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Information collected by IB played vital role in raid on Nine Zero

Great job IB.

CID under Ch. Aslam did amazing, Still is. I've seen their officers dress in white shalwar kameez in Aslam style. Made me proud.
Citizens Liasons Police is doing an legendary job against kidnapping, now we can add IB to the list of good things in Pakistan police.
Including GHQ, Naval and many infltrations.

Meanwhile, Raheal has launched massive operation, yet we have yet to face such major embarrassment (by launching operation against militants, we should expect a more severe response by terrorists. But it is rather far less than during kiyani tenure)
That is the main Point here Kiyani may not be bad guy but he was a weak link in our Military and that weakness caused us so much during his period which was even Extended by our Govt. I think General Raheel has been the best choice Pakistan Army has today and he is quite Committed to operations in his hands but Kiyani concentrate on Distraction more then Actual Task in Hand. That is why he was weak and he use to care about Political sensitivity quite a lot as well.
That is the main Point here Kiyani may not be bad guy but he was a weak link in our Military and that weakness caused us so much during his period which was even Extended by our Govt. I think General Raheel has been the best choice Pakistan Army has today and he is quite Committed to operations in his hands but Kiyani concentrate on Distraction more then Actual Task in Hand. That is why he was weak and he use to care about Political sensitivity quite a lot as well.
A weak link seriously O Mr he cleared all the areas Raheel only had last 15 % area to clear 85 % area was cleared by Kiyani the one you are calling weak link He massively focused on training and moral of soldiers which was on floor he took it to heights of K2 He was weak your word weak is miserable and hardly based on facts some pathetic lies and delusions which shows your lack of knowledge
@Gazr Your ignorance is quite visible O Mr Kiyani cleared more than 80 % areas from SWAT to South Wazristan to Bannu and keep going he cleared all the areas Mr he equipped and trained Army massively he launched Karachi Operation and when OBL was found even than Raheel was also in Army so it was not Kiyani alone go learn facts before talking
He did some anti Terror Operation indeed but we saw lots of Security Lapse in his period as well. From Karsaz Base Attack in Karachi to Attacks at GHQ itself so he wasnt able to fully Capitalize the gains fully while Raheel Sharif is proving to be quite Capable and he is actually Capitalizing gains from Action taken. You are Wrong regarding Karachi operation because during his tenure the intensity was quite low and we lost one of the most Competent person in Police Force from Karachi as well. His name was Choudary Aslam. If I remember in Lyari when he launched Operation Rangers Muhafiz APCs were bombed by Gangsters in Lyari during his tenure so you can expect the level of Security Lapse Pakistan faced in his Tenure.

These are not even SSG these are infantry Guys and this is one part of what Kiyani has done for our Army @WishLivePak @Gazi
A weak link seriously O Mr he cleared all the areas Raheel only had last 15 % area to clear 85 % area was cleared by Kiyani the one you are calling weak link He massively focused on training and moral of soldiers which was on floor he took it to heights of K2 He was weak your word weak is miserable and hardly based on facts some pathetic lies and delusions which shows your lack of knowledge
He Cleared areas but many Militant Outfits found Refuge within Settled Areas unlike in Gen. Raheel where they had to escape to Afghanistan rather then infiltrating Settled Areas.
Well done IB.

Current lot of Army personnel have seen how their brothers in arms were killed and their throats slit by these terrorists, we can assume by their approach that they have pretty straight forward idea of what are the problems and what is the cure. So they can help all agencies to improve and contribute to bringing back peace to the society.

To enhance IB's role, one way could be inter agencies staff deputations for certain period can be considered, it will help knowledge sharing, and improvement in weak areas. And to enhance their cooperation with other agencies joint ops and training may help. A common secretariat to look after domestic problems and threats may also help.

