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Interesting article in german spiegel magazine about indian elections and hindu radicals

Maharashtra and Karela have higher per capita then Indian punjab. 74% of you guys are drug addicts, bhaiyas are becoming majority in Indian Punjab.

She-male you guys have lost it, sikhs are worthless in India. Thats why hindu could even think about attacking golden temple and get away with it.

U stupid ladyboy I was talking about sikhs alone
Punjab has 62 pc sikhs and rest are hindus,u madrassa educated retard.

Now go and watch ur ladyboy mujra
Now u can't answer shit u wimp and then u resort to stupid behavior so typical of ur kind.

I guess some sperms were faulty:rolleyes:

Hmm.. talkin about sperms.... the ones responsible for you must have won by default ... others were less retarded but too slow?.. :rofl:
U stupid ladyboy I was talking about sikhs alone
Punjab has 62 pc sikhs and rest are hindus,u madrassa educated retard.

Now go and watch ur ladyboy mujra

Wtff even indian punjab state only have 62% of sikhs, with bhaiya hindus from UP Bihar soon sikhs will be less then 50%. Lol

She-male your ancestors made a blunder by trusting hindu baniya.
Hmm.. talkin about sperms.... the ones responsible for you must have won by default ... others were less retarded but too slow?.. :rofl:

Had u studied science in school u wouldn't have made such a comment but hey!madarassas rock right?
Had u studied science in school u wouldn't have made such a comment but hey!madarassas rock right?

Actually thats how it works, but you are to stupid to know. In case of sardars retarded sperms always win.
I am not justifying anything.
I am just saying that had these jihadis which form a large part of Muslims, had a fear of law, this would never have happened. This sekularizm makes them think they are special little gifts from "Allah" to the world.
correction.. a minuscule part of muslims
Chad na chaudhary hun.

Its enough man,discuss something worthwhile.
I hate arguing based on religion and shit so lets cut it out

chaudhry nai kakay.. Sardar.. (yeah we Baluch have that title)...

As for our judicial system its complicated... religion is a part of it.. but not the law itself.
She-male beghairat sikh has forgotten 84 already, when hindus humiliated most sacred sikh temple. Its like someone attacking mecca. These beghairat sikhs now days have become a joke in India.
I am pretty sure if people who want to break saudi arabia and create a new state go sit in mecca with things such as anti tank weapons mecca won't be spared.By the way what did muslims do when the place where muhammad prayed was demolished by the saudis?
Im not sure if i understand your "questions" .. when an FIR is launched ... the victim is sent for a medical test which is latter produced in court ... and so on...
Im sorry .. but are you really that ignorant or acting stupid?

Ever heard of DNA tests?forensics?

You must have heard of the case where DNA was rendered unadmissible and requirement of 4 male witness was reiterated.

There was a thread on that issue.

‘In Pakistan, DNA evidence does not count’
Indien: Hindus schüren im Wahlkampf Hass auf Muslime - SPIEGEL ONLINE

I just will give you the basics info in short and will not issue any opinion since i´m european and not indian and i have no insight in indian policies.

The article says that Modi has good chances to become the next PM of india but his party has to close connections to a radical hindu group called RSS. The members of this group are facists and radicals and comitt terrorist acts as well as murders.

The articles says that the RSS want christians as well as muslims pushed out of india and blame them for any problems that happen there.

It says that this religious fanatics spread over india and have over 40.000 local groups in 2013.

The article states that the founder of this RSS wanted total submission of all non hindus and that they should have no rights.

The article says that Modi party BJP is under complete control of the neo facist RSS and all non Hindus must fear progroms if he will win.

The journalist Ulrike Putz says that Modi is direct responsible for the murder of more than 1000 people in his provice Gujarat in 2002. She says it was a slaughter worse than in the middle ages and the BJP and Modi direct supported this:

DER SPIEGELÂ 19/2002 -
Blutrausch wie im Mittelalter

The EU and also USA do not allow Modi to travel here, because his extreme violations of human rights.

Thats the translation in short.
What you have posted here is 100% true. unfortunately, we are losing secular nature slowly as RSS and such groups are gaining more support especially in riot prone northern Indian states Uttar Pradesh,Bihar,Gujarat etc.
Like some religious followers supporting a religious figure, many Hindus are seeing almost a religious duty supporting BJP and Modi, this time. Muslims and Hindus riot for centuries in India. Muslim league and Hindu mahasabha are the foundation stones that laid for the radicalization of both these religion followers. Modi is known for genocide. He grew up as a RSS member. There is lot of hate especially for Muslims by RSS which works as a ideological reservoir or "Kernel" of the Sanghparivar. they are fanatical and they are armed as well. their teaching is those who are Jew,Muslim or Christian don't have rights in India to own land or to vote. live here as secondary citizen almost like a Dhimmi in Islamic countries. the founder of RSS Hedgewar was a follower of Fascists like Mussolini and Hitler.

Remember, even if non-religious or neutral source, these fanatical Hindus or Muslims, see the article as a biased Christian source. they are blinded by religion. They CAN kill anyone.
Islamic extremism in India is a reality but no where powerful as Sanghparivar organization supporting Saffron terror. Muslims form around 18carore numbers in a majority Hindu country. while Hindus are motivated by these terrorist groups like RSS to what Modi did in Godhra.

India *will* overcome Saffron terrorism as well as Islamic terrorism. I hope so as I believe a large percentage of Hindus are tolerant and not exposed to Chaddi parivar's hate campaign.
Ruling Congress's corruption is not the real issue for BJP-RSS. actually, they want to make a Ummah for Hindus in India and starts a nationwide "cleansing" of non-Hindus. A Sanghi or Islamist - cannot be corrected. they are like Robots programmed to hate.
you can read more here, about RSS:
Campaign to Stop Funding Hate
What you have posted here is 100% true. unfortunately, we are losing secular nature slowly as RSS and such groups are gaining more support especially in riot prone northern Indian states Uttar Pradesh,Bihar,Gujarat etc.
Like some religious followers supporting a religious figure, many Hindus are seeing almost a religious duty supporting BJP and Modi, this time. Muslims and Hindus riot for centuries in India. Muslim league and Hindu mahasabha are the foundation stones that laid for the radicalization of both these religion followers. Modi is known for genocide. He grew up as a RSS member. There is lot of hate especially for Muslims by RSS which works as a ideological reservoir or "Kernel" of the Sanghparivar. they are fanatical and they are armed as well. their teaching is those who are Jew,Muslim or Christian don't have rights in India to own land or to vote. live here as secondary citizen almost like a Dhimmi in Islamic countries. the founder of RSS Hedgewar was a follower of Fascists like Mussolini and Hitler.

Remember, even if non-religious or neutral source, these fanatical Hindus or Muslims, see the article as a biased Christian source. they are blinded by religion. They CAN kill anyone.
Islamic extremism in India is a reality but no where powerful as Sanghparivar organization supporting Saffron terror. Muslims form around 18carore numbers in a majority Hindu country. while Hindus are motivated by these terrorist groups like RSS to what Modi did in Godhra.

India *will* overcome Saffron terrorism as well as Islamic terrorism. I hope so as I believe a large percentage of Hindus are tolerant and not exposed to Chaddi parivar's hate campaign.
Ruling Congress's corruption is not the real issue for BJP-RSS. actually, they want to make a Ummah for Hindus in India and starts a nationwide "cleansing" of non-Hindus. A Sanghi or Islamist - cannot be corrected. they are like Robots programmed to hate.
you can read more here, about RSS:
Campaign to Stop Funding Hate
Please outline all the steps you have taken to stop Islamic terrorism in India.
Else STFU.
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