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Information Security A Beginners Guide To Terminology

yes that's pretty strong authentication but keep that in mind that the server was IA (Issuing Authority) for Verisign class 1,2,3 digital certificates, the place had NV cameras as well as multitude of sensors as well, i cannot disclose the whole security measures and i am sure besides the obvious ones there were/are others which were above my pay grade

:yahoo: so despite never having worked in such an enviro, my guess / thinking aloud is pretty good. He he.

One could get over 30 sensors now with a darn arduino.
@baqai Sir bachon ky liye khain training/awareness lectures tu start ka prog nahi btw must warn u tried few years back convincing some to peruse as carrier choice cyber security expert(2009) it was start lot of scope par sab bhag gaye btw u tag me so whats my role??teaching them how to break it ? :) as aur tu hamain koi kaam nahi aata .
@ps3linux bhai yeh aap ny mery sab shoq kaisy paal liye check olx last year i imported also as home security system PIR sensors,glass breaking ,smoke,door/windows lock and very good control panel using both wifi and GSM all with battery backup over 48 hours(so they still remain in protection in case of light failure) combined it with 5 mp IP cctv nvr setup u get notification even if away from home.Alhamdolillah ek bhi order nahi milla :rofl:
check latest Dauha cctv cameras they launch with face recognition quite useful i say still waiting they sent me its technical specs
@zulu even the dark side can see the brighter side of things *evil smile* :-)
@ps3linux bhai yeh aap ny mery sab shoq kaisy paal liye check olx last year i imported also as home security system PIR sensors,glass breaking ,smoke,door/windows lock and very good control panel using both wifi and GSM all with battery backup over 48 hours(so they still remain in protection in case of light failure) combined it with 5 mp IP cctv nvr setup u get notification even if away from home.Alhamdolillah ek bhi order nahi milla :rofl:
check latest Dauha cctv cameras they launch with face recognition quite useful i say still waiting they sent me its technical specs

Oh no, not me, I love to built things from the scratch meself. Like I mentioned earlier possibilities with micro-controllers is only limited by one's imagination. I design my own circuits, get my PCBs fabricated (from china cheaper that way), make my own program and then built my gadgets. My lab (better half says junkyard - difference of opinion of course) has millions of worth stuff mostly audio related (call me audiophile) but not limited to it. I wish I could redirect you to my blog but that would not be right. you know what I mean.
Sir reverse engineering software is much easier than hardware like this facial recognition cctv imagine if improve its software to scan quickly also join this setup with database ?still waiting for tech specs as u know they are claiming a lot but in real cheez kiya daity hain .hardware is fun getting some ideas will share IA in inbox with all of u
Oh no, not me, I love to built things from the scratch meself. Like I mentioned earlier possibilities with micro-controllers is only limited by one's imagination. I design my own circuits, get my PCBs fabricated (from china cheaper that way), make my own program and then built my gadgets. My lab (better half says junkyard - difference of opinion of course) has millions of worth stuff mostly audio related (call me audiophile) but not limited to it. I wish I could redirect you to my blog but that would not be right. you know what I mean.

@Möbius Curve bhai check this also kuch apny baray main bhi irshad farmain :)
Sir reverse engineering software is much easier than hardware like this facial recognition cctv imagine if improve its software to scan quickly also join this setup with database ?still waiting for tech specs as u know they are claiming a lot but in real cheez kiya daity hain .hardware is fun getting some ideas will share IA in inbox with all of u

@Möbius Curve bhai check this also kuch apny baray main bhi irshad farmain :)

If its a PC based binary may be easier, but if its a mcu based software very difficult if the mcu is of new generation C51/52 Ok but Atmel, microchip, texas instruments, stm, arm, etc really difficult.

Although because of being cheap Chinese normally use a variant of C51/52.
Sir reverse engineering software is much easier than hardware like this facial recognition cctv imagine if improve its software to scan quickly also join this setup with database ?still waiting for tech specs as u know they are claiming a lot but in real cheez kiya daity hain .hardware is fun getting some ideas will share IA in inbox with all of u

@Möbius Curve bhai check this also kuch apny baray main bhi irshad farmain :)

I was introduced to the world of Linux back in 2013, when, I was tasked with designing Cooperative Communications model by programming in IT++ on OpenSuse 12.3. Since the Fujitsu Machines in our Simulation Lab were imported, they came pre installed with OpenSuse 12.3. That's how my journey began.

Over the coming years I learned, Fedora, Debian, and finally settled on Ubuntu primarily because my Dell Laptop came preinstalled with it without causing any Drivers issues, which is a big headache to address. And once you are fully accustomed to any distribution, you can switch over to any other to your taste, that's the beauty of Linux.

I was passive NOT active on this front, but after troubles with mossad, problems began to grew for me. I was followed physically too, but worse than that my Internet Lines came under the complete surveillance of mossad. First, it was very difficult to observe, and to find out that they were watching every word I was typing, every page i was clicking, but then it became clear like a day sky, through a combination of techniques I employed!

Once they accessed Mozilla Firefox extension on my laptop, and reprogrammed it so that my Firefox page will refresh continuously, hence loading virtual memory and conclusively crashing every time. When I removed that extension, my laptop became normal again! :yahoo:

But it's a world beyond borders, and depends what you want to do. More importantly who YOU are!
My current focus is on Number Theory, Cryptography instead of Error Correction Coding (ECC), as I am becoming obsessed with Numbers, Numbers that matter a lot! That too, when I am having free time.
I was introduced to the world of Linux back in 2013, when, I was tasked with designing Cooperative Communications model by programming in IT++ on OpenSuse 12.3. Since the Fujitsu Machines in our Simulation Lab were imported, they came pre installed with OpenSuse 12.3. That's how my journey began.

