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Inside of Uygur Children Terrorist Training Camp


Chinese Communist Party is now the greatest communist party. Soviet communist party should never be held above the CPC.

The Maoism is the fact the Marxism-Leninism on steroid, and it has played the most important role that led to the creation of the strategic plans such as the new Silk Road and AIIB.

During the Chinese Civil War, Mao did manage to gather the solidarity of the pro-Mao force between the rural areas, then surrounded the pro-KMT force that lived in the urban areas.

The new Silk Road and AIIB is planned to gather all developing countries to eventually outnumber the developed countries; a perfect replica of the Maoist strategy.

USSR believed the Maoism is nothing but a low-rank peasant form of Marxism, but they were wrong, the Maoism is in fact the most advanced form of the Marxism.

With the Maoist tactics, China had managed to push the US and its allies back to the 38th parallel line, while the USSR with their so-called "most authentic Marxism" just lost the standoff against the US in the Cuban Missile Crisis.

The history has proven that the USSR was deadly wrong about Mao and Maoism. And instead of keeping conceding with the liberals like the USSR had done, CPC has simply gotten tired to keep resonating with them, just destroy them all and then bury them 10,000 feet under the ground, that's it.
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The Maoism is the fact the Marxism-Leninism on steroid, and it has played the most important role that led to the creation of the strategic plans such as the new Silk Road and AIIB.

During the Chinese Civil War, Mao did manage to gather the solidarity of the pro-Mao force between the rural areas, then surrounded the pro-KMT force that lived in the urban areas.

The new Silk Road and AIIB is planned to gather all developing countries to eventually outnumber the developed countries; a perfect replica of the Maoist strategy.

USSR believed the Maoism is nothing but a low-rank peasant form of Marxism, but they were wrong, the Maoism is in fact the most advanced form of the Marxism.

With the Maoist tactics, China had managed to push the US and its allies back to the 38th parallel line, while the USSR with their so-called "most authentic Marxism" just lost the standoff against the US in the Cuban Missile Crisis.

The history has proven that the USSR was deadly wrong about Mao and Maoism. And instead of keeping conceding with the liberals like the USSR had done, CPC has simply gotten tired to keep resonating with them, just destroy them all and then bury them 10,000 feet under the ground, that's it.

Kicking the US military out of North Korea showed CPC knows how to get things done. They use their methods to get the job done with whatever resources they have at its disposal. That's cleverness. That's how a poorly equipped volunteer army with little money managed to kick the US military (with all the advanced weapons, all the money and many allies) out of North Korea and create a buffer zone.

CPC also reformed the economy when the 100% state-owned economy was not the correct path by combining the state-owned sector with the private sector and attracting foreign FDI to develop the industrial and manufacturing base.

CPC is also smart in reverse engineering proven foreign technologies so that unnecessary money and time are not spent on researching on existing technologies. What reverse engineering did was to allow quick catch up and develop its domestic technological base from which it can develop more advanced technologies by itself. This allows China technological and military security where you don't have to dance to the tune of foreigners. China can now earn money by exporting these technologies and weapons.

But what is most remarkable is how a non-white communist country adapted into a Western-dominated system and succeeded. CPC did that and never abandoned its political system and never gave up its independent foreign policy.

That for me shows the brilliance of the CPC.

Foreigners dont realise the cleverness of the CPC. CPC is subtle when subtlety is needed and is assertive when toughness is needed. You have to give and take, and CPC is the best at doing this.

China has only gotten stronger ever since the CPC came to power.

China will only succeed when its governed by the CPC.
Kicking the US military out of North Korea showed CPC knows how to get things done. They use their methods to get the job done with whatever resources they have at its disposal. That's cleverness. That's how a poorly equipped volunteer army with little money managed to kick the US military (with all the advanced weapons, all the money and many allies) out of North Korea and create a buffer zone.

CPC also reformed the economy when the 100% state-owned economy was not the correct path by combining the state-owned sector with the private sector and attracting foreign FDI to develop the industrial and manufacturing base.

CPC is also smart in reverse engineering proven foreign technologies so that unnecessary money and time are not spent on researching on existing technologies. What reverse engineering did was to allow quick catch up and develop its domestic technological base from which it can develop more advanced technologies by itself. This allows China technological and military security where you don't have to dance to the tune of foreigners. China can now earn money by exporting these technologies and weapons.

But what is most remarkable is how a non-white communist country adapted into a Western-dominated system and succeeded. CPC did that and never abandoned its political system and never gave up its independent foreign policy.

