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Inside The Life of Saudi Prince Salman ($2 billion Fortune)

$2 Trillion :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:it seems you iranian think $ as irani riyal

ksa gdp is 700bn$ :P

KSA forex reserves are 501bn$

while prince have 2 trillion$ palace :p:

Screenshot 2022-01-29 at 12-29-36 Inside The Life of Saudi Prince Salman ($2 Trillion Fortune).png


500 million dollar for a yacht. 300 million dollar spent in France.
Can you do simple mathematics? That alone counts for 40 percent of 2 trillion dollar.

Did you even watch the video? Its backed by concrete evidence.
i just take screenshots you will not able to change it in future after you google trillion :lol:
:lol: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: so 400million +300million dollar equal to 40% of 2 trillion dollar @The SC ?

Screenshot 2022-01-29 at 12-33-25 Inside The Life of Saudi Prince Salman ($2 Trillion Fortune).png
500 million dollar for a yacht. 300 million dollar spent in France.
Can you do simple mathematics? That alone counts for 40 percent of 2 trillion dollar.

Did you even watch the video? Its backed by concrete evidence.
I think you're confusing millions with billions
i just take screenshots you will not able to change it in future after you google trillion :lol:
:lol: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: so 400million +300million dollar equal to 40% of 2 trillion dollar @The SC ?

View attachment 811874
Looks like i made a mistake. Its true sir. My apologies.

The 2 trillion was the headline of youtube channel. It can be true or wrong. Maybe the channel user mistakenly typed trillion instead of billion.

You seemed very happy by that, if i knew that it would make you so happy i would have Posted it a Long time ago 😂

It makes little difference in the Subject. Saudi Prince is using the oil resources of the country in his own favor. Is wrong also?

@Imran Khan corrected the title in spite of the main youtube title.
Just imagine that this pig is ruling prophet Muhammed's lands. How much could this rich pig abuse Pure feelings of Muslims in Islamic world in his own and his American masters' favor?

Arabian peninsula is the msot important part of Islamic world, the most sensitive place and the holiest sites are located in there.

They are carpet bombing Yemen making Mecca their excuse. They armed ISIS with chemical weapons framing up Syrian government. They caused Endless chaos in Pakistan and Afghanistan and still tried to make Pakistanis their cannon fodders in their bloodshed of Yemen.

Every corner in Islamic world that suffers from extremism and Wahabi ideology offered for a free lunch has Saudi written all over it.

Every building that Sauds have made from Grand Mosque in Balochistan in Iran to madrassas in Pakistan and their collaboration with Gullenists in Turkey is designed to enslave Muslims. Muslims today are considered as blood bags by the Saud family who fight and die for their kingdom not for Islam.
Stop with the petty rants.

I have a great experience of dwelling between Arabs and The so called “Wahabi Extremism” is a myth coined by western media and some stupid mullahs from xyz sects.

Arabs don’t give a f about others or others beliefs and are generally too much tolerant. Subcontinent OTOH is plagued with Jahil tareen mullahs who call others munafiq or kafirs for very minor differences.

Yemen is the work of Iran.

Destruction of Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, All the work of Iran and they are the plague and the pests in the muslim world.

Just imagine that this pig is ruling prophet Muhammed's lands. How much could this rich pig abuse Pure feelings of Muslims in Islamic world in his own and his American masters' favor?

Arabian peninsula is the msot important part of Islamic world, the most sensitive place and the holiest sites are located in there.

They are carpet bombing Yemen making Mecca their excuse. They armed ISIS with chemical weapons framing up Syrian government. They caused Endless chaos in Pakistan and Afghanistan and still tried to make Pakistanis their cannon fodders in their bloodshed of Yemen.

Every corner in Islamic world that suffers from extremism and Wahabi ideology offered for a free lunch has Saudi written all over it.

Every building that Sauds have made from Grand Mosque in Balochistan in Iran to madrassas in Pakistan and their collaboration with Gullenists in Turkey is designed to enslave Muslims. Muslims today are considered as blood bags by the Saud family who fight and die for their kingdom not for Islam.
What has Iran done ? Easy to criticize others who actually do !

All Iran has done is spread hate and terror throughout the region, Ultra jealousy against GCC and Pakistan, Can’t withstand the might of others.
Looks like i made a mistake. Its true sir. My apologies.

The 2 trillion was the headline of youtube channel. It can be true or wrong. Maybe the channel user mistakenly typed trillion instead of billion.

You seemed very happy by that, if i knew that it would make you so happy i would have Posted it a Long time ago 😂

It makes little difference in the Subject. Saudi Prince is using the oil resources of the country in his own favor. Is wrong also?
no need to apology brother we all make mistakes . BTW 800mn$ in nothing for royal family . dont make it personal issue . they fly 8RF 6MOF 8aramco fleet of jetliners total 22 jets worth billions of dollars sir . same apply on cars fleet the saudi royal motor fleet have hundreds of cars SUVs .same apply on palaces all acros the world . its nothing almost all royal families have such items even oor joradan's kings have them .
Stop with the petty rants.

I have a great experience of dwelling between Arabs and The so called “Wahabi Extremism” is a myth coined by western media and some stupid mullahs from xyz sects.

Arabs don’t give a f about others or others beliefs and are generally too much tolerant. Subcontinent OTOH is plagued with Jahil tareen mullahs who call others munafiq or kafirs for very minor differences.

Yemen is the work of Iran.

Destruction of Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, All the work of Iran and they are the plague and the pests in the muslim world.
So we have caused all those problems, didn't we?

What is your evidence for it? Some of you Pakistanis keep saying that, its beyond ridiculous but maybe you have a point. I have a question from you, who did invade Yemen? That's a simple question.

