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Inside of Uygur Children Terrorist Training Camp

I don't understand this.The countries you listed are not at war with any Muslim country, bar India v Pakistan. Some have issues with terrorists.
Tibetans don't resort terrorism? I'm not sure what this is classified as then? o_O

The thing is Han, Tibetan and many other minority are or were Buddhists. It's not hard for us to solve the problem and understand each other's requirements. But so far we still don't know what those muslim want and what they believe.
They say they are muslim and their belief is peaceful, we doubt it every minutes. Tibetan are proving what they said everyday and become better, Uyghur break their words everyday and show their fatuity. Govt deploy hundres of policemen in Tibet, while deploy hundreds of thousands of armed policemen and troops in Xinjiang.

For your information, Tibetan to Uyghur muslims attitude is much more sharp than mine attitude, they both minority, they don't need to care the problem of so called discrimination minority. No Uyghur muslim dare to steal or defraud in Tibet, they know facing another minority, the laws will not protect them.
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hui muslims should help uyghur muslims against chinese dictotarial policies , because uyghurs hurts like gazans in palestine this is misson for every muslim and human.

Learn some history. First of all Uighurs are not native to Xinjiang but instead migrated into the area in the 8th century. The area was subsequently conquered by Tibet then Mongol. Uighurs would still have been the minority there if not for the extermination of Dzungar Mongols by the Manchu and subsequent encouragement of Uighur, Hui & Han settlement into the region. Han & Hui makes up for at least 30% of the population there until the so call "East Turkestan Republic" that ethnically cleansed the region. Matter fact the leader of the "First East Turkestan Republic" specifically targeted the Hui over Han for expulsion in its proclamation, so good luck asking for Hui to help.
The thing is Han, Tibetan and many other minority are or were Buddhists. It's not hard for us to solve the problem and understand each other's requirements. But so far we still don't know what those muslim want and what they believe.
They say they are muslim and their belief is peaceful, we doubt it every minutes

But the Hui do very well, they are Muslims.
Tibetans were once lured into a frenzy of self-immolation. Naive and innocent Tibetans have severely injured or killed themselves

Some Tibetans are extremists

I am sure there are enough threads on the forum to have opened up rounds of bashing China by the trolls, China-haters and the gullible

Why have all the "self-immolations" stopped all of a sudden?

Here you can question or get the answer yourselves

Dalai Lama incites lamas and followers to engage in self-immolation: white paper - CCTV News - CCTV.com English
Islam teaches all Muslims living in territories where they are in the Minority to be loyal to countries they live in. Chinese Muslims should be loyal to China just as Indian Muslims must be Loyal to India, etc...

Even though India is our Enemy, we Pakistanis always advise Indian Muslims to be loyal to their own Country ( India ).

Uyghur Muslim separatist are misguided. They should follow the example of Hui Chinese Muslims who remain loyal to China.

Terrorist does not belong to any religion...It is applied for terrorist in India, Pakistan and China...So branding terrorist as Muslim terrorist is not correct,,,
The lie of 'Jihadi Migration' ep.3: 'Jihad' or 'Hell?'

2015-07-20 10:07:00
News Video Here

Ablimit and his wife were classmates at school. Five years ago, he was doing translation work, while also being employed in the second-hand motor vehicle trade in Urumqi. He and his wife and two children were living quite happily. But their quiet existence would eventually become a distant memory.

In this video taken by an ETIM member, it’s clear that the person doing the filming is panic-stricken. When they see the helicopter approaching, they immediately hide under the tree.

"It’s really dangerous, because a lot of people have been killed by bombs. We were ordered to hide when we see it," he said.

"I’ve never had a good night’s sleep," she said.

Their life of fear and anxiety began with a meeting with a man called “Satpulla Haji” while they were traveling in Turkey. At first, he seemed very kind. He invited them to stay at his home where he would take every opportunity to tell Ablimit about a good place where “food and accommodation are taken care of, and money provided.”