Last but not the least "Elected politicians' job is to draft laws, they should keep their useless noses out of functioning of any agency and let that agency work for country's interests".
These are not even SSG these are infantry Guys and this is one part of what Kiyani has done for our Army @WishLivePak @Gazi
That was part of Modernization begin During Musharraf's regime so continuing that was in the best interest of Pakistan Army.
He did some anti Terror Operation indeed but we saw lots of Security Lapse in his period as well. From Karsaz Base Attack in Karachi to Attacks at GHQ itself so he wasnt able to fully Capitalize the gains fully while Raheel Sharif is proving to be quite Capable and he is actually Capitalizing gains from Action taken. You are Wrong regarding Karachi operation because during his tenure the intensity was quite low and we lost one of the most Competent person in Police Force from Karachi as well. His name was Choudary Aslam. If I remember in Lyari when he launched Operation Rangers Muhafiz APCs were bombed by Gangsters in Lyari during his tenure so you can expect the level of Security Lapse Pakistan faced in his Tenure.
Lapses are taking place till this time lapses were taking place because before him man didn't considered this our fight many were sympathetic to TTP in Armed Forces it was not possible to take them out once and that operation was done by Police and even Police knew what kind of weapons Liyari gangs had so at least know facts Kid and don't blame Police idiotic moves on Army It was Kiyani who changed the mindset of Army about this war and mindset don't change in one day intensity was same until 16th December only after than things have become fast and biggest event took place under Raheel the school attack

That was part of Modernization begin During Musharraf's regime so continuing that was in the best interest of Pakistan Army.
It hardly had Mr specially infantry guys and there training on war on terror it was Kiyani who did it
Kiyani era has proved to be Wasted in Pakistani Military Establishment because if all those Anti Taliban Operation would have conducted in his period including current Karachi Operation Pakistan wouldnt have suffered that heavily today. No matter he was Political or not but he was a Weak General indeed because Army had seen so many Blowups in his era including the OBL existence in Pakistan near PMA as well.

There is no need to bring OBL to discussion table every time. That matter has not concluded yet, and just US says that they did find and kill OBL in Abbottabad is not sufficient evidence.
That was part of Modernization begin During Musharraf's regime so continuing that was in the best interest of Pakistan Army.
leave him, he isn't going to change his mind.

The west did not like Kiyani. Pakistani political parties did not like kiyani (Kiyani gave only one name for ISI appiontment, when he should've given multiple). And many people like us do not like Kiyani.

He was a good soldier, but he was not army chief category. Musharraf appionted him so he could save him, thus loyalty was greater than courage in this selection.

At the top of the chain we need a strong leader who gives good orders, like Raheal. Look at who he advised for ISI slot, DG rangers, who is doing excellent job cleaning Karachi. Meanwhile Kiyani got that Pasha guy in ISI slot, who was 100% political and PTI background supporter.
There is no need to bring OBL to discussion table every time. That matter has not concluded yet, and just US says that they did find and kill OBL in Abbottabad is not sufficient evidence.
OK then Karsaz Attack which blew one of AWACS that was Bought Recently, GHQ Attack and so many Intelligence Failures are there as well.
OK then Karsaz Attack which blew one of AWACS that was Bought Recently, GHQ Attack and so many Intelligence Failures are there as well.

My point was for OBL only. I am not interested in that Kiyani vs Raheel discussion.

And just to inform you, you cannot blame Kiyani for Karsaz and Mehran.
leave him, he isn't going to change his mind.

The west did not like Kiyani. Pakistani political parties did not like kiyani (Kiyani gave only one name for ISI appiontment, when he should've given multiple). And many people like us do not like Kiyani.

He was a good soldier, but he was not army chief category. Musharraf appionted him so he could save him, thus loyalty was greater than courage in this selection.
There isnt any issue in Kiyani's commitment but he was observed Quite Distracted in Political arena and Public Opinions which does some Damage indeed. What can you expect when our Politicians are organizing Dharnas against Drone Attacks and at the same time provides LAME ARGUMENTS against Military Operations against those Terrorists by Pakistan Army itself. In such situation it is quite Natural that he would have face lots of Pressure in taking out Terrorists even if we have Politicians like that in our Country.

My point was for OBL only. I am not interested in that Kiyani vs Raheel discussion.

And just to inform you, you cannot blame Kiyani for Karsaz and Mehran.
There is no Kiyani vs Raheel here because Kiyani era was unfortunate in Political Front as well when people had high opinions of Lal Masjid Mullahs and One or Two Parties use to Organize Dharnas against Drones while simultaneously Provides Lame Arguments against Pakistani Army under his Command taking out Terrorists themselves.
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