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INS Kolkata, navy’s most powerful warship, to be delivered next month

Plus the admiral and others were able to view it the next day. Not sure why indian media keep bringing that up.
The thing is he gave the IN absolutely no notice and proposed veering away from the agreed upon itineracy for which a visit to the CIC was never cleared by the IN. The offer to come on the next day had it been accepted would have seen the IN have notice so they could put all the sensitive electronics in the CIC in "demo mode" so as to not give anything away.

The reason why this is continually brought up is because the Adm's actions were/are HIGHLY irregular and contrary to established international norms. For an officer of such seniority it really is quite shocking and hints at the fact there was something more going on here, this wasn't some simple spur of the moment over exuberance on the Adm's part.....

You just don't do what he did.
The thing is he gave the IN absolutely no notice and proposed veering away from the agreed upon itineracy for which a visit to the CIC was never cleared by the IN. The offer to come on the next day had it been accepted would have seen the IN have notice so they could put all the sensitive electronics in the CIC in "demo mode" so as to not give anything away.

The reason why this is continually brought up is because the Adm's actions were/are HIGHLY irregular and contrary to established international norms. For an officer of such seniority it really is quite shocking and hints at the fact there was something more going on here, this wasn't some simple spur of the moment over exuberance on the Adm's part.....

You just don't do what he did.
Not really because Indian was a guest. It's not unusual for the host to make a special request. It wasn't anything out of the norm.
"Indian warship building is coming of age and the Indo-Pacific region knows it. Last week, when an Indian Navy frigate, INS Shivalik, visited China’s Qingdao naval base, China’s navy chief, Admiral Wu Shengli, asked the captain for a tour of the Combat Information Centre, the operation heart of the warship. The Shivalik’s young skipper, Captain Puruvir Das, turned down Wu’s request.

The Chinese admiral would be even more interested in touring INS Kolkata, 7,200 tonnes of bristling steel, which could join the navy as early as next month as the most powerful and high-tech warship in its 140-vessel fleet. Tonne for tonne, the Kolkata will be amongst the most potent battleships in the hotly contested waters of the Indo-Pacific"

What kind of an opening is this? You have your Kolkata, we have the 052C and 052D. Its not like the Admiral is missing out on much....

The combat information centre is too outdated to be shown to an unexpected outsider。

This ship will be without ANY credible air cover for years,yet our Indian friends are already over the moons。The ship's CIWS is also a piece of sh1t。As for Indians' bloated love for Brahmos,it is really down to the fact that they don't have anything else to play with。

Indians get high at the slightest whiff of so-called good news。:D

This is a country that still can't make AESA radar,among others,for itself and has to rely on a foreign suppliers。

the VLS is also of foreign origin。

When will India have its own VLS?:D
The radars,foreign
The engines,foreign
The missiles,foreign(brahmos is foreign too,Russian tech Indian money)
The guns,foreign
The control and combat systems,foreign
The majority of subsystems,foreign
Steel,partly foreign

The ship is over 20 years in the making,yet it will have to wait till 2018(if Israel delivers)for LRSAM etc。:enjoy:

If I were an Indian,I'd pretty mad at the foreign contents、the sky-high cost and the delay and all that。:D
The radars,foreign
The engines,foreign
The missiles,foreign(brahmos is foreign too,Russian tech Indian money)
The guns,foreign
The control and combat systems,foreign
The majority of subsystems,foreign
Steel,partly foreign

The ship is over 20 years in the making,yet it will have to wait till 2018(if Israel delivers)for LRSAM etc。:enjoy:

If I were an Indian,I'd pretty mad at the foreign contents、the sky-high cost and the delay and all that。:D

Choke on this,

Type 52c Destroyer

Propulsion: Ukranian and German

The first two ships' propulsion is in the form of CODOG, consisting of two Ukraine-made DA80/DN80 gas turbines each rated at ~32,600 hp(24 MW) and two Shaanxi diesel engines (Chinese licensed production of the MTU 20V956TB92 (German)) each rated at ~6,700 hp (5 MW). The DA80/DN80 gas turbine is the export version of UGT-25000 of Ukrainian Zorya-Mashprocket State State Enterprise Gas Turbine Research & Production Complex, purchased by China in the late 1990s as part of license-production in China. [1]The UGT25000 has power rating of 25-27MW depending on configuration [2], but could only provide 24MW upon delivery because development was not fully completed when they were sold to China. A total of eight units were originally purchased and Chinese sources have claimed that all had been upgraded, mainly in the area of turbine blade production techniques, and such update had greatly increased reliability and maintainability.

Radar: Ukranian origin


The August 2009 report from the Office of Naval Intelligence states that “the Luyang II DDG possesses a sophisticated phased-array radar system similar to the western AEGIS radar system.” 2009 ONI Report, p. 1. Another author states that “the Chinese bought their active-array destroyer radar from the Ukrainian Kvant organization, which is unlikely to have the resources to develop the project much further.” (Norman Friedman, “Russian Arms Industry Foundering,” U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings, September 2009: 90-91.

