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Info on the F-15SA from here and there


Jun 19, 2011
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Some info on the F-15SA I gathered while Internet hunting

In the updated version, the Saudis will receive 84 brand new F-15SAs and have 70 F-15s upgraded.defense-arab.comThe SA model.

comis based on the F-15SE and incorporates stealth technology, the ability to carry a heavy payload, and a long-range capability

** The new and refurbished F-15 jets will be outfitted with a number of capabilities requested specifically by the Saudi military, Dennis Muilenburg, president and CEO of Boeing's defense, space and security division, told AOL Defense yesterday

Those Saudi-specific amenities include a new digital electronic warfare package, a "fly-by-wire' capability and the next-generation Active Electronically Scanned Array radar, he said. That is the same radar on board the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

** and Defense Department officials said in a briefing at the State Department on Thursday that Boeing will deliver the first new F-15 in early 2015 The fighters will come equipped with all the latest refinements, including Active, Electronically-Scanned Array radars — nicer than many of the U.S. Air Force Eagles’s — and a full whack of other weapons and sensors.

F-15SA fighter jets that will be delivered to RSAF will be equipped with long-range radars or long-range air-to-air or to air-to-ground missile systems

the F-15SA fighter jet that will enter into service with RSAF will be supplied with medium-range air-to-air missile systems and long-range air-to-ground missile systems.
The same sources mention in this context that the US lobbies that were opposed to equip the aircraft with such systems have now backed off.

Strike Eagle Sale Sets Stage For Lucrative SNEP II Deal
PJ Media » Gulf States on Arms Buying Binge to Counter Iran Threat
Tactical Report - Saudi Arabia: Boeing F-15SA deal expected in two months (Full report bought by someone I know).
What is going to happen to the remaining 84 F-15 C/D?
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