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INS Vikramaditya commissioned

The short answer: NO
even more so considering the time that the deal for the Gorshkov was made.
Later the US offered the Kittyhawk; but she had little residual life left; the cost of any Life Extension Program prohibitive, cost of operation much more Huge; and then the US was not considered to be a reliable supporting Ally.

Now things are different on many counts, but then one cannot get a similar Carrier for USD 2.33 Billion.

actually the deal regarding Kitty Hawk is a rumor, US never official offer Kitty Hawk to India nor would they consider. There are still too many Kitty Hawk technology in use today and US would unlikely sold or transfer Kitty Hawk so they can be studied by the Russian Eventually.....

Even if SecNav did offer, they more than likely just a spike to Russia and Congress would not pass the transfer anyway.

Many people believe the Kitty Hawk Rumor is generated so India could squeeze a better deal with the Russian Carrier. No intention on either side were ever consider the offer.
Nimitz class Carriers in todays market place $10 -12 billion with out the 75 fighters & helos & awacs which would cost $5 billion more

Vikramidiyta was a good move and is about ALL INDIA needs to dominate the indian seas and areas of influence
So we have something called owner's pride and neighbor's envy??:devil:

Frankly...what are the aircrafts its going to carry??
Are some aircrafts also included in the deal???Because i think i did read it somewhere.

Yes; the aircraft for the ship have been acquired in a different but related deal-- 20 MiG-29Ks if I'm not mistaken apart from Ka-31s and Ka-28s for AEW and ASW. 
actually the deal regarding Kitty Hawk is a rumor, US never official offer Kitty Hawk to India nor would they consider. There are still too many Kitty Hawk technology in use today and US would unlikely sold or transfer Kitty Hawk so they can be studied by the Russian Eventually.....

Even if SecNav did offer, they more than likely just a spike to Russia and Congress would not pass the transfer anyway.

Many people believe the Kitty Hawk Rumor is generated so India could squeeze a better deal with the Russian Carrier. No intention on either side were ever consider the offer.

No, it was not a rumor. It was more than that. But it was an unaffordable option for the IN; which I've explained. And that was common knowledge.

Your own post contains self-contradictions; first in the caveat that that you attribute to SecNav and then in the assertion that you make that the offer was made to help India to "squeeze the Russian Carrier". I stand by my statement, and I do know something about the background to it.
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I have read that the aircraft carrier will normally carry 20 Mig-29K.

In a war situation would be possible to increase this number to 30 to give a far more potent air-group capability?

That will depend on carrier size perhap some Indian friends can shed some info.
Severodvinsk, Sat Nov 16 2013, 08:58 hrs

With Russia ready to hand over INS Vikramaditya to India on Saturday, the aircraft carrier has put its troubled past behind. Besides successfully conducting maneuverability and speed trials, it also performed its the main function — aircraft operations — quite well. As many as 88 glitch-free landings of the MiG 29 K fighter have taken place on the ship, three with Indian officers on board.
Unfortunately, due to a combination of planning and developmental delays, the aircraft carrier will, ironically, have little defence against air attacks. Unlike all other carriers in the world, Vikramaditya will be the only ship of its class to not have air defence systems — either missiles or close in weapons.

The only protection it will have against incoming aircraft till 2017 (as per estimates) will be electronic systems. Hence, one of the more interesting demonstrations conducted this year was of theASOR Russian electronic warfare system fitted on the carrier. Those who participated said the ship's sensors picked up incoming aircraft at a distance of 350 km and, in some cases, even 400 km.

During trials, the ship's electronic warfare systems defeated all incoming aircraft by blinding them with directed energy. "Not a single aircraft managed to detect the ship when systems were in use. The only way they could find the ship was when it got into visible range," said Igor Leonav, Chief Commissioner of Sevmash.

Several aircraft, including Su 33 fighters, MiG 29 Ks, IL 38s and Kamov choppers, were used to test the electronic warfare systems. But this is the only defence against air attacks, other than the last stage Pk2m chaff/flare launchers used as decoys when incoming missiles home in.

Both the Israeli LR SAM system and the Indian made close in weapon system are delayed and will be fitted after a few years. The LR SAM project was to be operational in 2012, but even the first firing of the missile has not taken place so far. As per plans, the Indian Navy wanted to place both these systems after the carrier was delivered.