Armament: Ex Soviet, French

Copy of Russian S-300V

Cruise Missiles: Made with the help of ex Soviet scientists

Type 210 100mm naval gun: Modified copy of French 100mm Naval Gun

Type 730 CIWS: External design copy of Dutch Goalkeeper, Internal copy of French, Sagem Volcan.

ASW Capabilites: French, European

Sonar: Modified French DUBV-23 sonar

Helicopters : Russian Kamov Ka-28 or Z9 (Chinese copy of Eurocopter Dauphin)

Indigenous Chinese destroyer eh :azn:. More like the United Nations destroyer :omghaha:
Choke on this,

Type 52c Destroyer

Propulsion: Ukranian and German

The first two ships' propulsion is in the form of CODOG, consisting of two Ukraine-made DA80/DN80 gas turbines each rated at ~32,600 hp(24 MW) and two Shaanxi diesel engines (Chinese licensed production of the MTU 20V956TB92 (German)) each rated at ~6,700 hp (5 MW). The DA80/DN80 gas turbine is the export version of UGT-25000 of Ukrainian Zorya-Mashprocket State State Enterprise Gas Turbine Research & Production Complex, purchased by China in the late 1990s as part of license-production in China. [1]The UGT25000 has power rating of 25-27MW depending on configuration [2], but could only provide 24MW upon delivery because development was not fully completed when they were sold to China. A total of eight units were originally purchased and Chinese sources have claimed that all had been upgraded, mainly in the area of turbine blade production techniques, and such update had greatly increased reliability and maintainability.

Radar: Ukranian origin


The August 2009 report from the Office of Naval Intelligence states that “the Luyang II DDG possesses a sophisticated phased-array radar system similar to the western AEGIS radar system.” 2009 ONI Report, p. 1. Another author states that “the Chinese bought their active-array destroyer radar from the Ukrainian Kvant organization, which is unlikely to have the resources to develop the project much further.” (Norman Friedman, “Russian Arms Industry Foundering,” U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings, September 2009: 90-91.

Armament: Ex Soviet, French

Copy of Russian S-300V

Cruise Missiles: Made with the help of ex Soviet scientists

Type 210 100mm naval gun: Modified copy of French 100mm Naval Gun

Type 730 CIWS: External design copy of Dutch Goalkeeper, Internal copy of French, Sagem Volcan.

ASW Capabilites: French, European

Sonar: Modified French DUBV-23 sonar

Helicopters : Russian Kamov Ka-28 or Z9 (Chinese copy of Eurocopter Dauphin)

Indigenous Chinese destroyer eh :azn:. More like the United Nations destroyer :omghaha:
LOLs and you busted the chinese troll.
The combat information centre is too outdated to be shown to an unexpected outsider。

This ship will be without ANY credible air cover for years,yet our Indian friends are already over the moons。The ship's CIWS is also a piece of sh1t。As for Indians' bloated love for Brahmos,it is really down to the fact that they don't have anything else to play with。

Indians get high at the slightest whiff of so-called good news。:D

This is a country that still can't make AESA radar,among others,for itself and has to rely on a foreign suppliers。

the VLS is also of foreign origin。

When will India have its own VLS?:D

How do you know that the CIC is outdated??Your daddy told you,you moron??

It's much better to wait for a year rather than installing outdated soviet junk (S 300PMU) clones.

Your own ships use AK 630 clones,that makes them even worse kind of shit then I suppose.And your ships have got nothing like the Barak 1 missile system either so spare us your nonsense you imbecile!!
As per AESA radars,here are a few of Indian origin



The combat information centre is too outdated to be shown to an unexpected outsider。

This ship will be without ANY credible air cover for years,yet our Indian friends are already over the moons。The ship's CIWS is also a piece of sh1t。As for Indians' bloated love for Brahmos,it is really down to the fact that they don't have anything else to play with。

Indians get high at the slightest whiff of so-called good news。:D

This is a country that still can't make AESA radar,among others,for itself and has to rely on a foreign suppliers。

the VLS is also of foreign origin。

When will India have its own VLS?:D

post reported for uncivil language .
Choke on this,

Type 52c Destroyer

Propulsion: Ukranian and German

The first two ships' propulsion is in the form of CODOG, consisting of two Ukraine-made DA80/DN80 gas turbines each rated at ~32,600 hp(24 MW) and two Shaanxi diesel engines (Chinese licensed production of the MTU 20V956TB92 (German)) each rated at ~6,700 hp (5 MW). The DA80/DN80 gas turbine is the export version of UGT-25000 of Ukrainian Zorya-Mashprocket State State Enterprise Gas Turbine Research & Production Complex, purchased by China in the late 1990s as part of license-production in China. [1]The UGT25000 has power rating of 25-27MW depending on configuration [2], but could only provide 24MW upon delivery because development was not fully completed when they were sold to China. A total of eight units were originally purchased and Chinese sources have claimed that all had been upgraded, mainly in the area of turbine blade production techniques, and such update had greatly increased reliability and maintainability.

