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Innapropriate advertisements on website

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I am not using my personal computer.

There is naked woman website commercials showing all the time

Than complain to the person whose computer you are using....why complain to webby :D


Webby replace these boring ads from my account :sick:
I get this..I want to know who all are spying on me.

Life is so unfair. I want to see those ads the OP was getting.

I must talk to my government why it censors this mind stimulation from ordinary citizens.
every body must share those inappropriate ads here
I don't usually complain about these things, but recently these video adverts have started popping up on the website. Its very annoying, specially when it starts playing automatically, and when you try to pause them, it opens in a new tab!

Can we maybe get rid of them?:mad:
PLease.... Completely agree...I have like 15 tabs open and i keep searching where the Video advert is..... IF i stop one another pops up elsewhere :angry:
I don't get any video adverts at all! That's probably because I've downloaded a software to eliminate these. I don't remember which software it is but you can check it out on Google and download it.
Its funny that right after I complained I started getting this ad. :cheesy:


WTF google, stop spying on me!:lol:
And im getting a nokia lumia add,web hosting,fb account sign up,free softwaresssss........ before tht some bored asian chick... wtf... my life sucks.. :(
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