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Insane amount of air activity over Pak

As I said, some planes will never turn their transponders off, you can bet there about 20 planes on the Kabulk tarmac at anyone time, you will not see all of them on flight radar, especially not Spec Ops and ISR. I lived in Chaklala many years and I can assure you I spent says looking at planes taking off and landing and cannot, with 100% accuracy, tell you how many or what nationality at any time, especially at night. So I call bulls**t on your claims
Had there been planes landing, all the spotter forums on FB would be flooded with images, but they aren’t.
Had there been planes landing, all the spotter forums on FB would be flooded with images, but they aren’t.

That makes no sense at all. You are saying just because we do not have pictures it is not happening?

Even on most days at Chaklala you can see foreign transport aircraft on the tarmac, these days it will be intense there.

This is why there is so much BS on this forum being passed off as "insider knowledge".....
As I said, some planes will never turn their transponders off, you can bet there about 20 planes on the Kabulk tarmac at anyone time, you will not see all of them on flight radar, especially not Spec Ops and ISR. I lived in Chaklala many years and I can assure you I spent says looking at planes taking off and landing and cannot, with 100% accuracy, tell you how many or what nationality at any time, especially at night. So I call bulls**t on your claims
Sure buddy, I bet you have all knowledge in the world, you win. Have a medal 🥇
Had there been planes landing, all the spotter forums on FB would be flooded with images, but they aren’t.
You’re using too much logic. Let it be…
there’s already plenty of photos online of all the planes that have landed at various airbases. The most recent one being an Indonesian Air Force plane.

Other than that the planes that have landed in Pakistan include:
Turkish A400Ms, a Dutch C17 and A310 tanker. A Luxembourg AF A400M. One Spanish A400M (I believe this was a special case as other Spanish planes did not stop and went straight to Qatar) and one or possibly two Italian planes (C-130s). There was also an Indonesian Air Force plane that stopped in Islamabad (with only Indonesians on board). Photos of all of these are all over Twitter. Wonder why the cameras stop working when an American or British plane lands…

The others are using the 6 KC135, 2 DC-10A and 2 A310 MRTTs deployed by various NATO countries to IFR and fly straight to Doha or UAE.

Interestingly there have been other smaller aircraft landing here and there, VIP jets of various air forces, probably carrying officials for talks and such, currently an Italian and an American one is heading in.
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One turned off its transponder, the other never did. Neither landed in Pakistan, always using the corridor. The other is just the Luxembourg A400M I saw the other day. A PIA flight is heading into Kabul, 3rd or 4th such flight since the crisis is started.
Sure buddy, I bet you have all knowledge in the world, you win. Have a medal 🥇

You’re using too much logic. Let it be…
there’s already plenty of photos online of all the planes that have landed at various airbases. The most recent one being an Indonesian Air Force plane.

Other than that the planes that have landed in Pakistan include:
Turkish A400Ms, a Dutch C17 and A310 tanker. A Luxembourg AF A400M. One Spanish A400M (I believe this was a special case as other Spanish planes did not stop and went straight to Qatar) and one or possibly two Italian planes (C-130s). There was also an Indonesian Air Force plane that stopped in Islamabad (with only Indonesians on board). Photos of all of these are all over Twitter. Wonder why the cameras stop working when an American or British plane lands…

The others are using the 6 KC135, 2 DC-10A and 2 A310 MRTTs deployed by various NATO countries to IFR and fly straight to Doha or UAE.

Interestingly there have been other smaller aircraft landing here and there, VIP jets of various air forces, probably carrying officials for talks and such, currently an Italian and an American one is heading in.

So this was your original post on this thread

" The only planes landing in Pakistan belong to Turkey and Netherlands as well as one plane from Luxembourg. "

Now you have added Spain and Italy? Anymore you will add later?

Any link to the pictures of those planes landing in Pak that you claim are on Twitter?

You are BS'ing and now you have been called out you are changing your story......
So this was your original post on this thread

" The only planes landing in Pakistan belong to Turkey and Netherlands as well as one plane from Luxembourg. "

Now you have added Spain and Italy? Anymore you will add later?

Any link to the pictures of those planes landing in Pak that you claim are on Twitter?

You are BS'ing and now you have been called out you are changing your story......
Spain only had one landing in Pakistan. Italy has had one or maybe two. Do you know how many flights they have been doing in total? all three of these landings were before they went to Kabul. As in they landed here first and then went to Kabul.

Stop trying to start petty fights after you’ve been proven wrong, my first post was in regards to the flights that had picked up people from Kabul and then landed at Islamabad, because that was your concern, correct? About the refugees?

I’ll leave it there. This is not worth arguing over, you’ve always been a sensible poster before, I’m sorry for my harsh worlds earlier but I will try and respect that.
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One more about to use the corridor, transponder never turned off. No landings in Pakistan. Kabul-UAE.
Spain only had one landing in Pakistan. Italy has had one or maybe two. Do you know how many flights they have been doing in total? You also realize all three of these landings were before they went to Kabul right? As in they landed here first and then went to Kabul.
If you had an IQ higher than 40 or weren’t just here for petty fights to prove yourself correct after you’ve been proven wrong, you would have realized that my first post was in regards to the flights that had picked up people from Kabul and then landed at Islamabad, because that was your concern, correct? About the refugees?

I’ll leave it there, you’re wasting both my and your time. Please. Grow up.

You first said "only" Turkey, Netherlands and Lux, now you are back tracking, yes, leave it there and maybe think twice when trying to come across as a know it all on the forum.....
There will be fights to and fro, some landing in Pak and some overpassing it. Certain countries will choose to go via the first option and others the latter, the frequency will increase as things get more efficient. So let's not argue pointlessly here...
Honestly, to date I didn't know that the RAF actually operated the C-17 Globemaster III.

8 of them. Also 22 A400s and 14 A330 MRRTs, they also have around 16 C-130Js but are selling these.

RAF has a very decent transport fleet.
No US planes are landing in PAK. They are all going straight to QATAR or UAE. That’s why there’s a constant stream of NATO tankers over Pakistan and Afghanistan to keep those things flying. They are just overflying Pakistan. Same with British, French, Spanish and German planes. The only planes landing in Pakistan belong to Turkey and Netherlands as well as one plane from Luxembourg. These are carrying their citizens and not afghans. Their governments officially asked Pakistan for permission which was granted.

All of this is easily traceable using flight radar.
Germans too I believe.
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