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covering of the head? well Quran is silent about that, when i come to power i will take a "Fatwa" that men are also required to cover their heads, HENCE THE RIGHTS WILL BE EQUAL MUHAHAHAHA
I believe you didnt read any of this:

lolz...That is sooo like some of my relatives in Pakistan....who actually think its a must to cover the head when adhaan is going on but then remove it after athaan...

Allah Ta'ala says: "And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their private parts from sin and not show of their adornment except only that which is apparent, and draw their headcovers over their necks and bosoms and not reveal their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women (i.e., their sisters in Islam), or their female slaves whom their right hands possess, or old male servants free of physical desires, or small children who have no sense of women's nakedness. And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And turn unto Allah altogether, O you Believers, in order that you may attain success.[An-Nur, 24:31]

The word zeenah in the aayah above, literally means "adornment", and includes both (a) that which Allah has adorned, i.e., the woman's natural and/or physical beauty, and (b) that with which they adorn themselves, i.e., jewelry, eye shadow, attractive clothing, hand dye, etc. Soorat An-Nur spells out specifically the commands concerning the fact that a woman's natural beauty and her adornments are to be concealed from strangers except by (1) What may show due to accidental or uncontrollable factors such as the blowing of the wind, etc., and (2) What has been exempted (see explanation at end of this section). Allah also says:

O Prophet, Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their outer garments about themselves (when they go out). That is better so that they may be recognised and not molested. And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. [Al-Ahzaab, 33:59]

The word khumur (pl. of khimar) refers to a cloth which covers the head (including the ears), hair, neck and bosom. The esteemed mufaasir (Quranic interpreter) Al-Qurtubi explains: "Women in the past used to cover their heads with the khimar, throwing its ends over their backs. This left the neck and the upper part of the chest bare, in the manner of the Christians. Then Allah commanded them to cover those parts with the khimar."

Hijab in The Al-Qur'an and Sunnah

ok well, i will continue to fight with my class mates in Uni, i will not stop until i can prove women have equal rights than men, and maybe even more
Women does have equal rights but the right to become a public object is thank god not one of them!
Women does have equal rights but the right to become a public object is thank god not one of them!

Are women equal to men under Sharia Law?

1) How sure are you that you are not of the misguided ones?
2) Hijab is a word you can find in the Quran as Hajaba...So if Hajaba is outdated...why call yourself a Muslim (one who practices outdated stuff?) Coz Muslim is one who submits to ALLAH's will as written in the Quran...
3) As for being confused...It is not the girl's fault if you missed her msg...

Please note that I called the beliefs of the extremists outdated, not the Quran itself.
what is important is what Qurana and Hadith say, Muslims who dont follow it correctly are unimportant and can go to hell
Very true.

Allama Iqbal said:

And you will suffer no surcease should Iran’s star decline,
It is not the vessel which decides the potency of wine

Which essentially means that Islam will remain regardless of what happens to Muslims.

@HRK @Akheilos
Very true.

Allama Iqbal said:

And you will suffer no surcease should Iran’s star decline,
It is not the vessel which decides the potency of wine

Which essentially means that Islam will remain regardless of what happens to Muslims.

@HRK @Akheilos
dude, like i said, i am always right
ewww chubby chaser

i am indeed a chubby chaser, heh heh heh heh... they are the real ladies... imagine nigella lawson... in her presence, i will be hot in the face...

and the thin ones or the muscular ones ( like bipasha basu ) look like males... ewww...

can anyone put in simple words what "the sc" meant in this post... ( Interesting | Page 5 ).
i am saying the same thing bro, that this ruined the point of Hijab, it is better if you just wear loose clothes (BOTH MEN AND WOMEN).

What has sport to do with religion? I believe a sportsman and woman should wear what they are comfortable in keeping mind the prescribed minimum by respective sports authorities.

Rather than "Kick out Racism out of Sports" a new tag line should come out "Kick out Religion out of Sports"

jamal abdul nasser made fun of the burqa and banned its promoters, ikhwaan.

muammar gaddafi arranged for libyan ladies to stop using the burqa which their families were imposing.

usa and its, puppets, khomenei, ikhwaan and taliban, brought back the burqa.

where a female decides to adopt the burqa, she is being shameful of her feminine-ness given to her by nature.

i leave to you to decide...

@Emmie @blain2 and other mods... please close this thread.
i am indeed a chubby chaser, heh heh heh heh... they are the real ladies... imagine nigella lawson... in her presence, i will be hot in the face...

and the thin ones or the muscular ones ( like bipasha basu ) look like males... ewww...

can anyone put in simple words what "the sc" meant in this post... ( Interesting | Page 5 ).

Bipasha basu is Ok. I think girls with tight stomach look hot. Different folks different tastes I guess.
Bipasha basu is Ok. I think girls with tight stomach look hot. Different folks different tastes I guess.

i shudder whenever i see females with tight stomachs or tight chests or tights arms or thin legs... but like you said, different folks, different tastes... and i want to see females with bellies and soft fleshy arms... :devil:
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