That for me shows the brilliance of the CPC.

Foreigners dont realise the cleverness of the CPC. CPC is subtle when subtlety is needed and is assertive when toughness is needed. You have to give and take, and CPC is the best at doing this.

China has only gotten stronger ever since the CPC came to power.

China will only succeed when its governed by the CPC.

Now CPC just needs to regain some boldness of Mao's era.

For example, if Mao is still alive combining with today's China's power, he would have set the manned mission on Moon in 5 years and the manned mission on Mars in 15 years.

Back in the 1960s, China still hadn't fully recovered from the WWII's total destruction, meanwhile she got sanctioned by both USA and USSR. But with Mao's leadership, China had still managed to create its own atomic bomb and H-bomb in the shortest time, the space program and the nuclear sub were also successful launched.

Mao's China had managed to accomplish these legacies from scratch.

Today's China with the combining force of the strengthened SOE and the revitalized POE could definitely move ahead in the space racing.

China needs some modern great leap to demonstrate its technological strength.
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China's CCTV has released a detailed documentary recently.

Here are bits and pieces from the doc:

The lie of 'Jihadi Migration' ep.1: How extremism ruins lives of believers - CCTV News - CCTV.com English

The lie of 'Jihadi Migration' ep.1: How extremism ruins lives of believers


Data provided by Xinjiang police show that majority of violent and terrorism-related criminal cases in the region are influenced by the concept of "Hijirat", the so-called “Jihadi Migration”. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, religious extremism grew stronger and more prevalent in China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

Since 1996, separatists, religious extremists, and terrorists have been fleeing China. In collusion with international terrorist organizations, they have falsified religious doctrine, fabricated cases of religious persecution, lied to their followers and encouraged "Jihad" or holy war.

Using terrorist bases outside China, they have trained violent terrorists and planned and executed violent criminal activities within the country. Terrorist organizations based outside China have produced videos encouraging violence and terrorism. The religious extremism they advocate, including the “Jihadi Migration”, forms the ideological roots of their violent, terrorist activities.

Recently, CCTV reporters interviewed several emigrants who have been repatriated to China. Their testimony, based on personal experience, confirms the truth of the so-called “Jihadi Migration”.

23-year-old Tursun covers his face and constantly sobs during his conversation with the reporter. He becomes especially excited when he recalls his experience of leaving home to attend high school in another part of China. He was just one of six students from his area admitted to the school.

"It was my first time on a train. I’d never been on a train before. We passed so many cities. When we arrived we got off the train. There were beautiful places the like of which we’d never seen before.

We got to our school. It was amazing inside. Our dormitory was nicer than the ones for the local students. There was an air conditioner. Four of us shared one room. The tables, chairs and beds were all very clean. The food was all Muslim," he said.

In his first year at high school, his English was very poor, but in the pleasant studying environment and through a lot of hard work, he managed to pass College English Test-6 in the second semester of his second year. An English composition he wrote about campus life was chosen by his teacher as a model essay. It’s a fond memory, which he shares with the reporter in English.

"I wrote this in my composition. My oral English teacher gave me this review. He was very happy. He urged me to study hard. When he said I had a talent for English I was very happy," he said.

However, Tursun fared poorly in the all-important College Entrance Examination. He decided to go back home to He Tian in Xinjiang to repeat the last year of high school. His plan was to try again to get to college the following year.

"My first goal was Xinjiang Medical University. Or somewhere like Guangdong Province, a medical university with a high standard of teaching, and go and study there," he said.

One day he was approached by a man named Mexmut, who was posing as a religious teacher. What Tursun didn’t know was that Mexmut was in fact a construction worker who hadn’t even completed a primary school education.

"He told me I shouldn’t go to a secular school. He said college graduates were breaking with Islam. They were of no use to society or to Islam. So, I shouldn’t go to a college that wasn’t Muslim," he said.

With time, Mexmut and his group revealed their real purpose.

"Mexmut Abura once told me that anyone who made contact with him but refused to join the Hijirat was not a true Muslim," he said.

Aware of Mexmut’s real purpose, Tursun declared his intention to quit the group.

"They wanted me to go to Malaysia, then Turkey. From there to Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria to join the “Jihad”. I said I wouldn’t, but nor would I tell anyone about it. They pointed two swords at me. They said, 'Now you know about our mission you can’t just walk away. Do as we say. Otherwise, we’ll dump your body somewhere you parents will never find it'," he said.

