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Informal Movement Orders have been issued to PA Formations

Already another thread is there on this topic.
The 'Jazba' only works for the poets, but alas the real world is not poetic. Iqbal's 'Mamola' (a bird slightly larger than a sparrow) can only fight a falcon in a poem; in the real world, a falcon or a hawk will win over one hundred mamolas.

Real wars are fought with tanks, guns, planes & technology. 'Jazaba' alone is not sufficient. Our Foreign Minister has already ruled out the possibility of war unless India starts it. This news is either a 'Fake' or meant to counter a potential Indian surprise attack.
In that case every conflict would be won or lost on paper before a shot is fired.
Struggles are won or lost by the righteous belief in your cause and not by the numerical strength of the enemy. Causes from Badr to the American war of independence have been won from positions of numerical and economic inferiority.
If our belief in God is worth the name then we have to defend our fellow Muslims from subjugation, death and rape.
Now is the time to stand up and do what is right rather than that which is expedient.
The pen of history is raised, what it will write depends on us. Will it write that the followers of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh stood for what was right and perished/succeeded in the process or that when the time came we cowered in the face of the enemy and proved our declared faith to be hollow.
We must take the step and then leave it in the hands of God. If our Prophet had not thought this way then Islam would have been crushed in it's infancy.

This is a short excerpt from Thomas Paine's The American Crisis. It is far too long to post in it's entirety but it will give you a flavour of the thinking that overcomes all odds and lays the foundations of great nations it is also very apt and pertinent to where Pakistan stands at this moment:

THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated. Britain, with an army to enforce her tyranny, has declared that she has a right (not only to tax) but "to bind us in all cases whatsoever," and if being bound in that manner, is not slavery, then is there not such a thing as slavery upon earth. Even the expression is impious; for so unlimited a power can belong only to God.
Whether the independence of the continent was declared too soon, or delayed too long, I will not now enter into as an argument; my own simple opinion is, that had it been eight months earlier, it would have been much better. We did not make a proper use of last winter, neither could we, while we were in a dependent state. However, the fault, if it were one, was all our own[1]; we have none to blame but ourselves. But no great deal is lost yet. All that Howe has been doing for this month past, is rather a ravage than a conquest, which the spirit of the Jerseys, a year ago, would have quickly repulsed, and which time and a little resolution will soon recover.

I have as little superstition in me as any man living, but my secret opinion has ever been, and still is, that God Almighty will not give up a people to military destruction, or leave them unsupportedly to perish, who have so earnestly and so repeatedly sought to avoid the calamities of war, by every decent method which wisdom could invent. Neither have I so much of the infidel in me, as to suppose that He has relinquished the government of the world, and given us up to the care of devils; and as I do not, I cannot see on what grounds the king of Britain can look up to heaven for help against us: a common murderer, a highwayman, or a house-breaker, has as good a pretence as he.

'Tis surprising to see how rapidly a panic will sometimes run through a country. All nations and ages have been subject to them. Britain has trembled like an ague at the report of a French fleet of flat-bottomed boats; and in the fourteenth [fifteenth] century the whole English army, after ravaging the kingdom of France, was driven back like men petrified with fear; and this brave exploit was performed by a few broken forces collected and headed by a woman, Joan of Arc. Would that heaven might inspire some Jersey maid to spirit up her countrymen, and save her fair fellow sufferers from ravage and ravishment! Yet panics, in some cases, have their uses; they produce as much good as hurt. Their duration is always short; the mind soon grows through them, and acquires a firmer habit than before. But their peculiar advantage is, that they are the touchstones of sincerity and hypocrisy, and bring things and men to light, which might otherwise have lain forever undiscovered. In fact, they have the same effect on secret traitors, which an imaginary apparition would have upon a private murderer. They sift out the hidden thoughts of man, and hold them up in public to the world. Many a disguised Tory has lately shown his head, that shall penitentially solemnize with curses the day on which Howe arrived upon the Delaware.
A warning shot for CPEC and India is trying to reach Pak border. Indian ultimate target to cut Pakitan through GB and reach Central Asia from part of Afghanistan.
I can see the war, Pakistan has no choice to push Indian army back or beyond Jammu. Let's see where Chinese strategy stand.
Pakistan moved army right after FM visit to China. If India has all right to move its army inside IOK , then Pakistan has no choice to start steaming up its power engine.
A warning shot for CPEC and India is trying to reach Pak border. Indian ultimate target to cut Pakitan through GB and reach Central Asia from part of Afghanistan.
I can see the war, Pakistan has no choice to push Indian army back or beyond Jammu. Let's see where Chinese strategy stand.
Pakistan moved army right after FM visit to China. If India has all right to move its army inside IOK , then Pakistan has no choice to start steaming up its power engine.
Pakistan has no choice of winning or Pakistan has no choice but to push back? Your statement is unclear
Finally.... as they say, it's never too late.
Non the less a good tweet by beloved Gen. Asif Ghafoor, Sixer - as always.

