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Inscription throws new light to Hindu rule in Afghanistan

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KRAIT, it was totally unasked for.. in Urdu posts like that are calle "Phoka Fire" - a powerless shot!
Yaar it was a joke. More like sarcasm because of reasons that many posters give about many threads on Hinduism.

Take it lightly. Just for laugh. :enjoy:
Inscription of hindu rule found in AF is irrelevant in today's age. The whole world has pagan history at point until Allah(swt) showed mercy and the same applies to AF. Afghanistan has nothing to do with her pagan history.

( not being rude to hinduism or anything. Hindus can naturally take pride in such findings)
Inscription of hindu rule found in AF is irrelevant in today's age. The whole world has pagan history at point until Allah(swt) showed mercy and the same applies to AF. Afghanistan has nothing to do with her pagan history.

Christianity and Judaism were non-paganic and were before Islam.
Xtianity and Judaism are just distorted versions of Islam...:angel:

Or the reverse could be more accurate. The common points between Abrhamaic religions on certain contexts and the "peaceful" points on the whole are, well evident.
^^ Nothing similar between Christianity and Judaism as compared with Islam. Many claim that Islam conveniently identified itself with Christianity and Judaism and the rest of Islam has no common points with the other two religions. Unlike Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism which has certain common denominators, Islam is more a less a slander of the other two religions which it attempts to identify itself with. In fact, some guy wrote a book some time ago (banned in India by Indira Gandhi) which claims that Allah is in fact Shiva and that Muslims are just an adaptation of Hinduism. So much for those Muslims who slander Hinduism. You could very well be worshipping the colorful idol God with a different name :D
hinduism has all isms in it. monoism,atheism,polyetheism,qualified monoism. The arguments and counter arguments for every possible human thought on God. The popular stream is polytheism. When alexander comes to india dandamis the great saint insults him for worshipping many gods. It was the atheistic schools of charvaka called kanada who came up with earliest concept of atoms.
Hence you will find books justifying the basic principles of islam or any other religion in hinduism.
Yup, to you it is an abomination. Not that any Hindu gives a toss what turns your stomach. Like you shouldn't give a toss to those who claim your Prophet was a perverted fake paedo who led a ****** life of massacre , dishing out schitzophenic messages and conducting an orgy with wanton women. I find that lifestyle an abomination more than any idol worhipper who bows down to multi colored Gods. Offcourse you should also give a toss to my views like the way I give a toss of yours ;)

There literally was no need for this...

Leave the moron be....We cant be chasing after every dog that barks on the street can we...

Someone wise once said...."Wrestling with a pig only makes you dirty and the pig enjoys it..."
Inscription of hindu rule found in AF is irrelevant in today's age. The whole world has pagan history at point until Allah(swt) showed mercy and the same applies to AF. Afghanistan has nothing to do with her pagan history.
( not being rude to hinduism or anything. Hindus can naturally take pride in such findings)

Well seems Allah hasnt been too kind to your lot....let alone mercy...

I really hope people get out of this habit of throwing out statements that make it seems like accepting a religion has somehow enlightened them...

Religion is only a channel to sync with God....Hindus have their way...Muslims have theirs....each is right in its own....But mind you...God remains the same for both...no matter what you call him or how you envision him
don't have so much hatred inside you man. so much of negativity only hurts you and your mental peace. you should consult isro2222 for counselling. he will suggest you a mantra that will help you calm down and attain mental peace.
^^ Nothing similar between Christianity and Judaism as compared with Islam. Many claim that Islam conveniently identified itself with Christianity and Judaism and the rest of Islam has no common points with the other two religions. Unlike Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism which has certain common denominators, Islam is more a less a slander of the other two religions which it attempts to identify itself with. In fact, some guy wrote a book some time ago (banned in India by Indira Gandhi) which claims that Allah is in fact Shiva and that Muslims are just an adaptation of Hinduism. So much for those Muslims who slander Hinduism. You could very well be worshipping the colorful idol God with a different name :D

Problem with religion is it can be interpreted in million ways according to perceptions of the followers. So in one way they may not be common while points like do good, don't do violence, help other humans are universal aren't they?? With Abrahamaic the common factor is their origins more or less ?? and Christianity too doesn't have idol worship unless the view point of Catholics on Jesus's statue is considered. Islam considers Jesus a prophet however if we go deeper every religion is different from other.

This act of identifying the present god figure with former one's is nothing but revisionism or repackaging for popular acceptance.

If truly there is a god and i think there is he would be surely laughing all of us humans for our sillyness and pettiness regarding him. He works in strange ways for sure.
Well seems Allah hasnt been too kind to your lot....let alone mercy...

I really hope people get out of this habit of throwing out statements that make it seems like accepting a religion has somehow enlightened them...

Religion is only a channel to sync with God....Hindus have their way...Muslims have theirs....each is right in its own....But mind you...God remains the same for both...no matter what you call him or how you envision him

Problem lies in their thinking especially guys from pakistan think that these guys converted to latest version of all the softwares available in the world and their software is very good compared to others. :woot:
Yeah, that refers to where the Hindus of Punjab/Sindh were slaughtered. Your ancestors, that is Pakistan's ancient Hindus were mostly slaughtered by a combination of Nadir Shah/Durranis and Aurangzeb. The Hindu Kush mainly is a reminder of Hindus in Pakistan in ancient times getting killed by Afghans...

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This is the 21st century - show a little tolerance.

If you are unhappy with another person's religion, the right thing to do on this forum is to keep the reservations to yourself.

No need to show/prove how superior/inferior the other's religion is.

You reveal more about yourself-
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