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Information collected by IB played vital role in raid on Nine Zero

leave him, he isn't going to change his mind.

The west did not like Kiyani. Pakistani political parties did not like kiyani (Kiyani gave only one name for ISI appiontment, when he should've given multiple). And many people like us do not like Kiyani.

He was a good soldier, but he was not army chief category. Musharraf appionted him so he could save him, thus loyalty was greater than courage in this selection.

At the top of the chain we need a strong leader who gives good orders, like Raheal. Look at who he advised for ISI slot, DG rangers, who is doing excellent job cleaning Karachi. Meanwhile Kiyani got that Pasha guy in ISI slot, who was 100% political and PTI background supporter.
He was the best Army Chief Mr he was the most strong leader and He gave best orders and Pasha was not political again based on lies and rumors which idiot PML N used to spread and Raheel sorry but he has exposed your entire PML N idiots

OK then Karsaz Attack which blew one of AWACS that was Bought Recently, GHQ Attack and so many Intelligence Failures are there as well.
School attack yesterday church attack and Air Port attack should I start naming which have taken place under Raheel
School attack yesterday church attack and Air Port attack should I start naming which have taken place under Raheel
These are Civilian Areas I am talking about Sensitive Areas like Faisal Airbase and GHQ itself. I hope you can differentiate between those and another thing Attacks are not that Frequent Compare to Attacks in his Period.
These are Civilian Areas I am talking about Sensitive Areas like Faisal Airbase and GHQ itself. I hope you can differentiate between those and another thing Attacks are not that Frequent Compare to Attacks in his Period.
Even those attacks are still taking place Mr this war will not stop in one day or attacks will stop and school was cantt area
Even those attacks are still taking place Mr this war will not stop in one day or attacks will stop and school was cantt area
Those Attacks are less Frequent because Army this time has initiated Strategy to not letting them enter Civilian Areas that is why we are seeing low Frequency because due to operation most of Terrorists have Escaped to Afghanistan rather then their Hideouts in Settled Areas of Pakistan.
Those Attacks are less Frequent because Army this time has initiated Strategy to not letting them enter Civilian Areas that is why we are seeing low Frequency because due to operation most of Terrorists have Escaped to Afghanistan rather then their Hideouts in Settled Areas of Pakistan.
That strategy was started by Kiyani Mr it will take time its neither fault of Kiyani or Raheel they both wish attacks may stop miracle in one day but unfortunately that is not possible we have pretty much cleared NW still attacks are taking place Mr this is not one day war
That strategy was started by Kiyani Mr it will take time its neither fault of Kiyani or Raheel they both wish attacks may stop miracle in one day but unfortunately that is not possible we have pretty much cleared NW still attacks are taking place Mr this is not one day war
But Attacks like Lahore are telling other story ?
there are peoples & parties still giving them shelter with in these highly populated areas ?
Does any one know for much time current army and ISI chief will hold the office??
hat strategy was started by Kiyani Mr it will take time its neither fault of Kiyani or Raheel they both wish attacks may stop miracle in one day but unfortunately that is not possible we have pretty much cleared NW still attacks are taking place Mr this is not one day war
They know nothing about him, you trying to tell them like
That strategy was started by Kiyani Mr it will take time its neither fault of Kiyani or Raheel they both wish attacks may stop miracle in one day but unfortunately that is not possible we have pretty much cleared NW still attacks are taking place Mr this is not one day war
I never Said Kiyani was at fault either because he inherited his charge during bad times where Lal Masjid issue was used for Political Gains and Army Operation in Tribal Areas were Considered as sending Army against Pakistani people instead of eliminating Terrorists and some Political Forces even did Dharnas for that but at least he should have shown some grip in Protecting Sensitive Installations in Pakistan because even Sensitive Installations came under Attack in his time like GHQ that is huge.
But Attacks like Lahore are telling other story ?
there are peoples & parties still giving them shelter with in these highly populated areas ?
Of Course they would give them Shelter when they can use Lal Masjid for Political Gains against Opposing Candidates in by Elections so expecting them not to use those Terrorist Elements for Political leverages would be Naivety rather then Intelligence. This Political Leverage should be EXPOSED in Pakistan as well by Army and our Agencies so that their real Face comes to light.
Now what MQM terrorists-are you going to blame the moon again for the terrorism our party has unleashed upon the city?
Now what MQM terrorists-are you going to blame the moon again for the terrorism our party has unleashed upon the city?

Needs a little editing. Its confusing, I got your message after reading it thrice, or may be its me only but comma would have been better.
He only left NW
I never Said Kiyani was at fault either because he inherited his charge during bad times where Lal Masjid issue was used for Political Gains and Army Operation in Tribal Areas were Considered as sending Army against Pakistani people instead of eliminating Terrorists and some Political Forces even did Dharnas for that but at least he should have shown some grip in Protecting Sensitive Installations in Pakistan because even Sensitive Installations came under Attack in his time like GHQ that is huge.
Of Course they would give them Shelter when they can use Lal Masjid for Political Gains against Opposing Candidates in by Elections so expecting them not to use those Terrorist Elements for Political leverages would be Naivety rather then Intelligence. This Political Leverage should be EXPOSED in Pakistan as well by Army and our Agencies so that their real Face comes to light.
Only area left was NW under Kiyani and it had two major reasons one was Haqqanis were sitting there and we didn't wanted Haqqanis and reason which is related to it is that USA was pressuring to go in and Kiyani didn't wanted to start the operation and make Pakistan Army look as mercenaries of USA. The image he worked so hard to change
Only area left was NW under Kiyani and it had two major reasons one was Haqqanis were sitting there and we didn't wanted Haqqanis and reason which is related to it is that USA was pressuring to go in and Kiyani didn't wanted to start the operation and make Pakistan Army look as mercenaries of USA. The image he worked so hard to change
Thanks for proving Pakistan had Bad Taliban Good Taliban issues. I almost forgot that point. Anyways Those Haqqanis were either sheltering those TTP or TTP Sheltering Haqqanis in both scenarios our Enemies were there and needed to be taken out.
Thanks for proving Pakistan had Bad Taliban Good Taliban issues. I almost forgot that point. Anyways Those Haqqanis were either sheltering those TTP or TTP Sheltering Haqqanis in both scenarios our Enemies were there and needed to be taken out.
Yes every country has from USA to Russia to every country has this policy and Haqqanis were not sheltering those TTP TTP are locals Haqqanis are not locals for GOD sake at least know things before talking
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