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Install Windows 10 for Free !!!

Is Linux compatible with all applications/programs/software that runs on windows?
Some software are windows only
Plus not every software developed for Linuxes runs on all Linuxes unless it is open source or it has been specifically packaged fot that Linux version. But there are workarounds if you are geek enough and willing to accept the headache(s) that come with it.


Amazon Kindle is not available for Linux(s) but people have managed to get it running using playonliux/wine
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What i posted is actually a fire effect on compiz tool and my distro is zorin 6 which is a heavily tweaked ubuntu 12.04

I also use lubuntu,puppy linux,ubuntu unity,fedora and android x86 but lubuntu is my main distro

How is Ubuntu MATE compared to Ubuntu Unity?
Technical preview was 5hiti kinda a thing. Ill rather stick with old one.
ubuntu,puppy and fedora

But i mostly use ubuntu(lubuntu to be precise)
I'm also the user of Ubuntu 14.04, but academic study forced me to re-install win7, but nowadays I'm using different versions of Linux on VM,..

Did anybody here uses Kali Linux??

Windows OS costs some 100-200 dollars, pounds or euros in western countries, but thousands of rupees in south Asian countries, here original OS comes in cheaper pre-loaded OEM copies with computers, only a handful would buy it in retail.
:mad: :cry: :sad:


The potential disaster in-waiting for Microsoft begins when millions of possibly unsuspecting Windows users launch a Windows update and end up installing Windows 10 without knowing what they are getting themselves into.

The worst-case scenario is that millions of Windows computers become inoperable because the upgrade failed. Any number of reasons may be to blame such as malware, aging hardware, disk corruption, outdated drivers, or just unexplainable Windows “glitches.”

Imagine for a moment that starting on July 29th, millions of Windows users suddenly can not use their computers. The tidal wave of support calls and complaints would be enough to bring any company to its knees, but even worse, the ensuing PR nightmare would be a bloodbath for Microsoft. A bloodbath that would likely go on for months and the stigma associated would linger for years.

Has this happened to anyone as yet? I'm not betting on Windows 10 as yet! My Win 7 is doing just fine.

Window upgrades force you to upgrade hardware while linux users can get layest upgrades without worrying too much about hardware every second year
Windows OS costs some 100-200 dollars, pounds or euros in western countries, but thousands of rupees in south Asian countries, here original OS comes in cheaper pre-loaded copies with computers, only a handful would buy it in retail.
You get ubuntu for free how cool is that

Wine doesn't work well with me.. it was too slow..
hmm were you trying to run heavy games?
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