"He said that in the tribal areas a fair and just society operated. Everything was done according to the teachings of the Koran, and Islamic morals were fully expressed. The women all wore hooded robes, and they and the children were protected. All the Muslims there shared a special bond," he said.

Only later did Ablimit discover that this apparently warmhearted man was actually the person in charge of recruiting new members for ETIM. Eventually, he succumbed to the months of incessant persuasion. Pretending to his family that they were going travelling, and using fake passports, he took them through various countries to the terrorist organization’s base.

"Except for our money, everything else was taken off us, including our mobile phones and computers, as well as our passports," he said.

And so, Ablimit began training as a terrorist. His wife and children were given a tiny adobe house to live in, with less than 10 square metres of floor space.

"I stayed at home practically all the time. A woman may not go outside; the men won't allow it. So I stay indoors, and so do all the women," she said.

"The rich people live in concrete houses. We have only the adobe houses, we build for ourselves," he said.

"When it rains, it leaks everywhere. The accommodation’s awful; it’s wet all over the place," she said.

While they were overseas, they had a third child.

"The cut didn't heal properly after my Caesarean. There were still stitches left when I got home, and they became infected. The stitches were removed, but it was hot there. The cut wouldn't heal even if it was treated several times a day, and the pain was unbearable," she said.

"She suffered a lot after the Caesarean owing to the bad medical conditions. She was given an injection through her clothes and she cried in the hospital, because she suffered so much," he said.

Arzigul says her fine black hair used to be her pride, but after a year at the overseas terrorist base, it had turned grey.

"I never cried in front of the children. I only cried when they were asleep or when I was doing the laundry, or when I was cooking, when they wouldn't see me, or when they fell asleep at night," she said.

Meanwhile, under orders from the terrorists’ leaders, Ablimit was embarking on so-called "Jihad" in the mountainous regions.

"If we were told we were going for Jihad that day it meant we'd walk for around 3km and set up our weapons. Then we'd launch our shells from a distance, although I never saw any hit their target," he said.

Ablimit went on Jihad five times, and never once came into close contact with the enemy. He eventually became confused about the purpose of what they were doing.

"I asked them, 'Is it always like this when you go for Jihad?' And they’d say, yes. So I asked, 'What's the point? It doesn't make any sense.' And they just remained silent," he said.

Ablimit claims he finally decided to leave. But he didn’t know where he should head for. He was also overcome with the fear that if he was caught fleeing, he might be executed.

"I’d heard about someone being executed because he was suspected of being a spy. I was terrified. If we were to flee, they’d definitely assume we’d been there to gather information, or that we were spies from China. So, all we could do was wait," he said.

The lie of 'Jihadi Migration' ep.3: 'Jihad' or 'Hell?' | ENGLISH.JSCHINA.COM.CN
Now CPC just needs to regain some boldness of Mao's era.

For example, if Mao is still alive combining with today's China's power, he would have set the manned mission on Moon in 5 years and the manned mission on Mars in 15 years.

Back in the 1960s, China still hadn't fully recovered from the WWII's total destruction, meanwhile she got sanctioned by both USA and USSR. But with Mao's leadership, China had still managed to create its own atomic bomb and H-bomb in the shortest time, the space program and the nuclear sub were also successful launched.

Mao's China had managed to accomplish these legacies from scratch.

Today's China with the combining force of the strengthened SOE and the revitalized POE could definitely move ahead in the space racing.

China needs some modern great leap to demonstrate its technological strength.
If Mao was alive today and given the same GDP and military China has,

1. Vietnam would not dare to intervene in SCS
2. Myanmar would be invaded due to them shooting bombs over our borders
3. Pinoys would not have such a big mouth
4. China in the eyes of the world will be more like dragon instead of a paper tiger
5. We would not have singed UNCLOS even with clause
6. HK liberal retards would have been annihilated.

twenty years of liberal leadership have made China "weak" in the eyes of lessor nations.
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