"It was a decision of the Indian Navy not to install the systems as of now. We offered the carrier with the Kashtan systems and a year ago, we had a discussion on installing the AK 630 close in weapon system. But a decision on this has not been taken by the Indian side yet," Sergey Vlasov, Director General of the Nevskoe Design Bureau, the chief designer of the Vikramaditya, said.

The Navy is counting on the fact that the carrier will function in a group where other frigates and destroyers will carry adequate air defence systems to defeat attacks.

Sindhurakshak: Experts say mishap cause can still be found

The Indian Navy has been facing criticism for failing to get the ill-fated Sindhurakshak submarine out of the water even three months after it blew up while docked in Mumbai but Russian submarine experts say that even after spending so much time underwater, the cause of the accident can be ascertained through careful forensic examination as well as studying the sequence of events leading to the multiple blasts.

Terming the going down of the submarine as a "personal loss", experts at the Zvezdochka shipyard that upgraded the vessel months here before the incident say that all possible help will be rendered to examine the matter if the Indian Navy sends a formal request to join the investigation.

"Some of the people who died in accident were in Russia for the process of refit. We knew them very well and it is a big personal loss for us as well. The most important thing is that such tragedies do not happen again. The shipbuilders as well as those who operate it must understand what has happened and the causes that led to it for safe operations in the future," said Alexey S Gavzov, head of contract preparation and maintenance department of the shipyard said.

While the Indian submarine went down months after a long upgrade in Severodvinsk, the Indian side had not blamed the shipyard for the loss and in a show of confidence, is set to place an order for a second life upgrade for two more Kilo class submarines at the Zvezdochka shipyard shortly. This upgrade will extend the life of two older Kilo class submarines by another ten year

INS Vikramaditya has might but little protection against air attacks - Indian Express
Yes; the aircraft for the ship have been acquired in a different but related deal-- 20 MiG-29Ks if I'm not mistaken apart from Ka-31s and Ka-28s for AEW and ASW. 

No' it was not a rumor. It was more than that. But it was an unaffordable option for the IN; which I've explained. And that was common knowledge.

I don't know how people think about this deal in India, but in America, it is a Rumor......

Why India Talked Up a U.S. Carrier Deal - Businessweek

Again, as i said, unless India is looking for an empty hull, there are still tons of technology used in Kitty Hawk used in the Nimitz Class. So, for us, it is a rumor. Because we know for sure they will not transfer Kitty Hawk to even Japan or Israel or the UK, they will not transfer it to an intermediate country like India
I have read that the aircraft carrier will normally carry 20 Mig-29K.

In a war situation would be possible to increase this number to 30 to give a far more potent air-group capability?
From what i hear it is 20 Migs and 14 Helicopters
I don't know how people think about this deal in India, but in America, it is a Rumor......

Why India Talked Up a U.S. Carrier Deal - Businessweek

Again, as i said, unless India is looking for an empty hull, there are still tons of technology used in Kitty Hawk used in the Nimitz Class. So, for us, it is a rumor. Because we know for sure they will not transfer Kitty Hawk to even Japan or Israel or the UK, they will not transfer it to an intermediate country like India

I am not referring to news reports at all; I am referring to diplomatic discussions.
I am not referring to news reports at all; I am referring to diplomatic discussions.

it said on the news article, that the spoke person of the Navy denial a deal or offer ever exist

The Navy has no plans of transferring the Kitty Hawk to India," said Lt. Col. Clay Doss, a U.S. Navy spokesperson in Washington

Again, i don't know how or what Indian Think, american think this deal was a hoax to begin with.

Just look why do we transfer Kitty Hawk for free to India?? If there are any agenda behind this deal, then it was to spike Russia. Transferring the Kitty Hawk did all the good stuff for India but did not do any good on the US .

Plus as i said, numerous classified tech is still in use Today in Nimitz Class. making it to transfer to an official Russia Allied unlikely. Kitty Hawk is today still in Reserve Service with US Navy, so if a deal was actually in talk back in 2008, would it be stupid to do so to talk about that then? Even if the deal did exist, and India say yes, there are no way India will get Kitty Hawk anywhere Prior to 2015, when the mandated reserve status have expired..

It will be more believable if a deal has surface this year or next when the Kitty Hawk got stuck from Naval register in 2015.

National Defense Reserve Fleet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Again, this is how American feel about the deal, as far as we concern, the deal was a hoax. There are more requirment and regulation we know and you don't know......
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