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Interesting aircraft visiting Pakistan.

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It is best to wait for responsible concerned authorities to make an official statement. That is if it is in our national interest. However if the responsible concerned authorities think that it is not in our best national interest to disclose anything so it is better to keep quiet.
Gifts for the people of Pakistan.

This incident will surely test the mettle of this forum, lets see who comes with the details first. Armchair generals & keyboard warriors here is a chance to prove yourself, go for it!
Gifts for the people of Pakistan.

This incident will surely test the mettle of this forum, lets see who comes with the details first. Armchair generals & keyboard warriors here is a chance to prove yourself, go for it!

Sir.... We are getting curious... Please, if u can tell us regd this, yourself ...
Where would be the fun in that? A lot of people here claim to have inside info, lets see who gets the bullseye.

If someone wants to communicate via PM, let me know.

What was never broken, needs no mending! On surface reality appears different than the depth of cold waters...

All those wanabe shooperpawar tried to create a wedge only to find that the bond is such that not even light passes through...

Gift indeed you bring, and gifts indeed you recieve in return...

We need to build a new Security Architecture in the Great ME...what it would without Pak and some good old friends!

You keep teasing your Pak Friends...avoid the liberals and fakeflagers...

My wager...UAAF was there to collect their JF17!!!

What was never broken, needs no mending! On surface reality appears different than the depth of cold waters...

All those wanabe shooperpawar tried to create a wedge only to find that the bond is such that not even light passes through...

Gift indeed you bring, and gifts indeed you recieve in return...

We need to build a new Security Architecture in the Great ME...what it would without Pak and some good old friends!

You keep teasing your Pak Friends...avoid the liberals and fakeflagers...

My wager...UAAF was there to collect their JF17!!!

This is going to light up sectarian trolls, and idiots like a Christmas tree :lol::lol::lol::lol:
SStrange theory this!!

A flight from UAE to Afghanistan making a stop over in PAKISTAN? :P

Geography ke asi ke tassi kr de ha bahi nay :lol:
View attachment 387036
Yes, a great number of planes from Kabul make a pit stop in Pakistan for fuel. Couple of reasons, fuel is expensive in land locked Afghanistan and secondly plane takeoff with less fuel load so they can climb quickly to avoid ground fire. They usually stop at Quetta or Peshawar not Islamabad. This is most probably bringing UAE troops for exercises.
Yes, a great number of planes from Kabul make a pit stop in Pakistan for fuel. Couple of reasons, fuel is expensive in land locked Afghanistan and secondly plane takeoff with less fuel load so they can climb quickly to avoid ground fire. They usually stop at Quetta or Peshawar not Islamabad. This is most probably bringing UAE troops for exercises.
Incorrect on all counts. But do keep on speculating.
A C-17 heavy cargo transport belonging to the UAEAF landing at Islamabad airport this morning.

.View attachment 387031

View attachment 387032
Aircrafts from different countries (mils) land every other day.

No need for such excitment.

My bro, when he was with 111, so i know alot about visiting foriegn troops,sf (Specially US,NATO SF) exs arent reported and so on.

So its not like the end of the world. Could just be a stopover.
Since you are an officer, i wont question your post.

But i doubt such "visits" are some extraordinary occurances.

With our ongoing engagements, C17's do not fly off on a whim, and neither do we have any engagements in Afghanistan that would render a stopover necessary.

When you do find out, and I'm sure you will, kindly confirm with me via email (in the interest of national security), before you post it on the forum.

Thank You.
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