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Interesting aircraft visiting Pakistan.

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I think it is enough. The whole thread is going around with speculations. Tell us what was in the aircraft.
There was nothing in that air craft the plane just came here for repairs or something.
Excess MRAPS from the desert for use by PA. Possibly also some spare Cobras/For Cobra choppers.
Excess MRAPS from the desert for use by PA. Possibly also some spare Cobras/For Cobra choppers.
  1. MRAPS should have been sent via sea route
  2. I am not sure if UAE operate a Cobra fleet for that matter.
Anyway, it is just speculation on my part. I was not even aware that there is one C17 in Islamabad until i accidentally stumbled upon this thread. :lol: Not claiming ANYTHING here @Khafee :-) Never do!! (unless it is actually true)

However there were talks about PAF get that Erieye number up to the original again, it may have something to do with it. MRAPS would have made sense but then again, these should have been sent via sea. :)

Chlo, it will come out soon and i hope if @Khafee will share the exact details soon if he knows exactly what was in that plane. Till then, it is safe to assume it was nothing but those Hobara Bustards that UAE gifted us a couple of weeks ago. :P

For that we use C130's, and to Bhawalpur, not Chaklala.
Then it should be ROYAL Houbara Bustards!! Those WANTED a C17 :P
I think it is some Armour division equipment exported to UAE. May be a tank, APC or some missiles short range or Nasr may be fit into it. It is definitely Big NO for ammunition and other air force equipment as per the clue given by our brother @Khafee. So now question is what is near by military establishment which supply those above mentioned equipment?
I think it is enough. The whole thread is going around with speculations. Tell us what was in the aircraft.

Bro, Have patience, and see my below posts, as to why I'm sitting quite on this one.

Gifts for the people of Pakistan.

This incident will surely test the mettle of this forum, lets see who comes with the details first. Armchair generals & keyboard warriors here is a chance to prove yourself, go for it!
Riddles - Not intended for you. Apologies. Some of the senior members specifically title holders, have this attitude of knowing everything that goes on, when in reality they are clueless. So this incident is an acid test, lets see what story they cook up this time.
No, on this one I'm going to hang tough. I want to seriously see, what the seniors who go huffing and puffing, are made up of.
@Khafee Sir you mentioned that this is related to national security so when would you be able to declassify it?
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