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Interesting article in german spiegel magazine about indian elections and hindu radicals

Article is pure bullshit.

@MarkusS You knew this already but you postedit knowingly,aint you??

I must apology but india is not on my daily radar. You take yourself way too important here.

Of course spiegel has not the most detailed view into india. thats logical because it is a german newspapers and naturally focus more on germany, europe and maybe usa. India is far away and plays no role in news here. But the writer of the article tries to make a small view into a group and i think she does it in a good way.
I must apology but india is not on my daily radar. You take yourself way too important here.

Of course spiegel has not the most detailed view into india. thats logical because it is a german newspapers and naturally focus more on germany, europe and maybe usa. India is far away and plays no role in news here. But the writer of the article tries to make a small view into a group and i think she does it in a good way.
You joined this site just to troll Indians although drooped the idea after what happened in your introductory thread lol.

100$ dollar watch :cheesy:
You joined this site just to troll Indians although drooped the idea after what happened in your introductory thread lol.

100$ dollar watch :cheesy:

almost 400€. And no, i did not join to troll indians. I'm interested in foreign politics.
thats bad either. Its important that real rape is punished but only whem proven

europe never will have sharia, dont spread such nonsense. Not even 3% of europe is muslims. dont jump on the crazy theories of right wing nuts.
Who said its gonna happen instantly.But wait 7-8 decades.Muslim fertility rate is 8 times that of you kaffirs.
Who said its gonna happen instantly.But wait 7-8 decades.Muslim fertility rate is 8 times that of you kaffirs.

lol. With a high fertility rate you don´t create scientists or an elite. Beside that, if history proved anything, than that europeans tend to deal with such problems in an extreme way once it gets annoying.

And i predict that in 7-8 decades we will have a prosperous, completly atheist and secular middle east. But this is not part of this topic.
lol. With a high fertility rate you don´t create scientists or an elite. Beside that, if history proved anything, than that europeans tend to deal with such problems in an extreme way once it gets annoying.

And i predict that in 7-8 decades we will have a prosperous, completly atheist and secular middle east. But this is not part of this topic.
Yup yup europe has its crusadiers,mullahs have their jihadis,but if hindu,which has never had something like that,is extremist terrorist for your dumb magazine.Even after 80 million hindus have been killed.:mad:
Thank you for the nonsense master shifu... unfortunately... every riot followed by state authorised mass killings,rapes or vandalism is a "partys" vendetta ...in india..

Not that i give a damn.

Then you should know that it had nothing to do with communalism as you came up with.

At least in Pakistan we admit that 1971, while exploited by India, was fundamentally caused by faults within Pakistan itself.

Have the courage to admit that the Khalistan movement is fueled by inequities within India itself, and whatever role Pakistan may have played was only ancillary.

re read what I wrote - fueled by Pakistan, the movement could have been whatever - but Pakistan is the one that trained and armed the insurgents and became a safe house for the extremist leaders, do you disagree?

The punk wanted to make it seem 84' as a Hindu - Sikh communal violence, the Khalistan movement did not have a base on communal tension at it's core.
Yup yup europe has its crusadiers,mullahs have their jihadis,but if hindu,which has never had something like that,is extremist terrorist for your dumb magazine.Even after 80 million hindus have been killed.:mad:

Explain how you come to this conclusion. This "dumb magazine" is one of the most renomated worldwide. It does not even judge about your RSS group. It reports about it and let members speak for it. Thos members of the RSS sound pretty radical. The Spiegel does not comment it. The magazine just let them talk and allows the reader to decide what to think.
Explain how you come to this conclusion. This "dumb magazine" is one of the most renomated worldwide. It does not even judge about your RSS group. It reports about it and let members speak for it. Thos members of the RSS sound pretty radical. The Spiegel does not comment it. The magazine just let them talk and allows the reader to decide what to think.
The popularity does not mean the magazine is always right.What have you heard the RSS saying that you say it is radical,let me know.Have you seen what muslim leaders say in India?One said move police for 15 minutes and we 250 million muslims will finish 1 billion hindus,cause no matter how hard eununchs try they cannot produce men(he is saying this to hindus).And this muslim manages to always win all seats in muslim majority areas of hyderabad.
Indien: Hindus schüren im Wahlkampf Hass auf Muslime - SPIEGEL ONLINE

I just will give you the basics info in short and will not issue any opinion since i´m european and not indian and i have no insight in indian policies.

The article says that Modi has good chances to become the next PM of india but his party has to close connections to a radical hindu group called RSS. The members of this group are facists and radicals and comitt terrorist acts as well as murders.

The articles says that the RSS want christians as well as muslims pushed out of india and blame them for any problems that happen there.

It says that this religious fanatics spread over india and have over 40.000 local groups in 2013.

The article states that the founder of this RSS wanted total submission of all non hindus and that they should have no rights.

The article says that Modi party BJP is under complete control of the neo facist RSS and all non Hindus must fear progroms if he will win.

The journalist Ulrike Putz says that Modi is direct responsible for the murder of more than 1000 people in his provice Gujarat in 2002. She says it was a slaughter worse than in the middle ages and the BJP and Modi direct supported this:

DER SPIEGELÂ 19/2002 -
Blutrausch wie im Mittelalter

The EU and also USA do not allow Modi to travel here, because his extreme violations of human rights.

Thats the translation in short.
1. We are Hindus/Dharmics.

2. Hindus are evil.

3. Deal with it.

lol. With a high fertility rate you don´t create scientists or an elite. Beside that, if history proved anything, than that europeans tend to deal with such problems in an extreme way once it gets annoying.

And i predict that in 7-8 decades we will have a prosperous, completly atheist and secular middle east. But this is not part of this topic.

Dude ur calculations are way off,middle east is a gone case.

Only tolerable nation there is iran and u guys are planning to bomb that.

Hypocrisy u u people is amazing.
collectively u ppl killed lakhs in iraq and completely ravaged a nation that was doing well on pretext of wmd when everyone knew there were none.
Then u have trained guns on iran and syria.

All the while u continue to suck the dick of saudi arabia,the biggest sponsor of terrorism in the world and that country which dosen't even allow u to practice ur faith indipendently
The popularity does not mean the magazine is always right.What have you heard the RSS saying that you say it is radical,let me know.Have you seen what muslim leaders say in India?One said move police for 15 minutes and we 250 million muslims will finish 1 billion hindus,cause no matter how hard eununchs try they cannot produce men(he is saying this to hindus).And this muslim manages to always win all seats in muslim majority areas of hyderabad.

No, it just let the RSS members talk. One said all indians are hindu and non hindus must convert to hinduism. Another one compares all non hindus to rabbits and so on. The journalists interviews them and let them talk. The things this radical islamist says are unacceptable too.

But till date we have not launched dhramyudh unlike mullah jihad or christian crusade:(

you do realize that the christian crusade was an answer to 200 years of muslim agression?
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