Why don't you blame Libya on Iran? Thats weird. If we are too active in destabilizing the Islamic world then there must be some evidence of it?

Who us funding madrassas of Pakistan Btw?

The Saudi funded Mosque and the mullahs funded by the Sauds is in the front of our eyes in zahedan of Iran. You can't really change the fact
So we have caused all those problems, didn't we?

What is your evidence for it? Some of you Pakistanis keep saying that, its beyond ridiculous but maybe you have a point. I have a question from you, who did invade Yemen? That's a simple question.

Why don't you blame Libya on Iran? Thats weird. If we are too active in destabilizing the Islamic world then there must be some evidence of it?

Who us funding madrassas of Pakistan Btw?

The Saudi funded Mosque and the mullahs funded by the Sauds is in the front of our eyes in zahedan of Iran. You can't really change the fact
You are not to blame. It’s your hateful government that is playing all the games allied with Israel and US.

I don’t believe that I must be giving you explanations because the scenario is self explanatory
You are not to blame. It’s your hateful government that is playing all the games allied with Israel and US.

I don’t believe that I must be giving you explanations because the scenario is self explanatory
USA invade Iraq, Persian Gulf monarchs funded it.

USA invaded Afghanistan, almost 90 percent of the criminals were from Saudi origins and almost 100 percent of them were Arab. But poor Afghans had to pay the price.

USA and its NATO allies are already in Syria, without presence of Russian and Iranian allies of Syria, USA can easily frame them up and invade Syria too.

USA is blockading Yemen. Their navy is present around Yemen coast lines.

USA USA USA. Americans are paying some Elements in middle east to do their biddings. Even inside Iran, they have their paid Elements. Not just Pakistan or Syria or KSA. Every where, USA is causing problem.

Wahabism is a different case, it has been there for centuries. Laurence of Arabia and Mr Hempher are the evidence, they can unveil the main hands behind Wahabism. So far not jsut Shias, Sunnis were also victims of Wahabism in this region. Yemen itself is a Pure example of how the Sauds abuse Wahabis in the region.
Just imagine that this pig is ruling prophet Muhammed's lands. How much could this rich pig abuse Pure feelings of Muslims in Islamic world in his own and his American masters' favor?

Arabian peninsula is the msot important part of Islamic world, the most sensitive place and the holiest sites are located in there.

They are carpet bombing Yemen making Mecca their excuse. They armed ISIS with chemical weapons framing up Syrian government. They caused Endless chaos in Pakistan and Afghanistan and still tried to make Pakistanis their cannon fodders in their bloodshed of Yemen.

Every corner in Islamic world that suffers from extremism and Wahabi ideology offered for a free lunch has Saudi written all over it.

Every building that Sauds have made from Grand Mosque in Balochistan in Iran to madrassas in Pakistan and their collaboration with Gullenists in Turkey is designed to enslave Muslims. Muslims today are considered as blood bags by the Saud family who fight and die for their kingdom not for Islam.

and how is Iran any different ?

Iran has consulates "Khana-e-Farhang" in every city of Pakistan and they are always spreading mischief ?

Is Iran not meddling in Iraq ? Syria, Lebanon and Yemen ?
Does Iran have geographical connectivity with these places ?

Even since the Shah, Iran is nothing but a nuisance, a poor reflection of a glorious past.
and how is Iran any different ?

Iran has consulates "Khana-e-Farhang" in every city of Pakistan and they are always spreading mischief ?

Is Iran not meddling in Iraq ? Syria, Lebanon and Yemen ?
Does Iran have geographical connectivity with these places ?

Even since the Shah, Iran is nothing but a nuisance, a poor reflection of a glorious past.
He thinks that Iran is the “Innocent” kid here.
Let him dwell in this delusion
and how is Iran any different ?

Iran has consulates "Khana-e-Farhang" in every city of Pakistan and they are always spreading mischief ?

Is Iran not meddling in Iraq ? Syria, Lebanon and Yemen ?
Does Iran have geographical connectivity with these places ?

Even since the Shah, Iran is nothing but a nuisance, a poor reflection of a glorious past.
Khaneye Farhang. The name says it all. They mostly work on Persian language and the cultural matters not spreading religious extremism. Khaneye Farhang exists in every city of Iran, for example, they replace the newly entered British words with Persian ones. For example they have replaced computer with Rayaneh.

Knowing Pakistani establishment, they surely have investigated Khaneye Farhang for hundreds if not thousands of times. Like the past, they stormed houses of Pakistani Shias accusing them of working for Iranian military. Guess what they found nothing.

Iran will be present in every corner of Middle East. If Americans could it from thousands of KMs away, then why not Iran? Middle East is shpere of our influence. Its actually conflict of western - eastern civilizations.

He thinks that Iran is the “Innocent” kid here.
Let him dwell in this delusion
No sir, we have had our mistakes. Trusting Americans by our liberals, take it as an example.
He thinks that Iran is the “Innocent” kid here.
Let him dwell in this delusion
there was good working relation between ksa and iran before 1979 .
soon after iranian revolution things start getting bad .
iran iraq war make it bad
in 80s iranian AF bombing mission and during hujj incidents make it ugly
during the rule of king fahad in ksa and rafsanjani things improved a bit
start of 90s was a bit good then mid 90s khobar tower bombing make it bad
and then in mid 2000s things start turning ugly after iraq war finally arab spring came and both sides start proxy wars of 1980s in other countries .
2016 its turn ugly when KSA hanged a shia mullah and iranians attacked saudi embassy .

since then both sides are just fighint wars on almost every front in arab countries . earlier lebanon was first battle ground then palastine letter on iraq and then syria libya and yemen . no one can claim he is saint here its ugly secterian war . dozens of groups are involved and many countries people are involved too . both sides pumped billion of billion in it and god know what is objective .
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