Over the coming years I learned, Fedora, Debian, and finally settled on Ubuntu primarily because my Dell Laptop came preinstalled with it without causing any Drivers issues, which is a big headache to address. And once you are fully accustomed to any distribution, you can switch over to any other to your taste, that's the beauty of Linux.

I was passive NOT active on this front, but after troubles with mossad, problems began to grew for me. I was followed physically too, but worse than that my Internet Lines came under the complete surveillance of mossad. First, it was very difficult to observe, and to find out that they were watching every word I was typing, every page i was clicking, but then it became clear like a day sky, through a combination of techniques I employed!

Once they accessed Mozilla Firefox extension on my laptop, and reprogrammed it so that my Firefox page will refresh continuously, hence loading virtual memory and conclusively crashing every time. When I removed that extension, my laptop became normal again! :yahoo:

But it's a world beyond borders, and depends what you want to do. More importantly who YOU are!
My current focus is on Number Theory, Cryptography instead of Error Correction Coding (ECC), as I am becoming obsessed with Numbers, Numbers that matter a lot! That too, when I am having free time.

This thread could utilize your inputs, although everyone has contributed but some of my thoughts/experiences are in post 49 and 77. While you have experienced israelis yourself I have seen stuff in computers, keyboards, routers that would scare the sh*t out of anyone in uniform or if they are linked to aabpara provided if they could understand the gravity of the situation.


Also if you are up to it, there is a private discussion going on here on PDF, on some really serious business regarding cybersec if you are interested we could request @Dubious to add you to the group. It's more towards solutions development and few other things.
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This is an article i wrote for CIO Pakistan back in 2009 and i think it's still valid, it was late picked by Network World International as well https://www.networkworld.com/article/2272493/giving-false-hope-of-security.html

"Hold on let me transfer funds online" may have sounded like a distant concept a few years ago, but today it's happening everywhere. We have moved from the conventional papertrail life to a digital life and with so many advancements so quickly. And everything happens at lightening speeds - just like the transaction.

Information Security is a vast field so what we'll do in this article, is address the most common mistakes committed in our everyday cyber lives, both intentionally or unintentionally, making an impact on our privacy.

In a typical office environment, on average, an individual has a couple of different passwords. A times, these passwords are unique, while in other instances, they are not. But everything has a password - from accessing the domain to email,from the ftp servers or however your unique environment and it's IT infrastructure works. Let's go through the five most common problems associated with usernames and passwords and practices associated with them. We'll talk about the basics, where so much can go wrong username and passwords and the problems associated with them.

1. Keeping same password for multiple login

2. Writing the password on sticky note or on desktop with file name password.txt

3. Sharing of password

4. Easy to guess passwords

5. Shoulder Surfing

All of a sudden, our simple problem, doesn't seem all that basic any longer.

Let's admit it, we are always behind schedule and run ning out of time. In such a scenario (with alzheimer's so contagious!) who has time to remember multiple passwords? If your IT or Network Administrator has enforced some policies than you have to remember combination of upper and lower caps, numbers, symbols and before you know it, you are not a very happy camper. So what you end up doing, is the most convenient option which comes to mind: keep the same password for everything or almost everything and make your life easier. Sure. It's something everyone does on a regular basis. However what you are failing to realize is he big picture. Someone manages to guess one password, they will try that for every other connected faucet in your life. Something, most likely, everything, comes leaking out into the world and no longer remains in your control.

There are times when your IT administrator knows what he or she is doing and makes you have different passwords for different applications running under his domain. You mumble and jumble many impolite words under your breath and in the event that there is a policy which will force-change your password after a certain period of time your IT admin becomes an even less popular chap.

Most people, without really thinking of the consequences, scribble down the password on a sticky note and place it in their line of sight. And in case you aren't a fan of sticky notes, then some opt to create a textfile and name it "my passwords.txt" on desktop. How techie is that!?

With sticky notes, you are inviting everyone in your surrounding to have a go at your private files or to abuse your authorization and authentication which puts you in all kinds of trouble. Server logs can indicate that you (yes, you!) were logged in at a time when something bad (bad!!) happened, and you get in blamed for it.

Password sharing in the office environment is also common practice. After all, you are among friends, aren't you? Some colleague calls you to say the boss urgently needs something and requests your password to make the "transaction" happen. You try and remember to change it later on but forget, as is usually the case. Combine this with the risk that you may only have a "one password fits all policy" and this is one mega disaster just waiting to happen.

'Date of birth', 'name of a child', 'PAKISTAN', 'KARACHI', 'spouse name' or a phone number -you can't be serious and put THIS kind of protection! Now again if we combine this scenario with our first one again and we have a potential problem on our hands.

Something known as 'brute force' refers to the fact that someone is just going to guess passwords based on the details they know about you, and as many tries as it takes, try and force his way into your data. Welcome to Information Security 101!

Is everything lost? No certainly not, there are many ways of properly authenticating users without compromising security. The most convenient way to do so is to use Digital Certificates for authentication purposes than there are OTP's (One Time Passwords). Whichever product or service you end up using make sure it adheres to the five pillars for Information Security. These are:

1. Authentication (The person accessing the information is really the person he or she claims to be)

2. Privacy (Any information exchanged between two parties shall remain private between them)

3. Authorization (The person should have access to information according to his or her authorization level)

4. Integrity (Content of any transaction/information transferred among two or more parties should remain intact)

5. Non Repudiation (In case of any conflict the parties cannot deny or reject their role in the disputed transaction).

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