Under threat, Tursun gave Mexmut the 30,000 Yuan his parents had given him for his college fees. Even though his marks in the college entrance exam were well above what was required to gain entry to one of the country’s leading universities, he cancelled his application for college and prepared to leave the country. The first time his parents knew the son they’d been so proud of, hadn’t ever been to college, was when he was repatriated to China.

"I often dream of my mother waiting for me outside our home, crying. In the dream she’d say, 'Son, keep warm.' She’d follow me, carrying my clothes. I also dream of her crying her eyes out, worrying about me," he said.

While overseas, he was only allowed out at night and lived in a state of fear. Because of his English ability, he was put in charge of the group’s external liaison. Through his work, he learned a number of secrets that left him even more terrified.

"In June (2014), I met a man who’d left Xinjiang 19 years before, but regretted joining the Jihad and wanted to go home. I met him in Malaysia. He told me this, in tears. Every day there are people escaping from ISIL, Syria and Afghanistan. A man who travelled with me to Guangzhou from Urumqi was killed by a bomb dropped by a US drone soon after arriving in Syria. He left behind a wife and children who can now barely scrape by. I also heard about many people who just disappeared or were taken away," he said.
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nobody want to china divide just respect uyghurs lands and cultural,religous rights and give up assimilation policies

You guys just know bla bla, please donate some money to those poor Uygur famers in south Xinjiang. Their culture, religion can't help them to get better life. The more they grasp those things, the poor they become.
You guys just know bla bla, please donate some money to those poor Uygur famers in south Xinjiang. Their culture, religion can't help them to get better life. The more they grasp those things, the poor they become.

Point is:

We assimilate them as we wish. We were wrong not to assimilate up until now.

We settle and resettle as we wish. China is a free country to move around and set up business.

We civilize and Sinicize their religion, culture and customs so that they would become part and parcel of the mainstream society.

We continue to employ the ultimate iron fist policy to those terrorists and their supporters. They will be shot on sight. We were wrong not to employ this policy from the very beginning.

We embrace the good and hard working citizens as one of us, as we have done so far, and the sky is limit for them to rise in wealth. Chinese Dream is inclusive and non-discriminating.

Now, I wonder what foreigners will do about that.
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uygurs are our blood bro if they hurts .anatolian turks hurts as well as than chinese dont complaint uyghurs cihads against persecution
stalin,mao ,hitler.. :disagree:
ottomans were cihad russian,english and french armies in ww1 we just expelled armenians from anatolia to syria
listen chinese i m only and you re crowded
we have high virtue ,morality warior spirit unlike chinese .call all chinese face me:azn:

Ottoman is children( later generation ) of Uyghurs. You guys need to listen to Uyghurs. It's so weird the son command the dad.
Actually donation isn't advised. There has been a lot donation to various Plateau nomads and a beautiful fraction of it ended up as oil sacrifices at Lama temples. What a waste, from the perspective of the donors .

Some times I wonder what will be the critical point that the mundane society will run out of patience and purge those lunatics altogether. Modern countries have been too soft with them and should bomb them and supporters to their religious hell of choice.

You guys just know bla bla, please donate some money to those poor Uygur famers in south Xinjiang. Their culture, religion can't help them to get better life. The more they grasp those things, the poor they become.
Actually donation isn't advised. There has been a lot donation to various Plateau nomads and a beautiful fraction of it ended up as oil sacrifices at Lama temples. What a waste, from the perspective of the donors .

Some times I wonder what will be the critical point that the mundane society will run out of patience and purge those lunatics altogether. Modern countries have been too soft with them and should bomb them and supporters to their religious hell of choice.

No, the donation is necessary. So far the great Turkey empire's supports to Uyghur is just bla, bla and bla, they need to provide actual money and material to show their real solicitude. Otherwise, it's dirty politics.

Of course, our govt will help to allot the donation. Avoid the money wasted. Firstly, primarily, the Turkish govt has to generously donate to their blood Uyghur ancestors. Can we wish this day?
The lie of 'Jihadi Migration' ep.2: A childhood distorted by sin

07-19-2015 10:30 BJT

The police investigation has revealed that Maxmuti, who coerced Tursun into participating in the “Jihadi Migration”, has close ties with an overseas terrorist organization. Although he was directly responsible for changing the course of Tursun’s life, Maxmuti himself hid behind the scenes, until he was finally arrested.

