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International Mathematical Olympiad 2013 results

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They try to overcompensate because they know, they truly know deep down, that they have a deficit in achievements. They bring up IQ, china with 105 and South Asia with ~85. But who has added to humanity more? Us, the foundations of mathematics comes from us. Their culture is nothing more than a modification of South Asia's Buddhism. They lack the social skills, and have now positioned themselves as the antagonists of humanity. Their women are not faithful to them, instead they run off with white men. Physically speaking, they attempt to modify their features to give them a more human look. How extreme is it that they get surgery to open their eyes and surgery to fix their nose so they can get a nasal bridge? Do we South Asians go under the knife to alter our appearance? Nope.

As always, Indians only know how to lie to make an argument.. All your early maths were borrowed from the Greeks, your indigenous math came late after 600 AD. Religion is a subset of culture. Buddhism is a religion, only 18% are buddhists, but we live the Chinese culture, Confucius and Taoist. Our women are simply more desirable, they are courted, not sexually assault. All women are the same, South Asians women go under the knife as much as they use skin whitening cream, including the men, LOL. The difference is the latter is cheaper.
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Is that why Japanese troops killed so many of Chinese during WW2? For your beauty and intelligence, or because they believed you too were inferior compared to them? In any case, how did you assume such high-grade BS as highlighted above? How many races have you interviewed? Where are the results of your 'study', if you ever carried out one? Or is just that picking datas from all the wrong orifices of your body is your favorite pasttime?

Don't give that Indians cannot debate with me BS. You bring valid points for discussion, your efforts will be returned with respect. You troll here, get ready to receive in kind.

One Word: Nanking!
Nuff said.:coffee:

What is the relevance of bring Nanking war crime into this dick measuring contest?
The same japanese army blockaded British India, causing the infamous famine of Bengal, the death toll is hundred times that of Nanking. If you want to go back further, the Greeks, Persians, Afghan, Turks, Mongols plundered and raped ancient india.

So what is your point? this thread is not about war crime and conquest
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Egyptian mathematics is the mathematics that was developed and used in Ancient Egypt from ca. 3000 BC to ca. 300 BC.

Greek math developed from the 7th century BC to the 4th century AD around the Eastern shores of the Mediterranean.

Mathematics in China emerged independently by the 11th century BC.[1] The Chinese independently developed very large and negative numbers, decimals, a place value decimal system, a binary system, algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. Simple mathematics on Oracle bone script date back to the Shang Dynasty (1600–1050 BC). One of the oldest surviving mathematical works is the Yi Jing, which greatly influenced written literature during the Zhou Dynasty (1050–256 BC)

The algorithm and algebra tradition of ancient Chinese together with the axiomic deduction of Greece formed the two equally important pillars of world mathematics. While the Greek mathematics declined in the west during the mediaeval times, the achievement of Chinese algebra reached its zenith in the 13th century, when Zhu Shijie invented method of four unknowns.

Indian mathematics emerged in the Indian subcontinent[1] from 1200 BC[2] until the end of the 18th century. In the classical period of Indian mathematics (400 AD to 1600 AD), important contributions were made by scholars like Aryabhata, Brahmagupta, Mahāvīra (mathematician), Bhaskara II, Madhava of Sangamagrama and Nilakantha Somayaji. The decimal number system in use today[3] was first recorded in Indian mathematics.[4] Indian mathematicians made early contributions to the study of the concept of zero as a number,[5] negative numbers,[6] arithmetic, and algebra.[7] In addition, trigonometry[8] was further advanced in India, and, in particular, the modern definitions of sine and cosine were developed there.[9] These mathematical concepts were transmitted to the Middle East, China, and Europe[7] and led to further developments that now form the foundations of many areas of mathematics.

While i agree India made great contributions to Mathematics, Indian Maths definitely did not lay the foundation.
While i agree India made great contributions to Mathematics, Indian Maths definitely did not lay the foundation.

The current mathematical foundation is based on Indian decimal number system, your Chinese number system is outdated.
Wow, I didn't realise these results would bring out 6 pages worth of butthurt.

These results are not set in stone. If your country is underperforming relative to its population, and if it is further handicapped by a low average IQ, you can still make progress by heavy investment in education. If all you can do is cry and fume about it on an internet forum, I'm afraid you're screwed.
The current mathematical foundation is based on Indian decimal number system, your Chinese number system is outdated.

OMG these Indians are so full of themselves.

Truly delusional people.

India didn't invent it. The Egyptians and then the Greeks then China did it way before Indians.
OMG these Indians are so full of themselves.

Truly delusional people.

India didn't invent it. The Egyptians and then the Greeks then China did it way before Indians.

Only superior Indian numerals survived in the world leading the foundation of modern mathematics, rest of them including Chinese numerals are almost extinct. This shows our mathematics was superior to yours. :victory:
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The current mathematical foundation is based on Indian decimal number system, your Chinese number system is outdated.

So? Does that mean India laid the foundation of Maths? Decimal system does not represent Maths in general. The Egyptians, Babylonians, Greek made earlier contributions, even we Chinese don't dare claim we lay the foundation of Maths while Chinese Maths also made great contributions early on. I don't play down Indian's contribution but India did not lay the foundation period which your countryman claims.
So? Does that mean India laid the foundation of Maths? Decimal system does not represent Maths in general. The Egyptians, Babylonians, Greek made earlier contributions, even we Chinese don't dare claim we lay the foundation of Maths while Chinese Maths also made great contributions early on. I don't play down Indian's contribution but India did not lay the foundation period which your countryman claims.

What you see everywhere is Indian decimal system and basics of addition-subtraction -division-multiplication is based on Indian numerals. So, Indian decimal system is the foundation of modern mathematics.
Only superior Indian numerals survived in the world leading the foundation of modern mathematics, rest of them including Chinese numerals are almost extinct. This shows our mathematics was lawyas superior to yours. :victory:

The guy who invented zero was born in modern day Pakistan ... Or was he a Bihari Mexican indian? :lol:
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