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Inside Pakistan’s War On TikTok

Try having a face-to-face conversation with kids today they lost the art of conversation they are so used to communicating online or whats app. I'm 45 and when we were young during the three-month summer vacation we were out on our bikes just having a good time. Now the streets are empty kids are either gaming or online at home. My kids are made to go swimming my girls go to their dance classes and my youngest daughter does karate and my boy is kept busy by going to boxing and jujitsu 4 times a week. No phones at dinner and only use the internet after homework is done and then only for a limited time. Parents must widen their kid's horizons rather than the easy route of giving them a tablet. If your child is obese it is your fault no other excuse and young kids have to be told what the dangers of the internet is. You should not ban but teach your kids and adults are free to do what they want on these sites

That's spot on. Many youngsters find it difficult to hold a conversation for more than a minute. They either find it hard to come up with words to say, or just stare blankly.
I remember a scene post Covid where I walked past a group of 8 young ladies sitting around a table ready to eat. None of them was engaged in a conversation with another member of the group, they all had their heads in their phones and were laughing and smiling at images and videos.
If you ban Tiktok then these tiktokers will move to another platform like Facebbook, Youtube or Instagram etc, will you ban these platforms too. Banning a platform is definitely not the solution.
yes ban all of them and make our own platforms in pakistan.
That's spot on. Many youngsters find it difficult to hold a conversation for more than a minute. They either find it hard to come up with words to say, or just stare blankly.
I remember a scene post Covid where I walked past a group of 8 young ladies sitting around a table ready to eat. None of them was engaged in a conversation with another member of the group, they all had their heads in their phones and were laughing and smiling at images and videos.
I blame parents for this. Most parents are so out of touch with their children's lives that children find it hard to relate to them. Most desi uncles and aunties spend most of their time on Whatsapp, sharing so much fake news and conspiracy theories, this is even more dangerous than Tiktok.
That's spot on. Many youngsters find it difficult to hold a conversation for more than a minute. They either find it hard to come up with words to say, or just stare blankly.
I remember a scene post Covid where I walked past a group of 8 young ladies sitting around a table ready to eat. None of them was engaged in a conversation with another member of the group, they all had their heads in their phones and were laughing and smiling at images and videos.
So true waz they seem to not know what to say how to change the subject none of the things that are second nature to us. When I go out to eat with my wife or friends I get angry when I see kids not talking to each other but on their phones and then the food arrives the first thing they do is take photos of their food. My wife always asks me why a group of people I don't know gets me so angry I can't explain it. Facebook likes telling people about everything they do and just living your life based on likes and the need for approval seems such a waste of the little time we get . There is such a need now by kids to please friends they will never meet or know about other than what they show online which is mostly only them having a good time i just think it adds extra need on the young to live a perfect life. Life is not perfect it never goes to plan and hurt and betrayal is a part of life that these online friends don't show.
But as per Fawad Chaudhry we need Tik Tok to be successful and a developed nation
When did he say that? All he did was state the effect of banning social media platforms. Banning any platform should always be the last option. Pakistanis have no right to complain about the lack of foreign direct investment when the first thing they do is ban.
Try having a face-to-face conversation with kids today they lost the art of conversation they are so used to communicating online or whats app. I'm 45 and when we were young during the three-month summer vacation we were out on our bikes just having a good time. Now the streets are empty kids are either gaming or online at home. My kids are made to go swimming my girls go to their dance classes and my youngest daughter does karate and my boy is kept busy by going to boxing and jujitsu 4 times a week. No phones at dinner and only use the internet after homework is done and then only for a limited time. Parents must widen their kid's horizons rather than the easy route of giving them a tablet. If your child is obese it is your fault no other excuse and young kids have to be told what the dangers of the internet is. You should not ban but teach your kids and adults are free to do what they want on these sites

That's spot on. Many youngsters find it difficult to hold a conversation for more than a minute. They either find it hard to come up with words to say, or just stare blankly.
I remember a scene post Covid where I walked past a group of 8 young ladies sitting around a table ready to eat. None of them was engaged in a conversation with another member of the group, they all had their heads in their phones and were laughing and smiling at images and videos.

So how would a government ban on any or all social media help with any of what you are saying above?
Try having a face-to-face conversation with kids today they lost the art of conversation they are so used to communicating online or whats app. I'm 45 and when we were young during the three-month summer vacation we were out on our bikes just having a good time. Now the streets are empty kids are either gaming or online at home. My kids are made to go swimming my girls go to their dance classes and my youngest daughter does karate and my boy is kept busy by going to boxing and jujitsu 4 times a week. No phones at dinner and only use the internet after homework is done and then only for a limited time. Parents must widen their kid's horizons rather than the easy route of giving them a tablet. If your child is obese it is your fault no other excuse and young kids have to be told what the dangers of the internet is. You should not ban but teach your kids and adults are free to do what they want on these sites

My parents had a 1 hour screen time allowance per weekday. I used to save up all week then use 5 hours on Sunday on my PS2. I have the same with my kids albeit a bit generous at 2 hours. Otherwise go out and play or do something productive. Tick-Tok is poison.
So how would a government ban on any or all social media help with any of what you are saying above?
I dont think any ban should happen that wont help anything
My parents had a 1 hour screen time allowance per weekday. I used to save up all week then use 5 hours on Sunday on my PS2. I have the same with my kids albeit a bit generous at 2 hours. Otherwise go out and play or do something productive. Tick-Tok is poison.
It taught you limits and the time not spent online you must have learnt other skills I have 2 hours set as a limit for my kids aswell .
yes ban all of them and make our own platforms in pakistan.
This is one of the stupidest the things I have ever read in my life. Did you ever study basic economics in your life? Do you want to cut off Pakistan from the rest of the world? Do you know about the extremely dire consequences of dong that? Do you want to turn Pakistan into a failed state like North Korea? Do know how many people study from Youtube for free? I learned Python solely from Youtube. Do you know how much revenue these "foreign" social media platforms generate for Pakistan? Let's say by some miracle Pakistanis managed to create a world class social media platform, who the hell will use it? You need to study supply and demand. It doesn't matter what platform is out there, people will only consume what they like. Ignorant people like you have no right to complain about the our not so good economy, lack of foreign direct investment and lack of IT infrastructure when you think like this.
who is stopping the RIGHT kind of people from making good content? repression from society and government sooner or later will come out in unappealing ways.
You banned tik tok and there is new online brothel called snack video surfaced. I think this new cancer of making short videos will kill all the creativity,talent in video and film making industry. Every chawal lafanga with a low IQ is now a content creator on these apps and surprisingly making good money.
I think YouTube now has far better way to select ,rank and pay the content creators.
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