So, what activities did this foreign terrorist organization carry out, under the banner of the so-called “Jihadi Migration”? What criminal acts did it commit behind the scenes?

Video by East Turkestan Islamic Movement member

Father: Come here, take a shot.

Son: No.

Father: Come, take a shot.

Son: No.

Father: Come on.

Eventually, the child complies with the adult’s request, and picks up the gun.

Video by East Turkestan Islamic Movement member

Son: I can’t pull it with one hand.

Father: If you can’t, let’s pull it together.

See this? Use it to aim at the target.

I’ve taught you this. This and that point need to aim right at the target.

The video was filmed by Azat, a member of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement terrorist organization. The two boys practising shooting are his sons, the oldest being only six at the time. The terrified child heard off-screen crying for her mother is his one-and-half-year-old daughter.

In another video clip, the following conversation takes place between father and son.

Video by East Turkestan Islamic Movement member

Son: Dad, did you go to fight a war today?

Father: Yes, I did. Do you want to go, too?

Come here, come to me.

When do you want to go and fight a war?

Son: Tomorrow.

The older of the two children is barely five, and the younger can’t even walk. The mud brick house seen behind them is the family home. The only toys they seem to have are their father’s guns.

Video by East Turkestan Islamic Movement member

Father: Do you want to fight in a war when you grow up?

Who do you want to kill with that gun?

Son: Heretics.

At this foreign terrorist base, innocent children are being trained to commit terrorist attacks.

Video by East Turkestan Islamic Movement member

Q: Can you shoot a gun?

A: Yes, I can.

Q: What kind of guns have you shot?

A: Automatic rifles and pistols.

"We go to fight in a war, at the frontline and they will stay at home. The pistol is hung on the wall. They can’t go about not knowing how to shoot a gun, so I’ve got to teach them," said Azat.

Numerous sources confirm that this foreign terrorist organization has a policy of training children to perpetrate violent terrorist attacks. In a video filmed in the year 2000, a leading member of “ETIM ” at the time, Mutellip Qasim, who was subsequently captured, talks about an encounter between Hasan Mexsum, the then leader of “ETIM ”, and Osama Bin Laden.

"He said, 'We must take these kids and teach them to make explosives.' Then we took them to Bin Laden’s camp. Bin Laden was there. I didn’t go up and greet him. But he was only 5 or 6 metres away," said Qasim.

The organization doesn’t allow children to sing children’s songs. When they open their mouths, what comes out are the so-called “Jihadi” songs. Even the cartoons they watch are full of slaughter.

"The cartoons are doctored. Basically, they’re made by extremists. For instance, the war in Chechnya is turned into a cartoon," said Azat.

"If we stay here, the children will definitely become 'Jihadis'," said Azat's wife.

The children are systematically brainwashed. According to the organization’s rules boys, when they turn seven, will be sent to a so-called “school” where they will receive a closeted education. Ablimit sent his son to one, and was shocked when the boy returned home two weeks later.

"When he came back, he had constant diarrhea. His trousers were soiled, his hair was filthy and he was painfully thin," she said.

"My son was too young. The streets weren’t so well lit at night as they are in Urumqi. It was completely dark outside and he was afraid to go to the bathroom. He stayed inside and soiled his bed," said Ablimit Nurdun.

So, what do these so-called “schools” really teach? A video on ETIM's own website reveals the answer.

At the right time, exhaust all your efforts on banishing the heretics from our holy land, “East Turkestan”.

The person on the screen styles himself as a “military instructor”. He conceals his identity from beginning to end. Throughout the 5-minute video, one word is repeated more than any other – “sacrifice”

"With no teaching of knowledge or ethics, these children grow up in such an environment. Growing up in such a horrible environment they’re bound to become mindless robots, doing whatever they’re told, without thinking of the consequences," said Ablimit Nurdun.

The lie of 'Jihadi Migration' ep.2: A childhood distorted by sin - CCTV News - CCTV.com English
Muslim countries seem to be making enemies with all the major countries in the world like US, Britain, France, Germany, Russia, India and now China.

I rarely see muslim countries condemn these terrorist attacks on China.

Some might say this is not a religious issue but an ethnic issue. But you don't see Tibetans resorting to terrorist activities.

I don't understand this.The countries you listed are not at war with any Muslim country, bar India v Pakistan. Some have issues with terrorists.
Tibetans don't resort to terrorism? I'm not sure what this is classified as then? o_O

Videos deleted due to graphic nature.
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