Radar: Ukranian origin


The August 2009 report from the Office of Naval Intelligence states that “the Luyang II DDG possesses a sophisticated phased-array radar system similar to the western AEGIS radar system.” 2009 ONI Report, p. 1. Another author states that “the Chinese bought their active-array destroyer radar from the Ukrainian Kvant organization, which is unlikely to have the resources to develop the project much further.” (Norman Friedman, “Russian Arms Industry Foundering,” U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings, September 2009: 90-91.

Armament: Ex Soviet, French

Copy of Russian S-300V

Cruise Missiles: Made with the help of ex Soviet scientists

Type 210 100mm naval gun: Modified copy of French 100mm Naval Gun

Type 730 CIWS: External design copy of Dutch Goalkeeper, Internal copy of French, Sagem Volcan.

ASW Capabilites: French, European

Sonar: Modified French DUBV-23 sonar

Helicopters : Russian Kamov Ka-28 or Z9 (Chinese copy of Eurocopter Dauphin)

Indigenous Chinese destroyer eh :azn:. More like the United Nations destroyer :omghaha:

Not just the destroyer but array of their military assets are either based on stolen technology from US , Russia or off the shelf bought platforms from Russia and Ukraine .

Here are few examples ...
Naval assets directly purchased or produced with help from Russia .

" PLANAF (the air arm of the Chinese Navy) along with PLAAF received about 200 multi-purpose fourth generation fighter-bomber Su-27s and Su-30s of various modifications, along with a license to produce 200 Su-27s and 250 Su-30s domestically. As for the latter (a considerably modernized version of the Su-27), - both purchased and manufactured - China is planning to have over 500 of these aircraft. Also it is in the process to purchase 40 IL-76 heavy air transports and IL-78 air tankers from Russia. "

" 12 Kilo class diesel submarines (Projects 877EKM, 636 and 636M), and 4 Sovremenny class destroyers have been bought from Russia or produced under licence .In addition to this, these Chinese destroyers are equipped with the anti-ship cruise missile, the supersonic SS-N-22 Sunburn (or according to the original Russian nomenclature, R-270 Moskit). "
Choke on this,

Type 52c Destroyer

Propulsion: Ukranian and German

The first two ships' propulsion is in the form of CODOG, consisting of two Ukraine-made DA80/DN80 gas turbines each rated at ~32,600 hp(24 MW) and two Shaanxi diesel engines (Chinese licensed production of the MTU 20V956TB92 (German)) each rated at ~6,700 hp (5 MW). The DA80/DN80 gas turbine is the export version of UGT-25000 of Ukrainian Zorya-Mashprocket State State Enterprise Gas Turbine Research & Production Complex, purchased by China in the late 1990s as part of license-production in China. [1]The UGT25000 has power rating of 25-27MW depending on configuration [2], but could only provide 24MW upon delivery because development was not fully completed when they were sold to China. A total of eight units were originally purchased and Chinese sources have claimed that all had been upgraded, mainly in the area of turbine blade production techniques, and such update had greatly increased reliability and maintainability.

Radar: Ukranian origin


The August 2009 report from the Office of Naval Intelligence states that “the Luyang II DDG possesses a sophisticated phased-array radar system similar to the western AEGIS radar system.” 2009 ONI Report, p. 1. Another author states that “the Chinese bought their active-array destroyer radar from the Ukrainian Kvant organization, which is unlikely to have the resources to develop the project much further.” (Norman Friedman, “Russian Arms Industry Foundering,” U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings, September 2009: 90-91.

Armament: Ex Soviet, French

Copy of Russian S-300V

Cruise Missiles: Made with the help of ex Soviet scientists

Type 210 100mm naval gun: Modified copy of French 100mm Naval Gun

Type 730 CIWS: External design copy of Dutch Goalkeeper, Internal copy of French, Sagem Volcan.

ASW Capabilites: French, European

Sonar: Modified French DUBV-23 sonar

Helicopters : Russian Kamov Ka-28 or Z9 (Chinese copy of Eurocopter Dauphin)

Indigenous Chinese destroyer eh :azn:. More like the United Nations destroyer :omghaha:

purely speculation and even if true all components are built and upgraded multiple times already by china since first lauched a decade ago. they did what they had to do like all others had done before them to be come self reliance. india is importing everything and still taking long time. not the same..lol
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purely speculation and even if true all components are built and upgraded multiple times already by china since first lauched a decade ago. they did what they have to do like all others had done before them to be come self reliance. india is importing everything and still taking long time. not the same..lol
Typical Han :lol: Google who was the largest importer of weapons before India ;)
purely speculation and even if true all components are built and upgraded multiple times already by china since first lauched a decade ago. they did what they have to do like all others has done before them to be come self reliance. india is importing everything and still taking long time. not the same..lol

Chinese economy is 5 times that of India, Chinese IQ is over 9000 that of Indian IQ and still all you guys are doing is copying foreign tech and giving it some Chinese sounding name and claiming it to be indigenous. Quite sad really for a hurr durr cutting edge military super power.

Obviously there is nothing wrong with what China is doing, but it was just to shut the gobs of Chinese trolls here.
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