Ind Pak war is not on US agenda. Hence it will never happen.

Limited war was on their agenda till Feb 2019.
Pakistan his no choice of winning or Pakistan has no choice but to push back? Your statement is unclear
I said very limited options left for Pak, all goes to win the situation in its favor. Pak army mobilization started right after FM visit to China. It seems China gave all guarantee till the end of Indian occupation. CPEC after all life line of China and economic prosperity of Pak.
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I said very limited option for Pak, all goes to win the situation in its favor. Pak army mobilization started right after FM visit to China. It seems China gave all guarantee till the end of Indian occupation. CPEC after all life line of China and economic prosperity of Pak.
True, let's hope they can be pushed out of Kashmir with minimal loss
True, let's hope they can be pushed out of Kashmir with minimal loss
India wants to achieve few mulitiple targets.
1. CPEC cut off. Which has both navel and economic importance for China.
2. Reach Central Asia.
3. Control all water resouces, which are in Kashmir
4. Control billions of dollar tourism and farming economy of moderately populated Kashmir
OP parakram for Pakistan Tactical blunder
Funny how you quote an operation which when last repeated for Pakistan caused much less resource bleed than for India.

Considering that for many cantonments in Pakistan it’s practically a 100km drive with the associated troops and their families spread no more than a couple of hours drive from their home towns; its your blunder out of ignorance to state that.
Lol we don't have balls for that
I wonder if you are Syed at all. You seem to love a family of Yazidi. You sound hopeless you sound timid you sound unsyed like.
Remove Syed and be Hammad Ahmed. Syed means sardar(leader) and trust me you sound like a losser sometime. It hursts me seeing Someone with name Syed standing on wrong side.
India wants to achieve few mulitiple targets.
1. CPEC cut off. Which has both navel and economic importance for China.
2. Reach Central Asia.
3. Control all water resouces, which are in Kashmir
4. Control billions of dollar tourism and farming economy of moderately populated Kashmir
Is India crazy? How are they going to achieve those do they think Pakistan will just sit back and watch? Or it so consumed in its hate and anger that they cant think straight? Or Pakistan is a push over and it will do as India says. The last option makes no sense to me because, if that were the case Pakistan wouldn't have do so many operations regarding terrorism and FATA. It would have just looked and watched.

That is why I'm having a hard time comprehending this whole thinking style.
Is India crazy? How are they going to achieve those do they think Pakistan will just sit back and watch? Or it so consumed in its hate and anger that they cant think straight? Or Pakistan is a push over and it will do as India says. The last option makes no sense to me because, if that were the case Pakistan wouldn't have do so many operations regarding terrorism and FATA. It would have just looked and watched.

That is why I'm having a hard time comprehending this whole thinking style.
Do you know Indian has setup GB terror funding cell in Italy. Indian intelligence has data of Pakistani from GB who live outside Pakistan and they reach them and try to buy them. In Kashmir assembly , Indian govt has two seats for GB presentation.

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