey. The network is part of the Advanced National Seismic System, a national seismological monitoring initiative being implemented through a USGS-university partnership.

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Based on the original concept of producer F.A.Chierici, Speed and Angels is directed by Peyton Wilson."

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I would like to "amplify" on this point,

...the buildings around the Twin towers were impacted both by the kinetic energy of the falling debris and by the pressure exerted on them by a dust- and particle-laden blast produced by the collapse.

"The energy contained in the amount of fuel combusted was equivalent to the energy released by 240 tons of TNT"
Excellent stuff Jay, thanks.
This is possibly one of stunning and weired video you may have ever seen. A real time video of a bomb that exploded probably in Iraq, while a guy from bomb squad trying to disarm it. And have look at the daring and foolish people gathering around him while he is disarming the bomb, thus calling for their own death.:eek:

Video: http://www.videotiger.com/disarmbombvideo.shtml
Mel If I am not wronge you have flown a Cessna, My point is that when you fly a lot specially the same plane again and agan it becomes a part of you at that point you know your machines capabilities and yours.

So I see we are having a big discussion on LCA now a days . what do you guys think about this clip.

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here you go most of you on the forum have been saying what happend in 1965 ans 71 war , and most of you wanted to see me as well this interview was taken by a british news reporter who came to our base, Nosey S Haider was first to give the Interview Listen to him carefully than listen to Arshad no2( he became the Vice Chief of PAF in 90's )me standing at the back will all my buddies , I will take the photo print it out and than put names as we are standing . I am also pasting the news papers of the war when you get time please read it. After the Indians completed the mission they came back and said that we killed this officer we killed this officer and 99% are still alive. In one of the news papers it said that Flt Lt Salim Gahaur was shot down in a F-86 and he could not eject and died well this means my neighbour is a ghost of salim who is living with me for the last 10 years.


Interview with Noisy

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Guys, the new Ali-G movie is coming out soon.
Just watched the trailer, its awesome.
Its called Borat! :partay:
He's from Kazachstan...got to download the trailer!
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