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Inside of Uygur Children Terrorist Training Camp

Poor kids, their life is in hell compared to the normal Muslim kids in China.



I don't know what 'respecting land' means my dear friend. How does a country respect, or disrespect his own land? It's not like China's government is putting in pig farms in all of Urumqi, or building churches there. How do you respect/disrespect land?

Assimilation? I see no proof. The Uyghurs speak worse Mandarin than Uyghur. Meaning it's their mother language, and they learn it in school. So what's the point exactly? I think you're buying too much in the anti-China propaganda. Sure there is discrimination, but they're not being genocided or anything.
chinese forced to migrate uyghurs and replacing hans in their places shortly occupation
chinese forced to migrate uyghurs and replacing hans in their places shortly occupation

In the 50s? Can be, indeed half of Xinjiang is Han. But still, that's not going to change. So we might scrap that from the list of demands. As we said, and as we all know, Xinjiang is part of China. If they want to move all of Shanghai into Xinjiang, it's their choice. Not ours.

Hui Muslims are Shia?

Sunni I believe. All Chinese muslims are Sunni probably.
In the 50s? Can be, indeed half of Xinjiang is Han. But still, that's not going to change. So we might scrap that from the list of demands. As we said, and as we all know, Xinjiang is part of China. If they want to move all of Shanghai into Xinjiang, it's their choice. Not ours.

Sunni I believe. All Chinese muslims are Sunni probably.
OK. I thought they were SHIA as most SHIA communities are 100% peace loving. This is what I have found.
OK. I thought they were SHIA as most SHIA communities are 100% peace loving. This is what I have found.

Well I don't know. But as far as I know, the Hui are Han, but muslim. And fully integrated into Chinese society.

hui muslims should help uyghur muslims against chinese assimilation and occupation policies , this shows nicely muslim soldarity

Funny you should say that, as the Hui and Uyghurs have been killing each other since day 1. See how I know you're knowledge of the issue is very shallow? Google it.
chinese forced to migrate uyghurs and replacing hans in their places shortly occupation

China is a place for all Chinese. Anyone can move to another place to find work and live; from Beijing to Urumqi, from Lhasa to Shanghai, from Shenzhen to Kashgar and vis-versa.

China doesn't believe in or enforces segregation of its people. Any Chinese can drink from any water fountain and sit in front or back of buses if they like.
China is a place for all Chinese. Anyone can move to another place to find work and live; from Beijing to Urumqi, from Lhasa to Shanghai, from Shenzhen to Kashgar and vis-versa.

China doesn't believe in or enforces segregation of its people. Any Chinese can drink from any water fountain and sit in front or back of buses if they like.
chinese is very crowded and you just trust numbers
just 1 example

Maybe chinese should learn from the Turkish peolple:
Because the Armenian are against the goverment, so killing 1,500,000 of them are nothing wrong.

Only recently Chinese goverment advise the uyghue student have to learn chinese. Meanwhile also recently Turkey allow the Kurd learn in Kurdish. And still they can't have the Kurdish name. Have you heard anyone in Xinjiang can't use Uyghur?
we gave full rights to kurds if you wants you can search it and never touch their cultural rights ,dont fallow assimilation policies there is a kurd party in turk parliament we just dont allow indepencies kurdistan so we dont want to independent east turkistan

Well I don't know. But as far as I know, the Hui are Han, but muslim. And fully integrated into Chinese society.

Funny you should say that, as the Hui and Uyghurs have been killing each other since day 1. See how I know you're knowledge of the issue is very shallow? Google it.
ask china government it china government is insufficient than guilty are chinese . i think china do taqıye
I can also show your video from Kurds to show different idea.
useless pkk propagandas
come and ask kurds it we accepted 200 000 kurd in escaping kobani terror in syria like 2.5 million syrian migrant
Pan-Turkic terrorists, LOL

Some Turks, attempting to use Islam to achieve pan-Turkism.
If u do not believe, look at what they have done in Syria, Iraq, they massacre of Muslims all the time,
They hate Saudi Arabia, but also hate Iran, they hate all obstacles to pan-Turkism people, Whether you are a Muslim or not
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The difference is that the Uighur are native to East-Turkestan and China is oppressing them in their own land. How would Pakistani feel if India oppressed Pakistani's in their own land?
I replace your phase of uyghur with Kurds and China with turkey. East Turkestan with Kurdish land.

Does it sounds familiar? :lol:

nobody want to china divide just respect uyghurs lands and cultural,religous rights and give up assimilation policies
Who respect China law when using sword and knife to hack innocent children and old?

It's not abt not respecting uyghur. This is merely a terrorist issue which politicalised by the west. The west is jealous of rising China and they use underhand method to undermine her rising.
Uighur terrorists will NEVER win against the CPC.
I can guarantee that with 100% certainty.

When communists feel its power is threatened, they will go full communist on anyone threatening them. The terrorists will realise how ruthless communists really are. CPC removed its claws after the death of Mao. But now you see a resurgence in conservative communists in the CPC.

China has been the one country that have been neutral and even supported muslim countries. But since China got these terrorists attacking Han people the muslim countries are making an enemy of China too.

Muslim countries seem to be making enemies with all the major countries in the world like US, Britain, France, Germany, Russia, India and now China.

I rarely see muslim countries condemn these terrorist attacks on China.

Some might say this is not a religious issue but an ethnic issue. But you don't see Tibetans resorting to terrorist activities.
Uighur terrorists will NEVER win against the CPC.
I can guarantee that with 100% certainty.

When communists feel its power is threatened, they will go full communist on anyone threatening them. The terrorists will realise how ruthless communists really are. CPC removed its claws after the death of Mao. But now you see a resurgence in conservative communists in the CPC.

China has been the one country that have been neutral and even supported muslim countries. But since China got these terrorists attacking Han people the muslim countries are making an enemy of China too.

Muslim countries seem to be making enemies with all the major countries in the world like US, Britain, France, Germany, Russia, India and now China.

I rarely see muslim countries condemn these terrorist attacks on China.

Some might say this is not a religious issue but an ethnic issue. But you don't see Tibetans resorting to terrorist activities.

Too bad, that USSR just fully surrendered in order to appease the West.

That's why CPC has learned all the mistakes and rearmed itself with Maoism AKA the frontrunner of the communist ideology.
Too bad, that USSR just fully surrendered in order to appease the West.

That's why CPC has learned all the mistakes and rearmed itself with Maoism AKA the frontrunner of the communist ideology.


Chinese Communist Party is now the greatest communist party. Soviet communist party should never be held above the CPC.
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